Why would the bible mention Dinosaurs?
to tell humanity that he originally fukk'd up
this time around...... he got it right with the human race

Why would the bible mention Dinosaurs?
so u saying u believe the bible is 100% factual and real ?
you outgrew the thought of a higher being, yet some of the world's greatest minds haven't. this is humanity's biggest flaw, people think they know everything and write off things they cant fathom.I am open to new ideas as long as they have been thoroughly researched and not simply put forth by an unknown authority with no possible method of verification beyond a single source. A single source which conflicts with all that I have learned and can prove to be true.
I do look at my body and marvel at how intricate it is. And then I realize we eat and breathe through the same hole, which makes choking ridiculously easy, and my dikk is next to my a$$hole, which is basically an amusement park right next to a sewage complex. We also have almost no hair which makes us pretty bad at thermoregulation in many situations, and millions of cancers, diseases, viruses and other nasty fukking maladies. For every single claim of intelligent design there are a million cases of retarded design. You really mean to tell me that bone cancer in children is intelligent design? Disgusting flies that lay eggs in our eyes are intelligent design? 99.9% of the universe vaporizing life upon contact is intelligent design? What the fukk is the point of all the extra planets in our solar system? Beyond stunning beauty, is there any purpose to their existence?
The evidence against an intelligent God, my friend, far outweigh the arguments for one.
I will not stop you believing as you wish, as I do not seek to impose my beliefs upon others (sometimes I can be an a$$hole about it though), but I cannot subscribe to the concept of a higher being, personally. Guess I grew out of it
And if the existence of dinosaurs are confirmed by black archeologists then what? Are we still autistic little children?
Got a link to evolution?First you have to understand how evolution works. Apes and humans evolved from a common ancestor. Apes went one way, we went another. Apes won't turn into humans bruh. It don't work that way.
you outgrew the thought of a higher being, yet some of the world's greatest minds haven't. this is humanity's biggest flaw, people think they know everything and write off things they cant fathom.
There are still dragon /lizards on earth today. The white man's concept of dinosaurs is pure bs tho. I can see you believing in it if your white, cuz yall have to stick together sometimes, but blacks should be skeptical of anything coming out of that peckerwoods mouth. White people have been the most infamous liars the world has ever seen. They hate the truth. Look at all the sculptures, drawings, and paintings that have been changed (lied about) because those shrimp dikk fakkits realized blacks were and have always been superior. Bottom line is their scientist, historians, and archaeologists made up all types of lies to make them look like the keepers of ancient secrets, and yall like little autistic children can't discern the evidence right in front of your faces. By the way, ask a white person why their skin is white and watch them lie and say that their ancestors didn't need protection from the sun, lmao. I hope atleast one of yall is getting this.
Are you real? This is hilarious.
Your poor brain.
what does Albion mean
Got a link to evolution?
I wanna learn more breh
I feel like I've listened to mainstream too much lol and shyt
It's the oldest known name for the island of Britain, where I live.
it means albino
you don't want to go down this path if your white breh