my girl and i was suppose to see this this weekend, but im in the doghouse so more than likely she will go see it with someone else, which may be a good thing because after watching the first ironman the other day for the first time, I wasnt blown away and not really looking forward to ironman 3, i loved me some avengers though
Don't worry, I'll treat her real good![]()
Goddamn, I just read some of yall posts....its no pleasing yall fakkits
No matter what, yall gonna find something to complain about. This movie was dope and it makes the first two films seem small in comparison.
you fukks lied to me He does not go into outerspace in the ending creditsSo IMA JUST SPOIL THIS SH!T FOR THE REST OF YALL
I actually liked it beside being seated next to little baby sonuvabytch (that always ruins movies) The fake mandarin said he had to get plastic surgery, If Hussein had lookalikes why cant the mandarin, (well even tho dude screamed out that he was the mandarin at the end so idk)
Ending was action packed, seemed like a nod to the lethal weapon flicks with it being a black dude and a white dude shooting it out in a harbor.
I think Tony only kept the heart piece because the sh1t was powering other sh1t or he was just too busy to get surgery
paltrow is actually hot in a im doing my sixth grade teacher kinda way
I can see the franchising sh1t start to kick in now, rather than tell a great story that add in stupid shyt like tonys little kid sidekick then at the end he gets a lab so that he can become iron lad in young avengers
Aight ijust came back from it. We talking spoilers in here or we doing another thread?
Don't talk about the ending credits showing Iron Man going to Asgard in here
at complaining about the twist...if anything, that was ingenious. Whole time you thinking dude is some sadistic, bloodthirsty terrorist and he's just an English actor with a drug problem
It makes you question whether there are real terrorists pulling strings IRL like Guy Pearce that go unnoticed because they're not the face of any organization
Like I said, bunch of whiny ass fakkits in here. Comic book nerds critiquing every detail and shyt. There was one corny ass villian in Iron Man 1. Just one. That weak ass dude would've got his ass killed by Guy Pearce and his crewThe villian in Iron Man 2 was bad ass but, he'd get killed too. Iron Man 3 had 10 ex-army muthafukkas who had fire coming out their hands and were strong enough to punch through a tank, strong enough to rip through Tony's suit with just a swipe and you're complaining
Tony wasn't even strong enough to fight Guy Pearce 1 on 1...he had to blow the nikka up and he still didnt die....and yet, yall complaining that it wasn't enough action
Maybe we watched two different Iron Man series because Iron Man 1 or 2 didn't have that much action
Even Gweynth was on someshyt at the end.
And the kid...Tony's scenes with the kid were funny.
Now I know not to listen to any of yall reviews of films. nikkas go to an mindless action movie......a friday night movie to watch with your homies and yall wanna critique this shyt like its fukking Casablanca