
Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
i don't why, but when reading this i was just thinking humans have always been like this, we just a had facades to hide our true feelings... the internet simply removes those facades and you see what people really think and feel when they are truly honest.... sad, humanity has not progressed much over thousands of years... yeah, maybe technologically wise, but not human nature....

This is untrue
It was not always like this at all, there was not ever in human history such stimuli of dopamine.
This entire thing is not just a behavioral one or sociological, but a neurological & biochemical one as well.

People want likes, and people get likes at a scale that was never possibly before.
Someone can have 10M followers now, how can you say it was always like that? It was never like that.

Someone posts something on social media one night, and the next morning upon waking up they immediately check for updates(likes, comments, saves, reshares..check the reshares etc..).

Social media has changed our entire daily routine.
IG has made careers and bought mansions.
Social media affects how people buy.
Our phone is a 3rd arm right now and almost has it's own section of tissue matter in the brain.

It changed our entire behavior and has had a huge impact on the economy.
This is not something that can simply be trivialized.

There is a massive difference in scale now, and that has changed the whole ballgame.

Also it's proven that people will say something on social media that they often don't even believe, but they'll say it for likes.
Inclusion is a hella of a drug, but social media just needs tweets and IG posts, very little contribution and a biochemical return.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Once again, but for real this time, gonna ask for a ban so I don't get sucked back in. And can't believe I forgot @Geek Nasty in my original list, good looking out breh and do well out there.

Tired of constant fighting even over the most mundane facts. Tired of anti-woman, anti-immigrant, and other stuff that just divides the community. Tired of expending the paragraphs of energy it takes to debunk every short line of unsourced bullshyt. Most of all, tired of having discussions where no one knows who each other is and too many relationships are either negative or nonexistent. I've decided I need to focus my energy on people who actually know me and people I actually know, where the real shyt we've done and cred we have stands before every word we say.

And I'm gonna be honest I've participated in a lot of the negative shyt here. I find myself becoming a more aggressive, more argumentative, more derogatory person the more I post here. So like I've been telling folk since last week (and hinting at for longer than that), I'm getting out of here.

Doesn't mean I'm not gonna miss a lot of you. @FAH1223, @Booksnrain, @gabbo, I respect the hell out of all of you and will be sad not to interact anymore. @Orbital-Fetus, @storyteller, @Cole Cash, @neotheflyingone, @hashmander, @Reality, @Russ, @Sukairain, @Starman, @Robbie3000, @19-, @Serious, @Black Panther, @Jimmy from Linkedin, @Ya' Cousin Cleon, @IllmaticDelta, @88m3, @A.R.$, @2Quik4UHoes, @VegasCAC, @The axe murderer, @Secure Da Bag, @PewPew, @AZBeauty, @Yapdatfool, @lightskin jermaine, @mc_brew, @AndroidHero, @Dr. Acula, @BoBurnz, @intra vires, @Apollo Kid, @Sbp, @Taharqa, @Spatial Paradox, @Mantis Toboggan M.D., @GnauzBookOfRhymes, and even @DEAD7, thanks for being supportive when I did the Historical Beefs series and many of y'all in the other times too. @duncanthetall, @Wild self, @mastermind, @Dray5K, @GPBear, @Dafunkdoc_Unlimited, @Stir Fry, @mobbinfms, @nyknick, @mastermind, I was usually happy to see you input into a thread. @BigAggieLean., @Paper Boi, @Drip Bayless, @™BlackPearl The Empress™ you good people. All you fools in the Coliseum too, the true bball knowledge contingent is more than I can name, just recognize LBJ is undisputed top-2 of all time. @Walt is the legend. @Rarely-Wrong Liggins I always respected you a lot even when we butted heads on shyt. @Barnett114 and @Houston911 thanks for being decent mods.

I know there's a lot of other names that deserved a shoutout but I'm terrible with remembering folks' names, please don't take offense if I left you out.

Remember that those who really care about the Black community and are willing to put their necks on the line for the entire diaspora ain't all that common in this world. We gotta stick together as a community and look out for each other if we're gonna make it anywhere. Stay positive and treat each other with grace, more grace than I've been able to show here.