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@DEAD7 's point about wealth redistribution back to the people who gave to you in the 1st place is a very real thing and shouldn't be ignored.
actually it should be ignored you know why. we live in america, where blacks make up less than 20% of the population and own a very very small portion of the local businesses and dont own any portion of the very large business that aint involving entertainment. this means. guess where our money is going to go REGARDLESS of cash payments or not? you will still shop at costco, walmart, ralphs, kroger, target, TJ maxx, Macys, Sears, etc, etc. You will still eat at fast food spots that are not owned by us, you will still order pizza on fridays when dominoes, pizza hut, papa johns is not owned by us. You will still go get gas at arco, shell, etc that is not owned by us. You will go get your brand new car at the next ford dealership, that is not owned by us. What will happen is if they gave us everything we deserved. we would either have part ownership in some of these large/small companies cause we should. or we will have enough cash, exemptions (taxes, education, etc.) to the point where we could start building up our own businesses small and large. You dont build walmart in a day. that takes decades to pull off. yes we will finally be able to have more local stuff close by. and the more local stuff owned by us close by we will be able to STAY in the hood when we choose to eat out, grocery shop, etc. But until that is the case Country wide, the rest of us will be stuck at target getting our toilet paper, shower gel, and paper towels. it is what it is. until its something different. different takes a lot of time. reparations will not fix everything. reparations and a lot of time will fix a lot though.
You want a solid argument that has always won even with civil rights. Its called Green/Money. if you give me cash in hand not just exemptions or other stuff that aint cash. I will promise you that X number of black dollars will flow right back into the economy and in the hands of some black, a lot of asian, a lot of hispanic, a lot of jewish, a lot of non jewish white folks hands. thats the reality of it. and we know its true. that is an excellent way to sell it. Look. you pay me my money and I will have money to spend. now payday loans will be dead. sorry. a lot of check cashing places will go extinct. basically us paying an extra tax for being broke in the hood will be gone because we have money now. but that money has to be spent some where. and right now black folks dont have the infrastructure to hold all that money to themselves. they just dont. so that means X amt of dollars has to go into the hands of OTHERS. its just math. at least for a good 50 or so years. its going to take a long time even with reps to basically do what we see other communities doing as a group. Even once we get our businesses popping, where do you think we are going to get our bulk items from or wholesale items? Asians(they have it on lock), whites(they've been at this for 100's of years), some latins depending on the sector.
Now maybe we could link up with our african brothers and sistas across the pond and moves some products back and forth. again another nice talking point to keep them from hating so hard on an ADOS movement. it will financially help them too.because i promise you there are tons of us that would love to do REAL big business with them but we dont have the access to capital we would need to make a dent. the tourism over there will blow up as well. a lot of people would have enough money to finally say forget it and just head on out to the motherland and never come back.