I'm not religious, tell me why I should care about Black people being original Jews..

Elim Garak

Mar 8, 2015
Is this just a competition to be God's chosen people?

Do you think you'll gain the wealth and ownership the Jewish community has now?

Do want to live in Israel?

If your not a believer, I don't see the fuss about being Jewish...
Good question I'm agnostic so it really doesn't matter for me either lol.


The King Of Power
Jun 18, 2014
Using the Bible to prove the Bible is circular logic, you do know that right? And "destruction" isn't an accurate representation of what Shiva does. Dissolution is his true duty.

The description of Apolloyon doesn't even match anything related to Shiva :skip: you're literally grasping at straws :mjlol:

There is literally zero link between Shiva and Apollyon :dead:

Several instances of popular etymology are attested from ancient authors. Thus, the Greeks most often associated Apollo's name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi), "to destroy".[13] Plato in Cratylus connects the name with ἀπόλυσις (apolysis), "redemption", with ἀπόλουσις (apolousis), "purification", and with ἁπλοῦν ([h]aploun), "simple",[14] in particular in reference to the

The Greeks later associated Apollo's name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi) meaning "to destroy". In Greek mythology Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin of Artemis. He was the god of prophecy, medicine, music, art, law, beauty, and wisdom

the rconnection is there both known for destruction, anyway i got other folks to reply to, keep playing dumb
Nov 19, 2016
Waiting on the Pope next move.. :lupe:

Think about it.

They believe that Jesus/Yashuah was a looney, blasphemous, heritic. Despite the fact that their so called Torah (old testament) prophecied a Messiah. If they don't think Christ was the One written about, what messiah are they (the synogouge of satan) waiting for?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Think about it.

They believe that Jesus/Yashuah was a looney, blasphemous, heritic. Despite the fact that their so called Torah (old testament) prophecies a Messiah. If they don't think Christ was the One written about, what messiah are they (the synogouge of satan) waiting for?

And interestingly enough they say he's already here:
Israeli Rabbi Says He's Already Holding Meetings With Messiah

But Jesus told us it's false if they say he is in the desert or in the secret inner chambers
Matthew 24:26
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.


Young, Gifted, and Black
Aug 10, 2014
Several instances of popular etymology are attested from ancient authors. Thus, the Greeks most often associated Apollo's name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi), "to destroy".[13] Plato in Cratylus connects the name with ἀπόλυσις (apolysis), "redemption", with ἀπόλουσις (apolousis), "purification", and with ἁπλοῦν ([h]aploun), "simple",[14] in particular in reference to the

The Greeks later associated Apollo's name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (apollymi) meaning "to destroy". In Greek mythology Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin of Artemis. He was the god of prophecy, medicine, music, art, law, beauty, and wisdom

the rconnection is there both known for destruction, anyway i got other folks to reply to, keep playing dumb

You haven't proved anything :dwillhuh:

You drew a flimsy connection because both are allegedly associated with destruction, which isn't even accurate. That's like me saying Jesus is a rip off other mythological stories because he shares a virgin birth.

Shiva's role is best defined as dissolution. And on top of the supposed destruction Shiva and Apollyon have nothing in common:skip:


Apr 14, 2015
Why do AADOS cling to this so called west African ancestry without stopping to ask exactly who it was that they sold into bondage, and why they sold these particularly people into slavery in the first place.

Why is their involvement (Benin, Nigeria, Ghana etc.) in the slave trade so overlooked?
Cause those counties didn’t exist during the slave trade dumbass

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I've heard hoteps lay claim to Hebrew, Egyptian, and Moorish heritage :laff:

Aren't all those in conflict? :heh:

How are these conflicts when all were Black people? In terms of heritage, that's something else. But these groups certainly were Black.

These have one thing in common. All stem from the Afroasiatic root and culture. Afroasiatic stems from region of lake Nuba. It's more so your own stupidity that is laughable. You are basically mocking yourself here. You should change your name into Pink Panther.


For now I will deal with you on KMT. 90% of murals in Egypt looks like the following:







Site officiel du musée du Louvre

"Many of the sites reveal evidence of important interactions between Nilotic and Saharan groups during the formative phases of the Egyptian Predynastic Period (e.g. Wadi el-Hôl, Rayayna, Nuq’ Menih, Kurkur Oasis). Other sites preserve important information regarding the use of the desert routes during the Protodynastic and Pharaonic Periods, particularly during periods of political and military turmoil in the Nile Valley (e.g. Gebel Tjauti, Wadi el-Hôl)."
Theban Desert Road Survey and Yale Toshka Desert Survey | Yale in Egypt

"The area around Gebel Ramlah was settled since the beginning of the Early Neolithic, and the density of settlement reached its maximum during the El Jerar phase (climatic optimum of the Holocene). Traces from the Middle, Late, and Final Neolithic are less intensive and random. In fact, for the Final Neolithic, we have more information on mortuary behavior than for the settlement pattern and subsistence. Between 4500 and 4300 BC, south-western fringes of the Gebel Ramlah lake served as an extended burial ground for different populations. Different ancestry and relationships of these populations can be followed on the basis of archaeological and, partially, bioarchaeological arguments. Some groups (using cemeteries E-01-2, E-03-1, E-03-2, and E-09-4) show some affiliation with sub-Saharan Africans, readable in the pottery assemblage and other grave goods, as well as some morphological features (Irish 2010; Kobusiewicz and Kabaciński 2010; Czekaj-Zastawny and Kabaciński 2015). These people were certainly mobile, perhaps spending only a few months per year at Gebel Ramlah. The E-09-02 cemeteries for neonates and adults belonged to another, more sedentary group with limited mobility; however, we cannot trace their origins based on the available record. An almost complete lack of grave goods does not allow comparative analyses. On the other hand, peculiar characters of the skeletal remains at these cemeteries—numerous neonatal/perinatal individuals and poorly preserved subadults/adults—do not allow reliable studies based on craniometric or dental data. But, qualitatively, there are no obvious differences among all populations from Gebel Ramlah at the beginning of the Final Neolithic. Thus, the two groups, culturally different, were likely not much different biologically, possibly deriving from the same region of Africa.


Ethnographic data offer support by showing how radically different children are treated in various African societies (Gottlieb 2004a, b; Pawlik 2004; Kabaciński et al. 2018).
~Agnieszka Czekaj-Zastawny & Tomasz Goslar & Joel D. Irish & Jacek Kabaciński
Gebel Ramlah—a Unique Newborns’ Cemetery of the Neolithic Sahara
African Archaeological Review volume 35, pages393–405(2018)

"Pleistocene through to the Christian periods, reveals a break in population continuity between the Pleistocene (Jebel Sahaba) and the Final Neolithic (Gebel Ramlah, dating to the first half of the fifth millennium BC) samples. The dental traits from Jebel Sahaba align more closely with modern sub-Saharan populations, while Gebel Ramlah and later align closer to Egypt specifically and to the Sahara in general."
~Michael Brass
Reconsidering the emergence of social complexity in early Saharan pastoral societies, 5000 – 2500 B.C.

"There is now a sufficient body of evidence from modern studies of skeletal remains to indicate that the ancient Egyptians, especially southern Egyptians, exhibited physical characteristics that are within the range of variation for ancient and modern indigenous peoples of the Sahara and tropical Africa.

In general, the inhabitants of Upper Egypt and Nubia had the greatest biological affinity to people of the Sahara and more southerly areas [...]

Any interpretation of the biological affinities of the ancient Egyptians must be placed in the context of hypothesis informed by the archaeological, linguistic, geographic or other data.

In this context the physical anthropological evidence indicates that the early Nile Valley populations can be identified as part of an African lineage, but exhibiting local variation.

This variation represents the short and long term effects of evolutionary forces, such as gene flow, genetic drift, and natural selection influenced by culture and geography"

~Kathryn A. Bard, Egyptians, physical anthropology of Physical anthropology

"As a result of their facial prognathism, the Badarian sample has been described as forming a morphological cluster with Nubian, Tigrean, and other southern (or "Negroid") groups (Morant, 1935, 1937; Mukherjee et al., 1955; Nutter, 1958, Strouhal, 1971; Angel, 1972; Keita, 1990). Cranial nonmetric trait studies have found this group to be similar to other Egyptians, including much later material (Berry and Berry, 1967, 1972), but also to be significantly different from LPD material (Berry et al., 1967). Similarly, the study of dental nonmetric traits has suggested that the Badarian population is at the centroid of Egyptian dental samples (Irish, 2006), thereby suggesting similarity and hence continuity across Egyptian time periods. From the central location of the Badarian samples in Figure 2, the current study finds the Badarian to be relatively morphologically close to the centroid of all the Egyptian samples. The Badarian have been shown to exhibit greatest morphological similarity with the temporally successive EPD (Table 5). Finally, the biological distinctiveness of the Badarian from other Egyptian samples has also been demonstrated (Tables 6 and 7).

These results suggest that the EDyn do form a distinct morphological pattern. Their overlap with other Egyptian samples (in PC space, Fig. 2) suggests that although their morphology is distinctive, the pattern does overlap with the other time periods. These results therefore do not support the Petrie concept of a \Dynastic race" (Petrie, 1939; Derry, 1956). Instead, the results suggest that the Egyptian state was not the product of mass movement of populations into the Egyptian Nile region, but rather that it was the result of primarily indigenous development combined with prolonged small-scale migration, potentially from trade, military, or other contacts.

This evidence suggests that the process of state formation itself may have been mainly an indigenous process, but that it may have occurred in association with in-migration to the Abydos region of the Nile Valley. This potential in-migration may have occurred particularly during the EDyn and OK. A possible explanation is that the Egyptian state formed through increasing control of trade and raw materials, or due to military actions, potentially associated with the use of the Nile Valley as a corridor for prolonged small scale movements through the desert environment."

~Sonia R. Zakrzewski. (2007). Population Continuity or Population Change: Formation of the Ancient Egyptian State. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 132:501-509)
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"When the Elephantine results were added to a broader pooling of the physical characteristics drawn from a wide geographic region which includes Africa, the Mediterranean and the Near East quite strong affinities emerge between Elephantine and populations from Nubia, supporting a strong south-north cline."

...sample populations available from northern Egypt from before the 1st Dynasty (Merimda, Maadi and Wadi Digla) turn out to be significantly different from sample populations from early Palestine and Byblos, suggesting a lack of common ancestors over a long time. If there was a south-north cline variation along the Nile valley it did not, from this limited evidence, continue smoothly on into southern Palestine. The limb-length proportions of males from the Egyptian sites group them with Africans rather than with Europeans."

~Barry Kemp, Ancient Egypt Anatomy of a Civilization.(pp. 52-60) (2006)
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Let A Fro Be A Fro

Jan 26, 2018
Dirty South
This thread is a PERFECT example of why you shouldn't care. Lots of these religious folks look to drag you into an inescapable blackhole of Juelzing instead of worrying about real shyt.

I like the way Malcolm talked about this subject in The Ballot or the Bullet. We can agree to disagree on religions and origin stories. No matter if you're a Muslim, Christian, Jew, agnostic, or atheist, just be a Black nationalist. If you're motivated to work towards real world Black empowerment, we can work together regardless of what deities you do or do not believe in. If you're way more focused on scripture and the afterlife, you're of little use.