Stone Cold
If the university accepted smilies gifs and negs in dissertations
alot of you in this thread would be Ph.D by now

alot of you in this thread would be Ph.D by now

For an elephant, the slightest tumble can break bones and/or destroy enough tissue to prove fatal. Predators, however, live by tackling and tumbling with prey. One might think that this consideration would preclude the existence of any predator too large to sustain falls. Weight estimates for the tyrannosaurs, however, include specimens heavier than any elephant.
This nikka right here...
So The Dinosaur Equation doesn't fit the Model breh? Did you check the Dinologists Field Guide 2013 edition? Dinologists hypothesize that this external support may just be more strings isynced to maintain Dinosaur gravitational equilibrium(Dinogravlibrium)
Dont forget about the centripetal force involved when Dinogravlibrium is equated.
Idk much about autistic Dinobable so you're gonna have to check my work breh.
Damn you're stupid son
Damn breh. We've been using the same calender pretty much for thousands of years. The Julian calendar was the most widely one used until we switched to Georgian calender - our modern calender - in the 1500s and it just has some minor differences with the Julian Calendar (couple of minutes shorter and the leap years are every 4 years approximately to keep our time in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun). The ancient Egyptian calendar was also based on 365 days = 1 year. We as humans have been using minutes, days, months, years, etc for thousands of year to quantify how much time has passed... And no people didn't quantify time differently since it still based on the rotation of the earth, and even earlier, when the sun came up and the sun came down. It's still the same amount of time that passes no matter how you want to quantify it. A different example: You driving at 60 mph is still the same speed if you were driving at 96.56 kmh, even though they are both quantified differently.
Stop it breh. If you're numbers are correct, 96.56 kmh is the same speed as 60 mph. But the gregorian calendar is NOT the same thing as the Julian calendar which is why they made the change in the first place. Im not here to argue about calendar changes though. Just to point out that they use "science" to pass agendas on unsuspecting people. Yet some brehs in this thread eat all the shyt mainstream science feeds them anyways.
And some of these same brehs claim to be black which science in the past would have told them theyre scientifically inferior![]()
I believe in dinosaurs because not just whites say they existed. Archeologists all over the world who have unearthed the fossils confirm they existed. But according to a previous poster I still can't call it since whites have already laid their "stamp of approval". Still the immense amount of studies and years of work have convinced me that they exist, and thats just the way it is.
thats true .... BUT like I said Im not an atheist bro...... on the basis of proof and just proof alone they will win an argument against ANY religion ..... that doesnt mean they are right , it just means that AS OF NOW any religious beliefs that were held to the same scrutinity as scientific theories were, they would all fail and couldnt be proven ....
like I stated before Im not against any religion .... but as far as Im concerned science and religion are two separate entities and using one to disprove the other is pointless
Since you don't believe the bones are real, and the data/records are fake, what would make you believe in them other than seeing the long extinct creature breathing right before your eyes?I'd assume that most of the "discoveries" were European based. Would that be a lie? Hey we can even scratch that question. A better one is that how we constitute proof? "People all over the world" are saying such and such so it must be true? Or "people all over the world" saying something constitutes proof?
I wish brehs would be honest and admit they do not need proof to believe EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Lying to yourself (and thusly others) just prolongs the inevitable.
If atheists would win any argument then why cant anyone (even you) prove dinosaurs existed? Or provide proof other than some man/group/building setting up a rock and telling you what it represents?
Since you don't believe the bones are real, and the data/records are fake, what would make you believe in them other than seeing the long extinct creature breathing right before your eyes?
thats my point breh. Yall dont have proof of it. Just their word. Now if you believe them, then thats fine. Leave it at "I believe their words". But dont insult people's intelligence by saying you believe it because of "proof". Because nothing they've provided is proof. Unless you think me waltzing myself and a rock up to you with a wonderful backstory, is proof the the backstory is true. You would never believe that with me, so why believe the same people that used to try and tell us black brehs, that we were SCIENTIFICALLY inferior?what other proof is there?
unless I physically dig for bones myself which I would still have to carbon date anyway....... so more or less back to square one
I actually don't identify myself as an athiest, but lets be honest here. If there was as much evidence supporting events from the bible as there is for the existence of dinosaurs, we wouldn't have that "no proof = didn't happen" argument. We'd have Christians using the found remnents of noahs ark as evidence of the great floodI've never said they were or werent real in this thread my brethren. Either way, theres not much they could do for me to count whatever they were offering as proof of anything. Thats why I keep asking for proof because how is someone pointing at a rock and telling me what it is/represents proof of anything other than them saying whatever it is they're saying? IMO Theres just somethings that we wont ever be able to prove in the present. That doesnt mean they didnt happen (or do not exist, etc..).
But if we're going by the logic that atheists present (no proof = no existence/didnt happen) then that is what it means. So dont mistake me turning the logic of certain brehs against them for me holding this type of logic/belief for myself. That aint the picture Im trying to paint...
I actually don't identify myself as an athiest, but lets be honest here. If there was as much evidence supporting events from the bible as there is for the existence of dinosaurs, we wouldn't have that "no proof = didn't happen" argument. We'd have Christians using the found remnents of noahs ark as evidence of the great flood
So its not that the Native Americans were "slow" it was just the Europeans were much more advanced...
ok bruh
How did they advance technologically if they werent more advanced? More specifically, how did they obtain advanced technology that the Native Americans werent aware of if they werent more advanced in your opinion? Because Im sure you dont attach yourself to the Book of Enoch's interpretation of technology coming from the gods right?