I notice you keep acting like i'm like you. I dont want to hate on your Tax exemptions like you're hating on our cash payments. I SAID. They owe us BOTH, Exemptions and CASH IN HAND. what part of that dont you understand?
aight fam.
I see that despite its faults and the strong opposition to it, the immediate gratification of it, is too much for you(and the majority of ADOS) to see past.
Tax exemption is an enduring benefit that will outweigh any cash payout long term.
The "what about unemployed negroes" tells me we are shooting at two completely different targets. Im trying to change the economic trajectory of our people in this country, and you are trying to get nikkas paid now! cash! So they can make big moves.
Ima let you cook and shake my head as these white folks bush the idea.
but to your point about unemployment or my point i made. You do realize a lot of us especially black men are not even working, nor do the own businesses. What the hell will an exemption do for someone who doesnt have either? NOTHING. this is why you need BOTH. Exemptions for You and I Dead, Cash for you and I, and those that are not like you and I. GET IT?
I'm about cover all scenarios. because it is owed to us. I'm not making a plan based on something i came up with. They owe us all of that and then some. so my initial request is to give them the Check at the dinner table. you've been eating real good for a long time at this table. TIME TO PAY YOUR BILL. Now they want to argue about who bought all the drinks or who the appetiziers were for, and how some other guests got up and left assuming they paid their share of the tab but they didnt. That aint my problem. You've eaten, now it's time to pay up. these are the items on the bill, invoice, receipt.
It's like saying I only want tax exemptions but no prison reform. nope. they would just lock up more of you black businss owners . so they wouldnt have to pay that tax, and get tax dollars at the prisons for your black a... headcount.
give me what you owe me and you all me all of it(cash, exemptions, etc, etc, etc.)
You do realize black people are broke people in general. therefore, we dont have much money in our savings account thats even if we have a savings account. The numbers below are based on people who actually have an account. what if you did the math on all people of these different races. we would have less saved and much worse than even this graph looks.
U.S. Savings Account Balances by Income, 2013-2016
Household Income 2016 Average Savings 2013 Average Savings 3-Year Change
Under $25,000 $6,021 $5,079 +19%
$25,000 - $44,999 $11,719 $9,565 +23%
$45,000 - $69,999 $13,179 $8,932 +48%
$70,000 - $114,999 $15,333 $17,305 -11%
$115,000 - $159,999 $37,645 $20,925 +80%
$160,000+ $117,771 $82,917 +42%
Households in the lowest income bracket were also the ones least likely to have savings accounts at all. Just 28% of those surveyed with an income below $25,000 or less had an active savings account. By comparison, 60% of households making at least $70,000 reported having an open savings account.
SEE above ^^^^ this means the more money/CASH IN HAND. the more you are willing to save. thats just FACTS.
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