in all honesty, Dwyane Wade is still the best SG in the league


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
People really comparing fg%, when Wade consistently attacks the baskets for easy dunks and layups ... meanwhile Kobe is kind of past that stage in his career. Of course your fg% is going to be lower when you take more jumpshots.

& I don't want to hear shyt about Wade being a better defender. Wasn't Wade trying to play defense on KB24 in the All-Star Game, and Kobe embarrassed that nikka? So bad he broke his nose? Gtfo. Kobe's out here asking to guard the other team's best player.

shyt is really a toss-up though. I just don't know if I'd pick Wade if I had ONE game, I'd probably go with Kobe. And that's wild since he's in his 16th season.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Wade has never won anything without a big man either

Wade had the best player in the league and a top 5 big last year and still lost

Kobe was hurt last year against the Mavs

Wade just eliminated a team without a top 30 player in the league

It's alot easier for Wade to get off when the best player in the game controls the ball more than half the time

28 Gramz

28 Gramz

nikka,...when shaq was there and kobe was the new arrogant unactualized focal point, offensively as the main option against the pistons.

they got embarrassed,...

alternstively when wade was with a more aged lesser role shaq....

wade also beat that pistons squad with similiar aged over the hill pieces. when kobe failed previously.

wade went hog wild and won the title and an mvp.

when kobe could have done the same damn thing.

wtf,...are you talembout,..b!!

you kobe stans are so delussional,..y'all try to change every scenario to some fske bullshyt and try to change the facts. just like in any mj comparison,...y'all fail at.

since o6 you take wade over kobe if wade has the same particulars that kobe had to win.

in o9,...wade was the best player in bball, on both sides of the ball in this comparison.

if you put wade on the lakers last year they definately compete higher than kobe on the lakers.

with two actualized post players.

whom wade will not humanize and phil.
by simple application wade has better results with those particulars than kobe's results. even if it is just an improvement of a few wins or so in the series.

kobe has broken the spirit of his own teams for two years straight.

humanizing the roster and reducing the spirit of the players to the point of them not being able to compete on the level the roster elicits on paper.

anyone not seeing that is really on bullshyt, real talk wade had no squad against the celt's and had a better showing than kobe, with two post options in o8.

then, later with an undesized squad and no coach beat the celtics.

that drove the lakers to seven games barring roster changes.

also people forget,..nobody bailed wade out of the finals.

like the way pau and artest did and real talk,..with shaq..

kobe was never finals mvp with shaq,...nor did he marginalize shaq when he was on the same team, when he could have.

in the manner that wade did when he won finals mvp with shaq.

it was already proven a younger lesser inexperienced healthy wade was a better option over psycho bean kobe, from o4 till now.

also,...kobe had a poor showing like wade in the regular season. just as poor as wade's showing against te pacers.

yet just like kobe rebounded in hitting a gw. wade rebounded and beat a superior pacers team on paper with an undersized squad, in the off's

art barr

art barr


May 17, 2012
nikka,...when shaq was there and kobe was the new arrogant unactualized focal point, offensively as the main option against the pistons.

they got embarrassed,...

alternstively when wade was with a more aged lesser role shaq....

wade also beat that pistons squad with similiar aged over the hill pieces. when kobe failed previously.

wade went hog wild and won the title and an mvp.

when kobe could have done the same damn thing.

They don't see this for some reason. Apparently, the Pistons in 2004 were ranked 1st in defense while the 2006 pistons were ranked 3rd. That completely explains Kobe shooting 30 percent and wade shooting 65 percent.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
They don't see this for some reason. Apparently, the Pistons in 2004 were ranked 1st in defense while the 2006 pistons were ranked 3rd. That completely explains Kobe shooting 30 percent and wade shooting 65 percent.

the reason why i enjoy tabling kobe stans is,....they don't know the actual facts.

plus use wack perception that makes no sense.

all anyone has to do is know the actual facts to embarrrass them.

they are so used to making a point against younger non-experienced users or people.

they get overconfident and fail to realize.

you pop that bullshyt with someone who does not know and is unaware.

yet,...when a champion comes,..i'm tabling all that bullshyt off gp!!

art barr


All Star
May 9, 2012
wrong, if anything hes the most overated player in the NBA, he consistently gets called top 3 and hes nowhere near that level. W/o another hall of famer on his team he hasnt made it past the 2nd round.

Hes completely overated because of his one "title" and his performance being labeled as "one of the greatest ever" even though we all know his "performance" consisted of him jumping at opponents. flopping and getting calls.

He was trash in last years postseason and Bron carried his asss into the Finals where yes Wade had a better Finals then Bron but nothing special and this year hes been assss minus the past 3 games where in reality Lebronze set him up perfectly.

Kobe won two titles with no hall of fame players. Pau was the 2nd best player and hes far from HOF.

Carmelo > Wade, Carmelo made the conference finals with no hall of famers. Wade without hall of famers= 2nd round


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
the reason why i enjoy tabling kobe stans is,....they don't know the actual facts.

plus use wack perception that makes no sense.

all anyone has to do is know the actual facts to embarrrass them.

they are so used to making a point against younger non-experienced users or people.

they get overconfident and fail to realize.

you pop that bullshyt with someone who does not know and is unaware.

yet,...when a champion comes,..i'm tabling all that bullshyt off gp!!

art barr

you table nothing. you're fukking moronic blatherskite. you bring absolutely nothing to a conversation.

you sit here and bring up a 04. but neglect to mention 00, 01, and 02.

if you dont like a player then you just dont like a player. but dont be an idiot about it. but you cant help it.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
you table nothing. you're fukking moronic blatherskite. you bring absolutely nothing to a conversation.

you sit here and bring up a 04. but neglect to mention 00, 01, and 02.

if you dont like a player then you just dont like a player. but dont be an idiot about it. but you cant help it.

first off,....

you ignorant kaffir ass boi.

you pale incomparison to me in any fukking thing in ya life.

for you to bring up kobe in the three peat.

shows you are unable to identify the constant in any kobe title win as a teammate.

that being he needs to be paired with a dominant post presence to win a title.

which is why no one brought up the three peat.

as it has beem established through fActual actualized history.

kobe can not convert with a team built around him to be psycho bean.

he needs another dominant post player to win, period.

wade has shown he could Accomplish what kobe could do.

with a waning player's post presence.

that is why the three peat was not brought up, ignorant ass nikka.

so, you have brought up the foolish point. that has already been debunked in this convo. so your foolish blatherskite like post exposes your inept bullshyt and attempt at obscure namecaliing.

you little kaffir ass boi....

stop foolishly attempting to deflect.

i easily eclipse you any day of the fukking weak,....

you jealous past tabled victim ass nikka.

also, are so much of a stan.

you lack objectivity and the ability to rationally think.

which results in your consistent shortsighted town cryer ass blatherskite.

you are so behind in the convo trying to stan. you foolishly are not up to speed in the convo and dialectic of wade vs kobe.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Kobe is and has always been a better player than Wade.

wade has been the best player in bball since o9,....

plus the only player in the finals in recent time to actually defy the odds.

willing his way to comeback and win a title.

in a manner that far exceeded kobe's ability with similar parts.

against similiar opponents and in similiar circumstance,....

that is why kobe was gifted with a draft hopeful in bynum.

plus equally backed up with insurance in the gasol trade.

wade with less, any circumstance similiar to kobe or unfamiliar to kobe has done more with lesser parts, from the fo, coaching and incapable roster.

a heat roster that defies typical high percentage bball and playmaking,..that wade has still done more with less than kobe. if compared to one another since o6. it is a fact, kobe cAn not will a properly staffed team with no post presence and higher pedigree coaching to better results. than wade with an inferior roster of undersized players and low bball iq pedigree as a coach.

that is a fact,...for someone to try to defy a faxt is ignorance.

especially when we just saw wade consistently succeed once again over a superior off team on paper. with a heat team riddled with significNt injuries. no actualized post presence or an of size center.

whereas we saw kobe's lack of execution and low bball iq.
gun and break the spirit of a higher pedigree coached ballclub,..for the second straight year.

plus only muster one win,... in a losing effort in two years. whereas alternatively, wade put up better showings and willed his team further with lesser inferior parts and coaching.

those are facts,..anyone disputing that is a fool,.......

wade is the better ballplayer to take right now if you had any team, to place him on over kobe. to win woth kobe you need exactly two constant irreplaceable components to win. that is singularly phil jackson as a coach, and a significant post presence. plus an auxilliary fActor of luck of the draw.

with wade as a ballplayer all uou need is a decently staffed team and inept coaching to achieve higher consistent results,...that is a fAct.

a fact which has played out and rang true since 2006, period.

art barr


May 2, 2012
the reason why i enjoy tabling kobe stans is,....they don't know the actual facts.

plus use wack perception that makes no sense.

all anyone has to do is know the actual facts to embarrrass them.

they are so used to making a point against younger non-experienced users or people.

they get overconfident and fail to realize.

you pop that bullshyt with someone who does not know and is unaware.

yet,...when a champion comes,..i'm tabling all that bullshyt off gp!!

art barr

foh with that bullshyt.

you losers always use that "Wade got a championship with Shaq" shyt. Were you not watching basketball back then? It was alot of shyt going in that locker room. Please read this carefully bruh.....because i really want you to get this. Shaq put his ego aside & let Wade be the captain of the Heat. But for some reason he had a problem letting Kobe do that in LA. 04 Pistons won mainly because of Shaq-Kobe's chemistry going to hell. I'll never understand the nikka. How you beef with one player for trying to step up & be the leader of the squad then go to a new team & be cool with it :what: yea dumbass, you got one ring in Miami but, you could've got 3 or 4 more in LA had you stayed around. Pistons didn't kill that team. Egos did.

Oh noted how Wade beat the Pistons, who in turn embarrassed the Lakers. First, comparing two rosters from two different seasons :beli: Second, Wade also lost to the 2010 Celtics :stopitslime: You know which team gave Kobe his 5th ring right? :mjpls: Wade also lost to the fukking Atlanta Hawks in 2009 :russ: the fukking Hawks :russ:


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
In regards to Shaq and Wade he couldn't even keep that shyt together for too long. Shaq was kind of taking shots and Wade before he even got there and they had some kind of falling out before he left.

Shaq has beefed with damn near every superstar guard he's played with.


May 1, 2012
Shaq knew how great kobe was becoming and his ego couldn't allow him to shine as the number 1 option. Shaq decided to get revenge on kobe by letting wade be the leader, he is so infantile its typical and how the rest of you try to use that against kobe is dumb as fukk.