Free White & 21
You can't raise your kids around white folks exclusively and expect them to somehow love their blackness. BLM is extremely naive. Their whole mission is centered around non-traditional families and non-heterosexuals, they even said they see beyond loving black and buying black.
To get BEYOND buying black you'd have to achieve the goal of group economics amongst blacks in some form or fashion SOMEWHERE - then move past it. They don't even openly recognize black economic issues so they damn sure haven't achieved anything economically.
You can't LOVE black if you don't wanna support traditional family structures. Not only do they not support traditional heterosexual family structure, they're fighting against it.
If you're against supporting and rebuilding traditional black families, AND you're against black economic empowerment (the two biggest issues in black america today) you're an outright enemy of black folks. And that's exactly what they are :