Is there any real proof of dinosaurs? because the bible...

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012

Do you not understand how a "year" is measured? No hate, a genuine question

What is your explanation for the following? Are these all faked?





why dont you go to the museum feel them and find out


May 7, 2012
Im not trying at all breh. Telling the truth comes natural to the real brehs that try to serve the Creator of ALL things :youngsabo:

Nonetheless, I guess we have different definitions of "evidence" or "proof". See, to me, "evidence" doesnt consist of me setting up a rock in a building I call a "museum", then putting a sign up in front of said rock that details what the rock is. No. To me, me placing rock and giving it a backstory, doesnt constitute evidence that the rock is actually what I say it is. For you, that somehow constitutes evidence. This type of flimsy evidence, is probably why you're not on to your leaders and what they have planned for you and those around you in America.

your post highlights the great flaw of "so called Christians"...

you ask for evidence of so called rocks.... scientists carbon date them... " but of course you are going to reject their evidence because it doesnt fit into your theory of the world"

but you are so hypocritical that you will never subject your own religion to the same scrutiny you apply to others...

what evidence constitutes that Jesus walked the earth breh..... show me something other than that book that was cobbled together by commitee

I cant even say the evidence is flimsy.... because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE....

which is why its called a Faith and not a proof


and let me be real with you, I dont give a fukk about a mans doctrine, i dont care If you are a Christian, muslim, Scientologist, or a Hebrew Israelite .... anyone with half a brain can pick holes in any holy book, because none of it stands up to even half of the scrutiny that you people yourself put on science...its the hypocritical bullshyt that people like you spout that is just absurd

for the record im a religious man myself but I dont feel the need to disprove science in order to prove my faith... its just asinine

I just wish someone could explain to me how Noah got all those animals on the ark and none of them ate each other......


Deviatin' septums
May 12, 2015
We get it. You're white (in skin color and/or thought process) which is why you have a problem with people calling out the whites IN POWER who have lied to the general population. The same WHITES IN POWER (this means not the average billy bob down the street) who tried to use science to tell the general population that blacks were inferior? Or that doesnt apply to you as a white man/woman? They changed the way we measure time and then named it after pagan idols but yea "that doesnt matter one bit"

You dont know anything about me to know what I give a "fukk" about or not :manny:
:ohhh: If I hit a nerve, my bad. I was actually interested in what you had to say unlike the other nikka I was quoting.

Listen, I'm not white, nip that shyt in the bud right fukkin now. I don't have a problem with people calling out whites in power. I do have a problem with people calling out what I believe to be true simply because whites said it was true as well. I'm fully aware that science was used to degrade blacks who were and still are physically stronger in an effort to create obediant blacks. And yet studies today tell us that blacks are naturally the stronger race. Do you see what I'm getting at gere?

If the number on the calender means so much to you what have you done about it? If someone asks you for the date you'll say December 14th, 2015. Thats what I meant by it not mattering. Or am I wrong? If you've done anything to change the way you tell time lemme know, I'm not even being sarcastic.


May 7, 2012
Not trolling

I want to learn

let me put it to you this way... and for the record Im a Christian..... we have the remains of Egyptian Pharaohs that have been dated thousands of years before Christ was born .... where is the actual PROOF that Christ or any historical figure from the bible existed....

no bones... no evidence..... just a book written by men...... yet millions of people believe a man parted the red sea....without a shred of evidence , yet those same people will put on their foil caps and question anything .....

men wrote the bible, not God, not Jesus... so If dinosaurs arent mentioned could it be possibly because men are mere mortals and dont know everything?

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012

your post highlights the great flaw of "so called Christians"...

you ask for evidence of so called rocks.... scientists carbon date them... " but of course you are going to reject their evidence because it doesnt fit into your theory of the world"

but you are so hypocritical that you will never subject your own religion to the same scrutiny you apply to others...

what evidence constitutes that Jesus walked the earth breh..... show me something other than that book that was cobbled together by commitee

I cant even say the evidence is flimsy.... because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE....

which is why its called a Faith and not a proof


and let me be real with you, I dont give a fukk about a mans doctrine, i dont care If you are a Christian, muslim, Scientologist, or a Hebrew Israelite .... anyone with half a brain can pick holes in any holy book, because none of it stands up to even half of the scrutiny that you people yourself put on science...its the hypocritical bullshyt that people like you spout that is just absurd

for the record im a religious man myself but I dont feel the need to disprove science in order to prove my faith... its just asinine

I just wish someone could explain to me how Noah got all those animals on the ark and none of them ate each other......

