I'm giving up on my looks

Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
well do what makes YOU comfortable

secondly all that mess those IG/YT MUA do is not practical. they claim it only takes 10-15 mins but i call bullshyt on that. but they get paid to look like that. unless you work in an industry where wearing 5 bundles of weave and 10lbs of makeup is part of your job you don't need it.

i came to this conclusion after watching hundreds of hours of these clips, and spending money and countless hours trying to make it work. it doesn't for me nor is it practical for the work i do.

i do wear makeup-mascara with some highlighter and a lip color (usually a neutral color) and if i want to jazz it up i will do some eye liner and/or eyeshadow. other than that i don't have time or energy unless i am dressing for a special event.

with that said glasses can look sexy. so is the casual look. i also don't think regular guys like all that shyt anyway. they just want you to look cute, clean and neat. you can do that without all that other stuff
Sure as hell can. I've had numerous people tell me that I look like a sexy librarian when I wear my glasses LOL
May 13, 2012
I've been trying to mold myself to look like every other IG girl with the thick eyebrows, fake eyelashes and contour make up.

It's too much work.


Eyelashes are too high maintenance. Make up is expensive and tricky. I only wear thotty clothes on rare occasions. I don't even go out like that :mindblown: I've been playing Mario Party all weekend. I like wearing steel toe boots and long sleeved shirts. Who am I doing this all for? I'm going to embrace my bare face look. I might even go back to wearing glasses permanently. IDGAF anymore

As a man for a few years now these insta girls are just all the damn same, nothing much sets them apart so I dap you for realising this and becoming YOU. So many of us are trying to achieve what we see on insta etc and forget to be ourselves. Do you, somebody will love you for it. Simple :salute: