"I'm sicc of you nikkas acting like cuz I have a fat ass I don't have talent "- female rapper


Jul 24, 2015
Cute face

These women play themselves

but let a man correct this thot behavior he’s an enemy…

so let her learn the hard way …

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
She is the wrong messenger for this.

Because she is obviously posting ass pics and thirst trapping. Girl come on.:rudy:


BUT…there is a conversation to be had about some being unable to compartmentalize a woman’s capabilities from her sexuality especially if she has a certain body type.

It’s an extension of the Madonna/whore complex a lot of guys can’t seem to move past.

It can be frustrating. Because there are women naturally shaped this way. Who aren’t even trying to be out there with it and carry themselves respectfully. But STILL get treated like sexual objects, mistreated, sexually fetishized and considered in a primarily sexual way even if they are brilliant. All because some men can’t get past her appearance.

At some point we gotta learn to move beyond the physical and be more mature. It’s really about growing our mental capacity to stop making simplistic associations. But when it plays out between men and women, it can be compounded by lust.

A chick shouldn’t have to be covered from head to toe to be taken seriously. At the same time, I’m not saying she should be a nudist professor either b/c some idiot will try that dumb line of thot too.:camby:

Obviously yes if you are going to operate in a corporate environment you have to pretend to take these women seriously beyond sexuality. But I will never ever advocate that men change our nature. What men need to learn is how to take women seriously as wives instead of just sex objects. And women need to learn to make them selves into serious candidates as wives and home makers. So that way men aren't changing their mindsets in vain. If women were in their true nature there wouldn't be an issue with how we view women primarily. The only thing out of wack is that women don't belong in the workplace. All we can do is change womens programming from this point,in an attempt to get them back in their proper roles as women. Present day women see it as offensive when you say their primary goal should be that of a wife,caretaker and child bearers.
Feb 27, 2015
Plenty pics of her showing off said ass
Hardly any pics of her in the studio on the mic
No links to her soundcloud but a link to her onlyfans:unimpressed:


Feb 12, 2015
Obviously yes if you are going to operate in a corporate environment you have to pretend to take these women seriously beyond sexuality. But I will never ever advocate that men change our nature. What men need to learn is how to take women seriously as wives instead of just sex objects. And women need to learn to make them selves into serious candidates as wives and home makers. So that way men aren't changing their mindsets in vain. If women were in their true nature there wouldn't be an issue with how we view women primarily. The only thing out of wack is that women don't belong in the workplace. All we can do is change womens programming from this point,in an attempt to get them back in their proper roles as women. Present day women see it as offensive when you say their primary goal should be that of a wife,caretaker and child bearers.
Yeah I obviously respectfully disagree. Our perspectives are too disparate to reconcile but I know there are many who feel this way so I understand.

I don’t think the sum total of any human being is reproductive biology. And a person’s primary role/goal in life should be whatever is true to them. I do think being good parents and spouses is important but that isn’t the only important characteristic of a man or a woman.

I think while unacknowledged, most women, (unless from a privileged background) have always done more than be wives, mothers ect. Moreover we do a great disservice to half the world’s population when we fail to teach people to see beyond our selfish desires we wish to project onto women instead of taking them for who they are. And we promote myopic thinking that stifles civilization and brings us to the brink of reproductive extinction as we are seeing now.

It’s not about changing man’s nature or even demonizing them for their sexuality. But, it’s about them being able to show another skill they are capable of which is metacognition and rational thought to understand the practical value of being able to understand the full value of someone instead of just their parts. It’s a mentally enriching practice for men and a humanizing practice for women. Same for women who only view men in terms of their wealth or utility. We don’t have to devalue those roles but we also don’t have to reduce a human’s infinite divine abilities to only those roles as well.


Dec 5, 2012
she has a fat ass
idc about anything she has to say or her music