Read the link in one of those twitter posts.. and damn..
It really did come to past...
Man its alot of interesting stuff when you look at the geopolitics of black empowerment. People would like to make you think blacks around the world werent trying to make moves together and promote the narratives of beefs when that isnt mecessarily true. Elijah Muhammad said it best about how blacks all over the world have their own issues that blacks in another land cant understand yet all of the issues root back to the same issue of white supremacy.
You will have a black immigrant say "man african americans have it so good and dont wanna work and are criminals" because they are ignorant to the history of the systematic creation of the enviornment.
You will them have an African American say "man hell yall doig in africa, got all these respurces and land but stay going to war on some tribal BS" because they too are also ignorant to the systematic creation of that enviornment.
Black first is the overall answer to the problem at the macro level but on the micro level each nation where blacks live have distinctly different issues thus we have to understand this when dealing with others and toss all this c00n pissing contest stuff out the window.