Nobody's discrediting Nicki. If she was undisputed, there wouldn't be a question of "is she the undisputed GOAT".
The Lauryn Hill stuff isn't a joke. Putting Nicki Minaj over Lauryn simply based off the amount of albums is like putting Eminem over Biggie.
I don't even see people putting up songs or verses to back up a claim for Nicki. It's all Billboard accolades and if we're going that route, Lauryn Hill is the only female MC that has a diamond album. She sold 400K in a single week, which at the time was more than what ANY female had sold in one week. Madonna, Whitney, Janet, nor Mariah were doing those numbers in one week.
And if you're discrediting Lauryn for singing, AGAIN, Nicki Minaj does A LOT of singing and a lot of those songs sound like Katy Perry or Gaga songs.