No, its not. One (access to capital) is a prerequisite for the other (economic incentives).
And this is where we are disconnecting, Im not talking about or to people who dont have access to capital. You can't sit at a table without chips. Like I said we are having two different convos right now. At this point of the game Im not about to discuss building and how to get a credit score up in the same convo. People who do not have access to capital should not be discussing building until they have capital. If you want to talk how one will or can get capital cool, but that is a totally different convo than one about building. We can agree the convo on how one gets capital is probably the most difficult one to have as there are numerous varaibles and we all have different personal situations.
My point still stands that BLM can do what it does unchecked because there is no counter movement of people actually building.
My point still stands that there are blacks with capital that do exist, but Im not going to beg someone to do something for the greater good.
I do think we have an issue of people without capital wanting to dictate what people with resources should do, and these people without capital tend to lack business sense thus their reccomendations dont make "sense" economically.
At the end of the day we are all at different stages in life, so for me and my colleagues our focus isnt on how to access capital but more so increase what we have and increase it via building. Thats a different convo than discussing the situation of a joe blow who has nothing. Joe Blow can get advice on how to potentially do something to access capital but joe blow shouldnt be thinking about building until he builds himself.