I'm not religious, tell me why I should care about Black people being original Jews..


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
nikka we? nikka me and you ain't never discuss shyt. Especially relating to my ancestors. Why in the world would I have a discussion with a name after Morningstar/Lucifer about my people (God's people)? Why? nikka, you if don't go play in fire and brimstone and leave this topic to nikkas who really know themselves and not nikkas who know Satan, that will be nice. Don't speak on my nikkas. Speak on yours and if you are my people, you need to fall back and check everything you doing and talking about.
And your homeboy actually agreed with me years ago on this topic the one who called americans gator bait.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
He's wrong about that and always has been wrong about that. He's been wrong plenty of times before and I don't see you quoting that. He was also wrong about the use of gator bait. So is this the nikka you resting a serious case on?
Igbos are not Israelites or Jews.

Are y’all creating threads just to get my attention?


Apr 14, 2015
We view the Igbos that consider themselves Jews crazy the same way african Americans view Hebrew Israelites to be crazy as well
I’m proud that my ancestors created Odinani a religion where the Gods and Goddesses are black


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
How do you reconcile these following verses as someone who subscribe to replacement theology.
It’s pointless because Jews are no longer Gods Chosen people. Christians are. Claiming to be Jewish is not saving your soul or bringing you closer to Christ.
1 Chronicles For thy people Israel didst thou make thine own people for ever; and thou, Lord, becamest their God.
Amos 3:2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.
Deuteronomy 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Numbers 23:19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

So he changed his mind about Israel? That even conflicts with the NT Romans 11 about god not casting away his people.

We view the Igbos that consider themselves Jews crazy the same way african Americans view Hebrew Israelites to be crazy as well
That's interesting is it a growing community? I know some isrealite groups in the United States go over there to try to recruit them into their organization.


Apr 14, 2015
nikka we? nikka me and you ain't never discuss shyt. Especially relating to my ancestors. Why in the world would I have a discussion with a name after Morningstar/Lucifer about my people (God's people)? Why? nikka, you if don't go play in fire and brimstone and leave this topic to nikkas who really know themselves and not nikkas who know Satan, that will be nice. Don't speak on my nikkas. Speak on yours and if you are my people, you need to fall back and check everything you doing and talking about.
Bro Ba’ al was actually one of the gods that Jews worshiped when they were polytheistic. Ba’al means the Lord as he was the King of the Gods (similar to Zeus)in ancient Canaanite/Judaic religion and was actually above Yahweh the God of War in Judaism. He only became the devil and Evil once the Jews became monotheistic.
Baal - Wikipedia


Apr 14, 2015
How do you reconcile these following verses as someone who subscribe to replacement theology.

1 Chronicles For thy people Israel didst thou make thine own people for ever; and thou, Lord, becamest their God.
Amos 3:2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.
Deuteronomy 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Numbers 23:19 God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

So he changed his mind about Israel? That even conflicts with the NT Romans 11 about god not casting away his people.

That's interesting is it a growing community? I know some isrealite groups in the United States go over there to try to recruit them into their organization.
It’s a complex most of these Igbo Jews are only Jews to escape the persecution of Igbos after the Civil War. And the fact that Israel helped Biafra during the civil war. Its a way to deny their Igbo heritage becuase stil today if you are Igbo you get discriminated in Nigeria. Igbos are basically like the African Americans and the Jews of Nigeria.Always getting discriminated against but at the same time being the most successful ethnic group in Nigeria and probably all over Africa. They are also similar to the Tutsis in Rwanda


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Thanks for sharing that puts a lot into context on this subject.
It’s a complex most of these Igbo Jews are only Jews to escape the persecution of Igbos after the Civil War. And the fact that Israel helped Biafra during the civil war. Its a way to deny their Igbo heritage becuase stil today if you are Igbo you get discriminated in Nigeria. Igbos are basically like the African Americans and the Jews of Nigeria.Always getting discriminated against but at the same time being the most successful ethnic group in Nigeria and probably all over Africa. They are also similar to the Tutsis in Rwanda


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
He only became the devil and Evil once the Jews became monotheistic.
The word baal in herbrew simply means lord. Anyone can be a lord. Which in the hebraic sense just meant owner, ruler, or a husband.

King Saul son in the bible is named Eshbaal. Esh in hebrew meaning man so Eshbaal is Man of the Lord. 1 Chronicles 8:33

King David even named a Mountain in Israel Baal Perazim.

2 Samuel 5:20 And David came to Baalperazim, and David smote them there, and said, The Lord hath broken forth upon mine enemies before me, as the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that place Baalperazim.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I know there's black people there, my point was that the "We're the original Hebrews" crowd couldn't care less about those black people because Hinduism is not associated with power nor is co-opted by the West.

Most white people aren't going to believe descendants of slaves are the 'real jews', because if they were the real jews, that would bring them under judgment for how they treated them and THEY would have to face severe judgment.

What Earthly power is that recognition going to bring anyone in the immediate future? The Bible promises that Jesus will come later and restore those Jews later, but most want to be elevated now.

There are numerous mentions of the Jews travelling south into Egypt during times of famine such as Joseph's family going to Egypt or Jesus and his family fleeing from Herod by going into Egypt. When the Roman invasion occurred, why wouldn't it be a possibility that they would flee south into a land that they've known, which is Egypt, and possibly deeper into Africa?


Tacitus on the Jews (110 ce)
Tacitus on the Jews - Livius
[2] The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter.note This is a deduction from the name Judaei by which they became known: the word is to be regarded as a barbarous lengthening of Idaei, the name of the people dwelling around the famous Mount Ida in Crete. A few authorities hold that in the reign of Isis the surplus population of Egypt was evacuated to neighboring lands under the leadership of Hierosolymus and Judas.note Many assure us that the Jews are descended from those Ethiopians who were driven by fear and hatred to emigrate from their home country when Cepheus was king.note There are some who say that a motley collection of landless Assyriansnote occupied a part of Egypt, and then built cities of their own, inhabiting the lands of the Hebrews and the nearer parts of Syria.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Timbuctoo, by James Grey Jackson
Written in the 1800s
An Account of Timbucktoo.
"Yahoodie, a place of great trade."

This place is reported to be inhabited by one of the lost tribes of Israel, possibly an emigration from the tribe of Judah. Yahooda, in African Arabic, signifies Judah. Yahoodee signifies Jew. It is not impossible, that many of the lost tribes of Israel may be found dispersed in the interior regions of Africa, when we shall become better acquainted with that Continent; it is certain, that some of the nations that possessed the country eastward of Palestine when the Israelites were a favoured nation, have emigrated to Africa.
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Apr 14, 2015
Most white people aren't going to believe descendants of slaves are the 'real jews', because if they were the real jews, that would bring them under judgment for how they treated them and THEY would have to face severe judgment.

What Earthly power is that recognition going to bring anyone in the immediate future? The Bible promises that Jesus will come later and restore those Jews later, but most want to be elevated now.

There are numerous mentions of the Jews travelling south into Egypt during times of famine such as Joseph's family going to Egypt or Jesus and his family fleeing from Herod by going into Egypt. When the Roman invasion occurred, why wouldn't it be a possibility that they would flee south into a land that they've known, which is Egypt, and possibly deeper into Africa?


Tacitus on the Jews (110 ce)

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Timbuctoo, by James Grey Jackson
Written in the 1800s
An Account of Timbucktoo.
"Yahoodie, a place of great trade."

This place is reported to be inhabited by one of the lost tribes of Israel, possibly an emigration from the tribe of Judah. Yahooda, in African Arabic, signifies Judah. Yahoodee signifies Jew. It is not impossible, that many of the lost tribes of Israel may be found dispersed in the interior regions of Africa, when we shall become better acquainted with that Continent; it is certain, that some of the nations that possessed the country eastward of Palestine when the Israelites were a favoured nation, have emigrated to Africa.
Bro your are very good poster except when it comes to Religion. I think you should just stick to non religious topics slot of the material is easily debunked that it’s not even funny