Council of Nicea right?:troll:

No they didnt "cobble" the bible together there:mjlol:

Even the jews didn't deny "Jesus" existed which is evidence in itself

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.

- Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63 (Josephus)

Stone Cold

May 6, 2012
let me put it to you this way... and for the record Im a Christian..... we have the remains of Egyptian Pharaohs that have been dated thousands of years before Christ was born .... where is the actual PROOF that Christ or any historical figure from the bible existed....

no bones... no evidence..... just a book written by men...... yet millions of people believe a man parted the red sea....without a shred of evidence , yet those same people will put on their foil caps and question anything .....

men wrote the bible, not God, not Jesus... so If dinosaurs arent mentioned could it be possibly because men are mere mortals and dont know everything?

so you're a "Christian" but youre looking for the bones of "Jesus"?:leon:


Nov 21, 2013

your post highlights the great flaw of "so called Christians"...

you ask for evidence of so called rocks.... scientists carbon date them... " but of course you are going to reject their evidence because it doesnt fit into your theory of the world"

but you are so hypocritical that you will never subject your own religion to the same scrutiny you apply to others...

Again, its atheists for the most part who say they will not believe ANYTHING without proof. So when I put the fire to that azz (metaphorically of course) you want to try your own logic against me lol. You claimed there was evidence of dinosaurs but when I brought that flame out you start backtracking and trying to see what I believe :mjlol:

For the record breh, Im not Christian :umad: nor do I ascribe to the belief of "if theres no proof I wont believe anything" because there are things that are true that cannot be proven. If you need a great example, think of the existence of planets in biblical times and how no one at that time would have the ability to prove their existence. Yet, looking back, does that mean that at that time, since there was no proof, the planets did not exist but now that theres proof, they exist again?

what evidence constitutes that Jesus walked the earth breh..... show me something other than that book that was cobbled together by commitee

I cant even say the evidence is flimsy.... because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE....

which is why its called a Faith and not a proof


We call this a deflection. We're talking about fossil records and how YOU (who needs proof before he/she believes ANYTHING) prove them to be true. What does "Jesus" (whoever that is) have to do with that?

and let me be real with you, I dont give a fukk about a mans doctrine, i dont care If you are a Christian, muslim, Scientologist, or a Hebrew Israelite .... anyone with half a brain can pick holes in any holy book, because none of it stands up to even half of the scrutiny that you people yourself put on science...its the hypocritical bullshyt that people like you spout that is just absurd

for the record im a religious man myself but I dont feel the need to disprove science in order to prove my faith... its just asinine

I disprove lies breh. Whether it be in TV, MOVIES, MUSIC, RELIGION, SCIENCE etc... Thats what I aim to do. Disprove the lies so I (and my fellow man) do not believe them. But this is you simply sidetracking from the fact that you cant prove dinosaurs are/were real. You just go to where someone placed a rock up in a building with a sign detailing what the rock is. Thats "proof" to you lol.

Instead of addressing this, you want to hop on the "fukk religion" soapbox. Been there, done that.

I just wish someone could explain to me how Noah got all those animals on the ark and none of them ate each other......

No you dont wish that. So stop lying to yourself and just follow your leaders to the destruction filled path they're walking on and leading you on. Because thats what you're choosing. And you'll see for yourself...

Mrl HiGrnd

All Star
Jul 4, 2015
Why didn't the Native Americans mention dinosaurs?

Why is the model of the dinosaur anatomically off-balance 99% of the time?

Why do they need strings or other support to hold up dinosaur bones at the museum?

