Ice Spice- Her inspiration comes from Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, Cardi B… “all of the greats,” she tells Billboard. “I’m definitely inspired by Lauryn Hill and Erykah Badu. But I definitely want to like have my own lane. Where like, it’s just it’s mine. And not like really copying somebody,” says Ice, born Isis Gaston.
^^^ direct quote
A new six-track EP dropped at the stroke of midnight.
Cardi B- In Billboard's "You Should Know" series, Cardi B said the first albums she ever purchased were by American entertainers Missy Elliott and Tweet, respectively. "When I first started rapping [...] I liked certain songs from Khia and Trina, and they [were] fighting songs. I haven't heard fighting songs for a very long time," crediting the two female rappers for her aggressive rap style.
Hip-hop artist Cardi B grew up in the Bronx but spent a lot of time at her grandmother’s in Washington Heights, which might be why she has “such a thick accent,” she says. In Bill…
Noname- Noname has credited Avril Lavigne,[55] Nina Simone, André 3000, Kanye West, and Missy Elliott as her influences.