Inside Miami’s Luxury Car Hustle: Fake it ‘Til You Make It...Dude gets caught being a MEGA fraud

Oct 22, 2017
fukk all that South Beach bottle popping shyt

I was down there last week and my friends all wanted to meet another friend at some club. Spent a ticket just get into VIP to link up with bro and then somebody confronted me talking about you were drinking from my bottle, I thought that shyt was ours. I looked dude in the eyes, shook my head, and walked straight back to the hotel without telling anyone I was out.

He hit you with the




May 2, 2012
who remembers dude from sohh who claimed or wanted to rent a phantom just to go to a fabalous concert.


May 2, 2012
Toronto/ Jersey / ATL / LA / Panoramic Roofs
The experience is knowing that you own that whip and can stunt on haters any time. :pachaha:

unless your a mutil-millionaire, which most nikkas on The Coli and most nikkas in real life arent:stopitslime::francis:

its not worth out right owning.

I went in on a Huracan with one of my boys. To transfer and plate the car was $83,000 CAD :comeon:

Thats 83,000 dollars that i had to piss away ON PAPERWORK. PAPERWORK MAN, fukkING PAPERWORK!!!!!

We would of been better off buying some weed stocks or a few bricks:hhh::hhh::hhh:

fukk, I would of been better off buying some weed stocks or some bricks.:gucci:

we rented it to a nikka (best piece of advice i can give is to avoid renting to black people:francis:) and he let his baby moms drive it. She ran over a parking curb at mcdonalds trying to show off to some other hood rats and fukked the subframe of the car. $113,000 CAD worth of damage that we're stuck with.

Pop a tire? $2000 for the rubber, $4000 for the rim if you bend it:hhh:

fukk outright owning these machines when you can park the overall responsibility and onus on some one else.

all the intelligent people and business people will tell you: they LEASE
Oct 22, 2017
unless your a mutil-millionaire, which most nikkas on The Coli and most nikkas in real life arent:stopitslime::francis:

its not worth out right owning.

I went in on a Huracan with one of my boys. To transfer and plate the car was $83,000 CAD :comeon:

Thats 83,000 dollars that i had to piss away ON PAPERWORK. PAPERWORK MAN, fukkING PAPERWORK!!!!!

We would of been better off buying some weed stocks or a few bricks:hhh::hhh::hhh:

fukk, I would of been better off buying some weed stocks or some bricks.:gucci:

we rented it to a nikka (best piece of advice i can give is to avoid renting to black people:francis:) and he let his baby moms drive it. She ran over a parking curb at mcdonalds trying to show off to some other hood rats and fukked the subframe of the car. $113,000 CAD worth of damage that we're stuck with.

Pop a tire? $2000 for the rubber, $4000 for the rim if you bend it:hhh:

fukk outright owning these machines when you can park the overall responsibility and onus on some one else.

all the intelligent people and business people will tell you: they LEASE



HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Man...this shyt is just pathetic :scust:
Setting yourself back $6k+ to drive an exotic for the weekend :mindblown: could get yourself a dope ass classic that would actually appreciate in value over time and still let you stand out for 4 or 5x that amount. :snoop:
Shyt, you'd probably stand out even more than the dudes with exotics since it looks like everyone is renting those anyways :snoop:
That old saying more relevant than ever in 2018...a fool and his money are soon parted :wow:
Man...this shyt is just pathetic :scust:
Setting yourself back $6k+ to drive an exotic for the weekend :mindblown: could get yourself a dope ass classic that would actually appreciate in value over time and still let you stand out for 4 or 5x that amount. :snoop:
Shyt, you'd probably stand out even more than the dudes with exotics since it looks like everyone is renting those anyways :snoop:
That old saying more relevant than ever in 2018...a fool and his money are soon parted :wow:

so true....

what these fools fail to realize is that its just as COSTLY to live a "fake life" than an authentic life

when i was a manager i observed how one of my artists was more dedicated to maintaining his "fake lifestyle" than his "art"....

he would blow hundreds of dollars on mall booth jewelry that he constantly had to replace cause the chains and rings would tarnish after no more than 3 to 6 months of wear....

always in presence of thots and groupie byatches who although they were fine as fukk..ain't had a pot to piss in so he had to foot the bill

constantly renting whips on the weekends cause he had to look like his whip game was right ...cause his license and registartion stayed fukked up and his Credit was a disaster report

cant forget the beach house he had me secure for him to throw a "day party"....he had to use his sister's EBT (food stamp) card to get some meats to put on the grill.......

sad thing about it was we had no revenue coming in from his "work" to support this lifestyle...

i remember when reality all came crashing down to him when he asked me about how to create other streams of revenue....

and my response was simply..."How bout you get a JOB?" :ld:

Should have seen the look on his face :picard:

like how dare i tell him to live a "regular life"

and that's what is going on here...people are so ALLERGIC to living a regular life that they will risk destroying themselves to live LUXURY

And the hoes are no different.... :yeshrug: they are the main ones along with social media pushing this "image" addiction......

the last promo girl i had hired for my radio show ....was a very pretty girl who really didn't need to do the shyt she sought to do..

i think she got caught up in the lifestyle...when she was with my team she was getting drinks comped....riding in nice whips (rented of course) to go to events and we even supplied hair and wardrobe...even though me and her argued all the time tell her that she didn't need to wear all that weave cause she had such beautiful long natural hair...

but she felt the need to keep up an image and "thot it up".....after we parted ways...

i would bump into her and still see her trying to live that lifestyle...

talking about she hosting "parties"...renting out rooms to basically smoke and drank with her friends :mjlol:

still in the clubs...buying outfits with money she don't have...cause she a 12$ an hour pharmacy tech

raising a child she gets no child support on ......and a gang of school debt from virginia "college"

she was the inspiration for my "she ain't a bad byatch ..she just a byatch doing bad" series....

coming soon to netflix :lolbron:


Apr 5, 2015
Seeing how naive these young rappers and local wannabes are, shieeet im thinking about making my own business renting out a bunch of replicas.

Make your money back in a month.

What if those car rentals are already renting out replicas???


Finnessing everybody.


That's a real aventador, be fooled brehs, there are like 3-4 different colors throughout the video
That's a real wraith too
Send over your 20K and get sent by mail a kid's model car brehs


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Apr 5, 2015
This is my reply from the first thread, just finished watching the video today and I was pretty accurate :ehh:

Inside Miami's Luxury Car Hustle - The art of Finesse

Super car, luxury rental businesses are very stretchy, truth of the matter they are usually run by average joe who gained access to a large line of credit from someone they personally know so they can drive these cars w/o dealing with the entire cost of running these cars. They are usually in this line of business because they can't really sell anything else.

Always ran by cacs, hispanics and arabs - playing the credit game, I know a few brothers who do it too.

It's all a facade there is no real money in car rental businesses - I've looked into doing it myself. It's more of a hobby where you can own the best, without having to suffer the real cost of owning these cars.

If a Bentyga cost 210K and your monthly payments are roughly 3k-4K a month, you charge the customers 1.5K-2.5K per day to rent the cars. Often rented by business owners so they can write a portion off with travel expenses (dependent on the state amount). You'll have the car monthly payments, insurance etc paid off in 2-4 uses per month.