We've never had allies, but we need to stop worrying about them and take care of our own shyt unapologetically
No need to vote against immigration. That's part of what makes us better than Japan or Switzerland. No need to hate anyone either. Instead take care or own shyt, and take no shyt off of anyone.
No need to be pro English. Most people are smart enough to use English in the workplace but like to relax around there own. Sound familiar?
No need to be against student visas. Again, if we'd take care of our own business, we would fill these spots at schools. Yes, the deck is stacked against us, but there are also plenty of parents, single or not that can teach responsibility and doing well in the school they are in. Not saying everyone should have 4.0s, but we are too worried about being cool or saying our school sucks so its ok if our kids don't do ok.
Sorry, not voting for some conservatives. I've had plenty of academic debate with these people. Refuse to believe one shouldn't exist because they got laid off. Never going to get jiggy with that
Again, take care of ourselves and not worry about Vanity Fair. Let them live in that world while we bath in the black excellence.
How do we start this movement? I dunno. Just know that we need to get past this age of encouraging ratchet behavior. That's not something you are born with, nor does it help one survive or interact or even enjoy life. Only we can fix these problems.
While I like the focus on self-determination....we can't be completely oblivious as to what's happening around us. That's not strategic at all.
As things stand, we *are* worried about them....even if through osmosis. We are the most loyal backers of their backers.
Foreigners have *always* been bad for black people, and that's never going to change. This topic should be example enough of that. These people come over here with WORST attitudes towards us than the whites.
And just to clarify something, I would never advocate for voting for the modern republican party (Particularly in it's current incarnation) It's unfortunate that they are such a shytty part. I advocate for more fluidity amongst the CBC (And honestly, we need to be voting some of these fukks out of office anyways). We don't need to be conservative or liberal, we just need to pick out spots and try to carve out a better future for ourselves that way.
As things stand, we are running out of time...we have *peaked* politically,
because of immigration our political power is only ever going to shrink, we could still form some kind of temporary alliance with the conservatives on the immigration issue that would at least secure our proportional power, but I fear that we're too late and that even the conservatives would rather just bow to the Hispanics than fight against the tide.
Why should we be against immigration and student visas when there are native Africans and Caribbeans who deal with the issue and not just South America....
While this is a good point, we still need to be weary of immigration, because the sum total is not going to work in our favor.
We should be fighting for more blacks to be brought over, while distancing ourselves from the overarching "pro-Mexican" contingent.