Yes it is
So how does the movie end
it was better than yall gave it credit for. it was entertaining, and probably better than the firstalso, seeing it 3d probably helps the experience
Movie was straight. Definitely liked it better than X-men and Batman vs Superman.
-Acting was pretty wack and there is nothing that makes you care whether any of the characters live or die. Cheesy lines
-Some of the movie scenes are Sharknado status, like when one of the major characters dies
- I'm still confused why it ended the way it did
-Good fx generally outside some obvious blue screen moments
-Aliens handing out L's and they're more intimidating
-Pretty fast paced as far as action goes. They don't really build up character relationships because it's quickly on to the next scene of aliens blowing something up
-I liked the introduction of a new major character
I was entertained enough to not be pissed, and I even liked the fact they set it up for another one. If Fast & Furious can go on for 12 more movies with ridiculous plots why not ID4?![]()
What a shytty summer. Suicide Squad can't get here soon enough.
Roland Emmerich has been trash since the 90s. Anything he does is just cheesy fluff for bird brain audiences. I had a glimmer of hope for this movie but should've known better. Summer movie season is just a crowded mess of sequels and remakes, nothing poppin off until August.Will looking like a genius for dodging this bullet and picking Suicide Squad.
Roland Emmerich has been trash since the 90s. Anything he does is just cheesy fluff for bird brain audiences. I had a glimmer of hope for this movie but should've known better. Summer movie season is just a crowded mess of sequels and remakes, nothing poppin off until August.
So looks like
Tarzan will flop
Star Trek will Flop
Ghostbusters looks
What am I forgetting?
I doubt Bourne flops think it's going to be a big hit with Damon coming back.Bourne and Ben-Hur might flop too. Everything else is low budget or a cartoon so they can make their money back somehow.
Definitely.So I should just watch Central Intelligence tomorrow at the $4 matinee.?
I saw it in 3-D and I still hated it.similar to the first one, they got inside the ship and set off bombs.
they basically set the premise for an entire cinematic universe. there's a 3rd alien life that's futuristic AI, it's teaching other alien life forms (on one planet) how to fight against the queen aliens and their hives. they pretty much all but said "..and check back in a few years for that tale!"
i probably would have hated this movie if i didnt see it in 3d![]()
I didn't even think the action was all that great to be honest.This shyt wasRoland Emmerich knows how to make a gorgeous movie and even though this was bigger than the original (which isn't that good either) it's a lot flatter and seemingly moves at a snail's pace even though there's a lot going on. I know it's supposed to be ridiculous but there were moments when I was seriously confused
and not in a good way. And the ending (when it finally came after a couple pump fakes) felt so anticlimactic. The first one is my cousins favorite movie and she fell asleep in this shyt and was mad when it was over
The action was solid and on point, the effects were of course on point as well but everything in between just felt so wooden
How is that even possible? Even if you are unsullied how can you completely avoid trailers for this?Going to a press screening later today. Loved the first one, haven't seen one trailer for this![]()