Red Shield
Global Domination
You'll be seeing it more.
No doubt to that..
You'll be seeing it more.
You be noticing more of this? Where?
Been noticing more and more of this shyt...
Really?You'll be seeing it more.
It's sickening.
Like I said a strong black nationalism movement is the only way to rout out these people...
They get away with this because nobody else black is producing anything tangible thus they can make claims and create the narrative these people are doing something. If there was a class of Blacks producing and creating then BLM would be a non factor. All of the debating at this point is pointless as neither sides our showing results thus its easy for anyone who is speaking something different than the BLM narrative to be dismissed as a "hotep" since they are essentially just talk, no matter if what they are saying is valid or not.
Ehhhh its all engineered this way.
and it is successful because there is no counter movement with actual tangible results.