Immigration. Lets talk about it.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
I feel a kinda dirty agreeing with TWISM though :scusthov:
It's not in black people's interest to support Republicans, and charter schools are not the solution. :ufdup:

:whew:that's a little better


Pick a side.


Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012

but as can be seen the other side of the cism is nutty also, dudes are literally saying immigration laws are immoral and people dont have to abide by them, according to typeusername immigration laws are akin to slavery

Akin to slavery? When did I say that? Care to point it out?

They are immoral, even the United States government has admitted this the multiple times they have amnestied millions of people. Official government policy on immigration from Cuba shows that they understand that foreign policies have an effect on immigration. Right now countless White Canadians can make it across our border without even seeing a soul. No one gives a shyt about that.

I have no issue deporting people who commit serious crimes but deporting people who come here to work, participate in our democracy, contribute taxes and advance our society (most immigrants, legal and illegal, do this) as has been the cornerstone of the US for several generations I don't support. Deporting people who were brought here as children is immoral.


May 3, 2012
I don't think it's in our best interest to be lax with illegal immigration. And our only concern as a nation should be what's best for us.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Akin to slavery? When did I say that? Care to point it out?

They are immoral, even the United States government has admitted this the multiple times they have amnestied millions of people. Official government policy on immigration from Cuba shows that they understand that foreign policies have an effect on immigration. Right now countless White Canadians can make it across our border without even seeing a soul. No one gives a shyt about that.

I have no issue deporting people who commit serious crimes but deporting people who come here to work, participate in our democracy, contribute taxes and advance our society (most immigrants, legal and illegal, do this) as has been the cornerstone of the US for several generations I don't support. Deporting people who were brought here as children is immoral.

oh my bad, you compared it to civil rights

which is stupid, the vast majority of people coming from latin america, asia and other parts are racist as fuk against black people, brazil is probably even more racist then the us, for racist ass immigrants to band wagon on civil rights is....amusing

what the fuk does canadians have to do with anything, canadians arent coming over illegally and if they are they should get sent back

amnesty was a mistake, giving amnesty to people in the 80's is actually what caused the illegal immigration problem now, people like your parents realized that if they came illegally they could play the system, but either way that is not evidence that immigration laws were immoral, amnesty did not take away immigration laws

this whole notion that deporting people is immoral is complete utter busllhit that no nation state would accept, for people to demand the us accept nutty ideas that they would never accept in their own country is hypocritical

i have a better idea, why doesnt brazil eliminate their immoral immigration laws and open their borders to the whole world, how about dominican republic open up its borders with haiti, how about mexico allow all the people fleeing central america into their country, if you are really into open borders and if open borders are so wonderful why not start in other places

its complete utter bullshyt, there is not a country on this planet that would accept the notion that immigration laws are immoral or that its wrong to deport people, foh
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Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
oh my bad, you compared it to civil rights

which is stupid, the vast majoroty of people coming from latin america, asia and other parts are racist as fuk agaisnt black people, brazil is probably even more racist then the us, for racist ass immigrants to band wagon on civil rights is....amusing

what the fuk does canadians have to do with anything, canadians arent coming over illegally and if they are they should get sent back

amnesty was a mistake, giving amnesty to people in the 80's is actually what caused the illegal immigration problem now, people like your parents realized that if they came illegally they could play the system, but either way that is not evidence that immigration laws were immoral, amnesty did not take away immigration laws

this whole notion the deporting people is immoral is complete utter busllhit that no nation state would accept, for people to demand the us accept nutty ideas that they would never accept in their own country is hypocritical

i have a better idea, why doesnt brazil eliminate their immoral immigration laws and open their borders to the whole world, how about dominican republic open up its borders with haiti, how about mexico allow all the people fleeing central america into their country, if you are really into open borders and if open borders are so wonderful why not start in other places

its complete utter bullshyt, there is not a country on this planet that would accept the notion that immigration laws are immoral or that its wrong to deport people, foh

Im a racist now. OK.

