there is no yes shrug it was a better all round movie, slow doesnt necessarily mean quality but what wolverine got right in spades was pacing.When there were slow bits there were slow bits but when the action came it felt organic and well placed. The action scenes and choreography actually looked like some thought went into it the same can not be said for MoS Which was unimaginative in every sense of the wordI enjoyed it more than Man of Steel![]()
Dude said beastBlasphemous fukk![]()
Thats not fair. S2s train scene is one of the greatest scenes in cinema history.Spider-man 2's train scene >>>> the wolverine's bullet train scene
All of the fight scenes were Wolverine slashing at tiny Japanese dudes in between getting shot/stabbed (a whole lot!)...the choreography in the fight scenes for this movie was the definition of pedestrian and unoriginal.there is no yes shrug it was a better all round movie, slow doesnt necessarily mean quality but what wolverine got right in spades was pacing.When there were slow bits there were slow bits but when the action came it felt organic and well placed. The action scenes and choreography actually looked like some thought went into it the same can not be said for MoS Which was unimaginative in every sense of the word
I actually wasn't expecting more but I also would not say that the fight choreography in The Wolverine was anything special either. It damn sure didn't look like any great thought was put into it.All Wolverine does is hack and slash while being stabbed/shot in the comics. Can't expect more.
I actually wasn't expecting more but I also would not say that the fight choreography in The Wolverine was anything special either. It damn sure didn't look like any great thought was put into it.
I think they fukked up by not having had Wolverine already have spent time in Japan before coming to say his goodbyes to Yashida. A Wolverine that was already familiar with Japanese culture would have been a lot better than the fish out of water clueless gaijin route they took.The key element to the original story was Wolverine already knew he was a samurai but a failed one at that, in the movie the whole samurai thing is new to him, whereas in the comics he had trained a long time ago in japan with Ogun only to fail each time because he'd lose it and let his beserker rage take over his emotions each time. In actuallity The Wolverine movies should be much better films than they are, not for the sake of this is logan and he slashes his enemies to ribbons leaving a pool of guts and blood. The best stories involving him were the ones where he beat the odds, dealing with life situations like losing loved ones and having to live with those memories, his internal battle to control his true animalistic nature and not become like his oposite Victor Creed. In all honesty the first one concerning his origin had all the potential to be a much better film than it was not by getting the characters right but from a storytelling aspect, look at movies like Legends of the Fall and the last Samurai, there are traces in those films where youll find incidents that wolverine has been no stranger too, for example:
laughable movie. I saw it twice, walked out the first time. The first 30min are boring, movie dont pick up till he gets to japan. Action was OK nothing crazy
On par with Greenlantern is about right, end credits were awful. Brian singer is a terrible director and people need to stop giving him comic movies
I can see why people would like this movie. Good acting decent story not too "comic booky"
but still waiting on that real wolverine piff once fox loses that liscense
The silver samurai fight, and the train scene alone was more engaging than anything MoS attempted. And thats not even counting the swordfu of his little helper.All MoS was was punch, kick, crash building.Rinse wash and repeat, every action sequence was basically a glorified barfight, where was his use of xray vision, his eye beams or his super breath? it was just a fist fight with lots of explosions and debris thrown inAll of the fight scenes were Wolverine slashing at tiny Japanese dudes in between getting shot/stabbed (a whole lot!)...the choreography in the fight scenes for this movie was the definition of pedestrian and unoriginal.