Imagine how white liberals will feel when Kendrick gets even more anti Semitic


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
The Jewish people they wouldnt fukk with make up a vast majority of the Jewish population. Imagine if a group of rich black people were at the top of an industry and somebody tried to point to a regular black man and say all blacks are the problem.

I know a kid in commercial real estate who tried talking to a chick connected to a powerful family... uncles got mad when they heard. Told him to send his resume.

I’ll destroy this later if I remember.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
So you think Moroccan Jews are Black then? :obama:

Breh, you can literally test the DNA of Moroccan Jews right now and see they're 31% West Asian DNA. THOSE are the kind of people that were expelled from Spain along with the "Moors". The fact that they called them Black doesn't mean they have black skin.

All around the world, you can see the Semitic genetic signature in Jewish populations. Azerbaijan Jews are 47% West Asian DNA. Georgian Jews are 45% West Asian DNA. Iraqi Jews are 43% West Asian DNA. Iranian Jews are 41% West Asian DNA. Uzbekistan Jews are 41% West Asian DNA. Bulgarian Jews are 33% West Asian DNA. Mumbai Jews and Cochin Jews (both in India) are 27% and 8% West Asian DNA, respectively. Even Ethiopian Jews are 3% West Asian DNA.

You can look at a map of the Semitic genetic signature, and once you get south or west of Ethiopia the ONLY traces are in a few "Coloured" groups in South Africa. If Black folk in the rest of Africa descended from that region, then why is there zero genetic evidence of it? Why do their genes so closely match people from their same and nearby regions of Africa? Why are the customs, cultures, technology, etc. of every group in the region similar in every case to those of other people groups around them, rather than showing some obvious Middle Eastern or Biblical influence?

"Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Cape Verde, and São Tomé and Príncipe"

These were the Portuguese colonies within the continent of Africa. None are in North Africa where Morroco is located. So for you to bring up Morrocan Jews is hella ignorant, therefore you won't get much of a debate out of me. But I will post this Bible verse and Talmud verse to support that bit of history I posted earlier and leave it at that.

Zephaniah 3:10
"10 From beyond the rivers of Cush, my worshipers, MY SCATTERED PEOPLE, will bring me offerings."

Beyond those rivers in that verse is literally Sub-Saharan Africa...

Talmud Sanhedrin 94a

"The Gemara asks: To where did Sennacherib exile the ten tribes? Mar Zutra says: He exiled them to Afrikei, and Rabbi Ḥanina says: To the Selug Mountains."

Tacitus on the Jews:
"Many assure us that the Jews are descended from THOSE ETHIOPIANS who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king." - Tacitus, 1st Century

According to this Roman historian from the first century, they THOUGHT the Jews were of Ethiopian Origin, but Biblical genealogy refutes that. But given the confusion on their origin It would be logical to say that they looked similar, therefore wouldn't be a stretch to say THEY WERE BLACK before they went into Africa.

Imma just leave you with these tidbits, and leave it at that...

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
Kendrick and Kodak unscathed, watching Kanye get crucified
Jay-Z put out a whole Black Israelite/N.O.I. album with Jay Electronica and the only one that noticed was Peter Rosenberg.

Just goes to show tweets have more influence than music in 2022.

Kendrick says the same thing Kyrie did to a beat.

Nike would sign up for a new colab with Kendrick tomorrow and thinks Kyrie is radioactive.

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Kendrick ain’t stand on the Hebrew Israelite talk when Kanye and kyrie was going through it . Not one verse , tweet , Instagram picture, or even a cryptic message . :mjlol: :camby:

Maybe he was slightly confused. Guess he's not as mature as we thought, got some healing to do.