The poster asked a question about breaking the law and I responded with two examples about how sometimes breaking the law is viewed in a positive light due to moral reasons. You've been twisting my words the entire thread.

The fact is that that due to

A) foreign interventions that you support
B) capitalism that you support
C) competition of cheap labor that you support
D) Drug war that you support

Illegal immigration will continue to exist. There is nothing you can really do about it. Just enjoy the ride until the machines come to take everyone's place.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Im a racist now. OK.

The poster asked a question about breaking the law and I responded with two examples about how sometimes breaking the law is viewed in a positive light due to moral reasons. You've been twisting my words the entire thread.

The fact is that that due to

A) foreign interventions that you support
B) capitalism that you support
C) competition of cheap labor that you support
D) Drug war that you support

Illegal immigration will continue to exist. There is nothing you can really do about it. Just enjoy the ride until the machines come to take everyone's place.

i have no idea whether you are personally racist and frankly i dont care, what i am saying is that latin america is just as racist as the united states if not more, so i think its "amusing" that immigrants come to the us talking about racism and civil rights, immigration is not a counterforce to racism because immigrants are racist themselves and come from racist countries

and i think a lot of people say things in the united states that they would never say in the country they come from, i want to see brazilians, mexicans and dominicans go back to their country and demand open borders and that all immigration laws should be eliminated, nobody would take that seriously, yet you say that in the united states with a straight face

crime will continue to exist to that doesnt mean that we need to do away with criminal laws
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Jul 13, 2012
oh my bad, you compared it to civil rights

which is stupid, the vast majoroty of people coming from latin america, asia and other parts are racist as fuk agaisnt black people, brazil is probably even more racist then the us, for racist ass immigrants to band wagon on civil rights is....amusing

what the fuk does canadians have to do with anything, canadians arent coming over illegally and if they are they should get sent back

amnesty was a mistake, giving amnesty to people in the 80's is actually what caused the illegal immigration problem now, people like your parents realized that if they came illegally they could play the system, but either way that is not evidence that immigration laws were immoral, amnesty did not take away immigration laws

this whole notion the deporting people is immoral is complete utter busllhit that no nation state would accept, for people to demand the us accept nutty ideas that they would never accept in their own country is hypocritical

i have a better idea, why doesnt brazil eliminate their immoral immigration laws and open their borders to the whole world, how about dominican republic open up its borders with haiti, how about mexico allow all the people fleeing central america into their country, if you are really into open borders and if open borders are so wonderful why not start in other places

its complete utter bullshyt, there is not a country on this planet that would accept the notion that immigration laws are immoral or that its wrong to deport people, foh
Exactly, ask him how they treat illegal immigrants in his parents country :sas1:

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
Exactly, ask him how they treat illegal immigrants in his parents country :sas1:

They treat them quite well actually. Brazil has had an influx of Japenese, Lebonese, and Italian immigration. Since the economy has boomed in the last 10 years, Bolivians and Haitians have also come in large numbers.

Brazil, much like the US, has amnestied illegals as recently as a few years ago.

Broadly speaking, Brazil appears genuinely willing to admit undocumented people into its borders. But so far, its approach of issuing humanitarian visas to Haitians even if they arrive illegally undermines its stated commitment to combat human trafficking. Critics say that as the country's international profile and prosperity rises, it must ensure that its immigration policies are unequivocal and highly developed.

Under the plan, those immigrants already in the country who entered illegally will be "regularized."

Unlike the United States, where illegal entry by low-skilled workers is often viewed as a threat, Brazilians are extolling the positives such newly-legalized immigrants can bring.

"For example, the Haitians speak French and could be useful in the cities where the World Cup games will be held," Labor Minister Paulo Roberto dos Santos Pinto said.

Believe right-wing propaganda brehs


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Black people fighting for the right of brown skinned nikkas to work who hate them more than cacs.

c00ns to the nth degree.

We need to introduce a system where English and education competency trumps everything.

show me proof of black people fighting for the rights of brown people? and dont bring up a vid where there is a half dozen black folks at a Mexican rally or something, show me hundreds march for illegal immigrants . Ill wait


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
:blessed: TUH out here giving people that work

you know I used to try and intellectually argue the whole immigration thing a while ago , but i don't anymore , this country was built on immigrants of the illegal kind both here voluntary and brought here against there will , they came from impoverished nations as they do today. I say let them ALL IN , each and every last one, from all corners of the earth. Black,brown,white let them all in, and when people want to talk about we have to enforce the laws of america, what about american border etc etc and all that non sense miss me wit that . The only people that have a true claim to this land are the ones from the First Nation.



Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
:blessed: TUH out here giving people that work

you know I used to try and intellectually argue the whole immigration thing a while ago , but i don't anymore , this country was built on immigrants of the illegal kind both here voluntary and brought here against there will , they came from impoverished nations as they do today. I say let them ALL IN , each and every last one, from all corners of the earth. Black,brown,white let them all in, and when people want to talk about we have to enforce the laws of america, what about american border etc etc and all that non sense miss me wit that . The only people that have a true claim to this land are the ones from the First Nation.



Agreed brother. This is stolen and borrowed land. As long as a false king sits on the throne, all claims to it are valid.



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Agreed brother. This is stolen and borrowed land. As long as a false king sits on the throne, all claims to it are valid.


:heh: People really kill me with that this America stuff and we have to protect our borders :russ: this aint your borders , nothing is going to stop those Immigrants from coming and I tell you what they are hungrier both figuratively and literally than most Americans. The parents are coming here and working hard, the kids are coming and even with the language barrier are busting they asses in school , there starting business etc etc. I still remember the thread from sohh right before it shutdown my last job at a school when i gave those group of 5th -7th graders a test to see who could name the most states and state capitals, my NIGERIAN kids who were here illegally (mom over stayed a visa) blew the american kids out the water, kids had only been in the country for 2 years . The average american is more worried about Kim K. and there duck hunters reality shows, while these immigrants are coming in and going to townnn. Like i said no one is going to stop them, no president no matter how white or republican is going to do what needs to be done , immigration enforcement is a JOKE here.

:mjlol: We can pretty much level to the ground the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan in a few years, but we cant stop some poor, malnourished south american farmers from crossing a couple of our own rivers and desserts. :upsetfavre:

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
:heh: People really kill me with that this America stuff and we have to protect our borders :russ: this aint your borders , nothing is going to stop those Immigrants from coming and I tell you what they are hungrier both figuratively and literally than most Americans. The parents are coming here and working hard, the kids are coming and even with the language barrier are busting they asses in school , there starting business etc etc. I still remember the thread from sohh right before it shutdown my last job at a school when i gave those group of 5th -7th graders a test to see who could name the most states and state capitals, my NIGERIAN kids who were here illegally (mom over stayed a visa) blew the american kids out the water, kids had only been in the country for 2 years . The average american is more worried about Kim K. and there duck hunters reality shows, while these immigrants are coming in and going to townnn. Like i said no one is going to stop them, no president no matter how white or republican is going to do what needs to be done , immigration enforcement is a JOKE here.

:mjlol: We can pretty much level to the ground the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan in a few years, but we cant stop some poor, malnourished south american farmers from crossing a couple of our own rivers and desserts. :upsetfavre:

Spot on. Not to mention that these people talking about "DEY TOOK R JUUBS" and "close the border" are often the most hardened Capitalists. The same system they worship lives off cheap, illegal labor. Notice how most of them don't attack their corporate fathers. :mjlol:

Most of these people also support American intervention for regional superiority without understanding the consequences. Or they support a Drug War that has made several Latin American countries battlefields and now they are puzzled why people who are essentially war refugees are coming. :mjlol:

These right wing types are good for some laughs :pachaha: