Mr. Nobody
looks like a fakkit to me
No..YOU step it up..I ain't the most religious person in the world...but having sex before marriage is a sin..ask for is what it is...but marrying the same sex is a whole sinful lifestyle...and ur basically Marrying into a sinful lifestyle that's not considered right in the very place ur getting married..2 different things...2 diff levels of disrespect..u have a prob wit the church...but not EVERY church is corrupt..and what YOU feel about the church is irrelevant..wanna know why?..cause u ain't THEM..if they follow the church enough to get married in one...they obviously wouldn't have the same views as u just spewin out hot air...venting ur frustrations for the church out for no matter what religion..if ur in the place of worship and straight up making a mockery of one of their traditions or guidelines inside that place of will be considered disrespectful...period..and only a dikkhead whose full of himself/herself would not understand I said..I don't have a prob wit them getting married OUTSIDE the church..if I was religious and have my belief system..who the fukk are u to come at me and disrespect it?..nikka you DON'T have all the answers..NO man does...
i don't really care for their rights to marry or not cause for some time i've thought that marriage laws are pretty weird themselves for anyone (gay, straight, etc). so i don't really care that much what happens.
playing devil's advocate: if the argument is that gays should be able to marry because it doesn't change anything in your life and they should have freedom. what's the argument against polygamy or incest? and if it's about the danger of having kids in an incestual couple, then what if they are both sterile? why doesn't the president or Jay-Z stand up for the rights of siblings who want to get married or have relationships??????
I'm just stating what it says in the bible my g...not necessarily my personal views..Mel tried to hit me wit that shyt to shut me I do think if people was less promiscuous there would be less unwanted children and less wildfire spread of diseases n such...whole other discussion tho...Spliz your on point most of the time but your gonna have to explain that one to a brother.
I know I sort of cherry picked that one line and you wasn't addressing me but seriously how could it be a sin?
Son my biology dictates the need to procreate, I don't see what that has to do with marriage.
Are you telling me that the first couple on earth were married?
I'd like to see someone prove that to me.
The only people telling you not to having sex before marriage are the same people who require you have a marriage license so they can tax the life out of a combined household.
there's no such thing as sin. shut the fukk up.
I'm just stating what it says in the bible my g...not necessarily my personal views..Mel tried to hit me wit that shyt to shut me I do think if people was less promiscuous there would be less unwanted children and less wildfire spread of diseases n such...whole other discussion tho...
Thanks for the clarification, I hate threads like these people will generally try and make you look like an out of touch ignorant, bigoted b*stard I doubt Mel was trying that though he was probably trying to play devils advocate.
Me personally, putting all religious books to the side (was in church from young, relatives stretch across all know religions and just plain old atheists) we would all have to agree that, all this extreme promiscuity has a negative effect on society, you don't have to be religious to peep that.
As far as diseases go we cant just blame fast sex for some of the problems, some people are just unhygienic
But i CANNOT withhold my being black from society, i CANNOT pick an opportune time to divulge this information to the world. What your are trying for is a society that not only ACCEPTS what you are but LIKES you for what you are. Its not going to be both and that is where i argue with gay people.
Please sleep and do anything you want with whoever, but why are you forcing me to like you/respect you because you want to sleep with a guy. That does not impress or bother me that is their preference. What if i had a sexual preference to having women piss on me? Should i then force you to like me because of this?
Gay people need to come out and say exactly what they are looking for. If its the same rights as straight couples please, give it to them. But if its to be loved and liked by everyone in the world because they are gay then fukk that!!! i do not want anyone telling how to feel or act and then calling me homophobic or chastizing me for not following suit.
its a civil rights issue u dweebComparing gay rights to civil rights..
This is interesting.
It seems that Jay has taken hip hop and advanced it with the views of oppression by America at the moment while the black church has chosen to stick to its fundamental views.
This is a clear line of separation now in the black community.
For better or worse, Jay is the voice of hip-hop and Gen-X, Millennial Blacks.
The Black Church is predominantly the voice of the Baby Boomer, WWII generation.
One is more liberal. One is more conservative.
The black family has clearly been more conservative in the past but with the rise of the internet and the breakdown of the nuclear family, the stronghold that the church has may have been lost in the mix.
All I know is that Jay through Obama the Oop on this.
^^^^both u and Mel are being fukkin idiots...FORGET ur personal views on the church for a second...I'M not even speaking from a personal viewpoint and yall comprehension is remedial...IF u believe in the church enough to get MARRIED there..THAT means u believe in sin...cause u OBVIOUSLY subscribe to that religion...WHY the fukk would a gay person or any person get MARRIED under an institution that they DON'T believe in?..obviously if the person had yall views on the church...they WOULDNT get married Wtf are yall even talkin bout?..
a lot of non-religious people get married in churches. it's just a tradition, more than any subscription to religious orthodoxy. you're over analyzing shyt.