"I'm sicc of you nikkas acting like cuz I have a fat ass I don't have talent "- female rapper

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Yeah I obviously respectfully disagree. Our perspectives are too disparate to reconcile but I know there are many who feel this way so I understand.

I don’t think the sum total of any human being is reproductive biology. And a person’s primary role/goal in life should be whatever is true to them. I do think being good parents and spouses is important but that isn’t the only important characteristic of a man or a woman.

I think while unacknowledged, most women, (unless from a privileged background) have always done more than be wives, mothers ect. Moreover we do a great disservice to half the world’s population when we fail to teach people to see beyond our selfish desires we wish to project onto women instead of taking them for who they are. And we promote myopic thinking that stifles civilization and brings us to the brink of reproductive extinction as we are seeing now.

It’s not about changing man’s nature or even demonizing them for their sexuality. But, it’s about them being able to show another skill they are capable of which is metacognition and rational thought to understand the practical value of being able to understand the full value of someone instead of just their parts. It’s a mentally enriching practice for men and a humanizing practice for women. Same for women who only view men in terms of their wealth or utility. We don’t have to devalue those roles but we also don’t have to reduce a human’s infinite divine abilities to only those roles as well.

Who western women THINK they are is based on the programming of this unnatural society that we live in. So what women want to be can't be trusted when they have been genetically modified.Because of course they would desire to be unnatural to survive in this environment. The same goes for the men of this society,so women shouldn't trust what most of us want you to be either. We have to look at nature and the people closest to natural environment to see what women would want to be in a pure state. I may be wrong but I personally don't think western women will be ever to show any contributions they've made that could be greater than being great wives,creating a family,nurturing that family and helping to establish a culture and preserving it. What contribution is more valuable than a womb? If modern women can show me contributions that surpass that of even the home makers of the past I could maybe come off this stance. And the beauty is those weren't even women in their purest form:banderas:. Our women won't want to be anything else. Not once we finally humanize our black women again and rescue them from their ex machina state. I think you know the REAL reason for whats bringing us to the brink of reproductive extinction as you say.
But yes,respectfully disagree as always.


Jun 13, 2019
Her proportions are ridiculous.

Show your bare naked azz brehettes and get mad at men are looking at it.

Men will treat you just like present yourself.

She wants to be taken serious while showcasing all her goods and that isn’t the way it works. Oxymoronic behavior.
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Henny and_ HotWings

A well seasoned nikka
Nov 17, 2017
Bmore stand up!
Ain’t NONE of you nikkas bored with these FAKE asses tho? Yet?


And shame on her for acting like she didn’t go under the knife to get that ass… talking like her shyt just naturally grew like that… bytch please


Nobody hating on you cuz of that :pachaha:
Nov 9, 2017
Bucktown, U.S.A. (Harlem, NY) + 'Cuse, NY
She's just an “IG Rapper” :mjlol: there's a lot of women on IG who put out music for another hustle outside of OnlyFans.

Kinda unrelated but there's a gym trainer/meal prep chick from Brooklyn that I follow on IG who recently dropped a song :mjlol: I couldn't stop laughing when I first heard the chorus :russ:
