I'm not religious, tell me why I should care about Black people being original Jews..


Boxstate's own
Nov 10, 2014
So you are saying slave traders somehow located the specific black jews and rounded them up?

Or other africans identified them and captured them and sold them into slavery

Or, as some claim, the black jews were already in the americas and when native americans/white people arrived they then enslaved them and stole the land?

Or all these people were unwitting pawns used by God to fulfill scripture?

Or are all black/"negroid" people jews? Or only AADOS are black jews?

I am not mocking, I genuinely want to understand.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012

Look at where 'the slave coast' is located. "Juda".

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
I saw a thread on Twitter and someone brought up the Lemba(black)ppl saying their DNA confirmed them being Jewish. Then someone mentioned the Khazar theory stating they came from Europe then claimed they were from Israel. I’m personally not gonna lose sleep over this either way but I also think people should appreciate actual confirmed African Empires because they exist.


Genetic tests carried out by British scientists have revealed that many of the Lemba tribesmen in southern Africa have Jewish origins, according to a report by the BBC. The Lemba, a tribe of 70,000 to 80,000 members who live in central Zimbabwe and northern South Africa, have customs which are similar to Jewish ones: Lemba refrain from eating pork or other foods forbidden by the Torah, or forbidden combinations of permitted foods, wear yarmulke-like skull caps, conduct ritual animal slaughter, have a holy day once a week, and even put a Star of David on their gravestones. According to their oral tradition, the Lemba are descended from seven Jewish men who left Israel 2,500 years ago and married African women, according to the BBC. The Lemba prefer their children to marry other Lembas, and marriage to non-Lembas is being discouraged.

Their sacred prayer language is a mixture of Hebrew and Arabic. Their religious artifact is a replica of the Biblical Ark of the Covenant known as the ‘ngoma lungundu’, meaning "the drum that thunders.” The object went on display recently at a museum in Harare, Zimbabwe, and has instilled pride in many of the Lemba. They say the ark was built almost 700 years ago from the remains of the original ark, which according to the Bible was used to store the Ten Commandments. For decades, the ancient vessel was thought to be lost until it was discovered in a storeroom in Harare recently.

Members of the priestly clan of the Lemba, the Buba – which is one of 12 clans – have a genetic element also found among the Jewish priestly line, known as Kohanim. "This was amazing," Professor Tudor Parfitt from the University of London told the BBC. "It looks as if the Jewish priesthood continued in the West by people called Cohen, and in same way it was continued by the priestly clan of the Lemba.”

Despite their roots, many of the tribe are now Christians or Muslims.

Lemba tribe in southern Africa has Jewish roots, genetic tests reveal

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
You shouldn't, OP. It's :duck: and means absolutely nothing but an earth covenant about blessing the lineage of Abraham and a promise that the ones born through his wife Sarah shall always exist on this planet. In terms of eternity, it's vanity. And accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior puts anyone in humanity under that covenant anyway. :why:


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz
our actual mother cultures (typical west african beliefs) are destroyed in us and we are lied to by cacs in our public school education, so once we realize the story we were given is BS and we dont have anything else that we are really tied to (too much time has passed and we are too genetically mixed up to pick a single west african culture), that makes information in general to be less objective and more personal because nothing is solid for us anymore and we need something other than struggle and proximity to cacness as an identity. if you feel like claiming every culture in the world (blacks were the original jew, muslim, christian, native americans, irish, buddhists, etc.) then you might as well because it's not like you are actually giving up on your actual culture since that was beaten out of us centuries ago. this is actually the american way; culture is weaponized by whites, so many of us try to do it as well, but some try to do it on white terms. some of us think egypt or abrahamic faiths are more respectable than worshipping nature or our ancestors so they latch on to pretty much anything other than the most documented lineages we have.
Feb 10, 2017
A lot of ADOS are ashamed of their West African origins so they claim Egypt, Israel, etc.

I'm not going to turn this into an ADOS vs. Africans thing, though, because there are black people on the Swahili coast who would rather claim descent from Persian/Arab traders than embrace the 99% of their blood that is indigenous black African.


Apr 14, 2015

Look at where 'the slave coast' is located. "Juda".
So becuase the name is Juda it’s referring to Judah


Genetic tests carried out by British scientists have revealed that many of the Lemba tribesmen in southern Africa have Jewish origins, according to a report by the BBC. The Lemba, a tribe of 70,000 to 80,000 members who live in central Zimbabwe and northern South Africa, have customs which are similar to Jewish ones: Lemba refrain from eating pork or other foods forbidden by the Torah, or forbidden combinations of permitted foods, wear yarmulke-like skull caps, conduct ritual animal slaughter, have a holy day once a week, and even put a Star of David on their gravestones. According to their oral tradition, the Lemba are descended from seven Jewish men who left Israel 2,500 years ago and married African women, according to the BBC. The Lemba prefer their children to marry other Lembas, and marriage to non-Lembas is being discouraged.

Their sacred prayer language is a mixture of Hebrew and Arabic. Their religious artifact is a replica of the Biblical Ark of the Covenant known as the ‘ngoma lungundu’, meaning "the drum that thunders.” The object went on display recently at a museum in Harare, Zimbabwe, and has instilled pride in many of the Lemba. They say the ark was built almost 700 years ago from the remains of the original ark, which according to the Bible was used to store the Ten Commandments. For decades, the ancient vessel was thought to be lost until it was discovered in a storeroom in Harare recently.

Members of the priestly clan of the Lemba, the Buba – which is one of 12 clans – have a genetic element also found among the Jewish priestly line, known as Kohanim. "This was amazing," Professor Tudor Parfitt from the University of London told the BBC. "It looks as if the Jewish priesthood continued in the West by people called Cohen, and in same way it was continued by the priestly clan of the Lemba.”

Despite their roots, many of the tribe are now Christians or Muslims.

Lemba tribe in southern Africa has Jewish roots, genetic tests reveal
So becuase one tribe in south Africa has jewish roots therefore all west Africans are jewish:snoop::snoop::snoop:


Apr 14, 2015
A lot of ADOS are ashamed of their West African origins so they claim Egypt, Israel, etc.

I'm not going to turn this into an ADOS vs. Africans thing, though, because there are black people on the Swahili coast who would rather claim descent from Persian/Arab traders than embrace the 99% of their blood that is indigenous black African.
Like I said before this black Hebrew Israelite nonsense is just a form of self-hatred and c00nery


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Why does it matter? Because we are paying billions to Israel with no problems because people believe they are the real jews. It explains why no matter what, everyone else gets reparations but the descendants of slaves doesn't. It

It explains why we went into slavery and what's going to happen to the nations who enslaved us. It tells us that God will plead for his people in the end times.

Revelation 4:3
3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

Isaiah 47

6I was angry with my people

and desecrated my inheritance;

I gave them into your hand,

and you showed them no mercy.

Even on the aged

you laid a very heavy yoke.

7You said, ‘I am forever—

the eternal queen!’

But you did not consider these things

or reflect on what might happen.

8“Now then, listen, you lover of pleasure,

lounging in your security

and saying to yourself,

‘I am, and there is none besides me.

I will never be a widow

or suffer the loss of children.’

9Both of these will overtake you

in a moment, on a single day:

loss of children and widowhood.

They will come upon you in full measure,

in spite of your many sorceries

and all your potent spells.

10You have trusted in your wickedness

and have said, ‘No one sees me.’

Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you

when you say to yourself,

‘I am, and there is none besides me.’

11Disaster will come upon you,

and you will not know how to conjure it away.

A calamity will fall upon you

that you cannot ward off with a ransom;

a catastrophe you cannot foresee

will suddenly come upon you.

1 The vision of Obadiah.

This is what the Sovereign Lord says about Edom—

We have heard a message from the Lord:
An envoy was sent to the nations to say,
“Rise, let us go against her for battle”—

2 “See, I will make you small among the nations;
you will be utterly despised.
3 The pride of your heart has deceived you,
you who live in the clefts of the rocks
and make your home on the heights,
you who say to yourself,
‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’
4 Though you soar like the eagle
and make your nest among the stars,
from there I will bring you down,”
declares the Lord.

5 “If thieves came to you,
if robbers in the night—
oh, what a disaster awaits you!—
would they not steal only as much as they wanted?
If grape pickers came to you,
would they not leave a few grapes?
6 But how Esau will be ransacked,
his hidden treasures pillaged!
7 All your allies will force you to the border;
your friends will deceive and overpower you;
those who eat your bread will set a trap for you,
but you will not detect it.

8 “In that day,” declares the Lord,
“will I not destroy the wise men of Edom,
those of understanding in the mountains of Esau?
9 Your warriors, Teman, will be terrified,
and everyone in Esau’s mountains
will be cut down in the slaughter.
10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob,
you will be covered with shame;
you will be destroyed forever.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
So becuase the name is Juda it’s referring to Judah

So becuase one tribe in south Africa has jewish roots therefore all west Africans are jewish:snoop::snoop::snoop:

Who said all Africans are Jewish? Many Africans are Hamites. There were also a darker skinned people that descended from Shem who are different.