There were no discoveries of dinosaurs before the 19th century

Adults believing in dinosaurs:scusthov:
You either stupid or trolling


May 7, 2012
Council of Nicea right?:troll:

No they didnt "cobble" the bible together there:mjlol:

Even the jews didn't deny "Jesus" existed which is evidence in itself

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.

- Jewish Antiquities, 18.3.3 §63

my friend it was cobbled together ....... some books were left in some books were left out...on what criteria who knows?

the Jewish antiquities that you are quoting where is the proof its thousands of years old... so people just wrote something on a scroll and you believe it huh ..(you see how i used your same argument against you?)

I believe Jesus walked the earth.....

I also believe in dinosaurs .... as far as im concerned the existence of one doesnt negate the existence of the other...

while i believe jesus walked the earth, unlike some brainwashed people I can readily admit there is an abundant lack of physical evidence of his existence ....which is why as I stated before its called a Faith and not a proof...
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May 7, 2012
so you're a "Christian" but youre looking for the bones of "Jesus"?:leon:

Im not looking for anything...... the point Im making is that there are a lot of hypocritical Christians out there who will reject any scientific argument that goes against the teachings of the bible but at the same time absolutely refuse to hold their own beliefs to that same criteria


Nov 21, 2013
:ohhh: If I hit a nerve, my bad. I was actually interested in what you had to say unlike the other nikka I was quoting.

Im gucci breh. I may come off kinda harsh and abrasive but none of yall can get me mad because I see who's really messing up the world and thats where my anger/disappointment is aimed at. Day-to-day brehs aint really up on that level for me to get TOO mad at unless they start talking to reckless (real life not internet).

Listen, I'm not white, nip that shyt in the bud right fukkin now. I don't have a problem with people calling out whites in power. I do have a problem with people calling out what I believe to be true simply because whites said it was true as well. I'm fully aware that science was used to degrade blacks who were and still are physically stronger in an effort to create obediant blacks. And yet studies today tell us that blacks are naturally the stronger race. Do you see what I'm getting at gere?

If you're not white, and you dont have their thought process, then what are you arguing/debating with me for? I said the same whites in power who tried to use science to pass agendas on the general population are still feeding you false info and yet we believe them for what? You seem to have already known that they did that, so why are you blindly believing them when it comes to lets say "dinosaurs"?

If the number on the calender means so much to you what have you done about it? If someone asks you for the date you'll say December 14th, 2015. Thats what I meant by it not mattering. Or am I wrong? If you've done anything to change the way you tell time lemme know, I'm not even being sarcastic.

I pointed out how they arbitrarily decided to change how we measure time. Thats it. Historically, white America has shown you that they'll try to twist science so that they can push agendas on unsuspecting black and white people. So why are people still falling for the okie doke by BLINDLY believing them?


Nov 21, 2013
Im not looking for anything...... the point Im making is that there are a lot of hypocritical Christians out there who will reject any scientific argument that goes against the teachings of the bible but at the same time absolutely refuse to hold their own beliefs to that same criteria

Lets see how honest you are

..... the point Im making is that there are a lot of hypocritical ATHEISTS out there who will reject any argument that goes against MAINSTREAM SCIENCE but at the same time absolutely refuse to hold their own beliefs to that same criteria

True or false? :jbhmm:


Jun 14, 2015
Yes I understand how they measure a year. What I also understand is that they changed the way "years" were measured long ago which means our measurement of time doesnt relate with those who came before us. Do you agree with this?
Damn breh. We've been using the same calender pretty much for thousands of years. The Julian calendar was the most widely one used until we switched to Georgian calender - our modern calender - in the 1500s and it just has some minor differences with the Julian Calendar (couple of minutes shorter and the leap years are every 4 years approximately to keep our time in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun). The ancient Egyptian calendar was also based on 365 days = 1 year. We as humans have been using minutes, days, months, years, etc for thousands of year to quantify how much time has passed... And no people didn't quantify time differently since it still based on the rotation of the earth, and even earlier, when the sun came up and the sun came down. It's still the same amount of time that passes no matter how you want to quantify it. A different example: You driving at 60 mph is still the same speed if you were driving at 96.56 kmh, even though they are both quantified differently.