I'm ex NOI & I've been peeping TLR & concluded that TLR deals with White Supremacy all wrong

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I spoke about this before....U see Malcolm could have used a "spin doctor" approach because in Islamic law a man is permitted to have a number of wives. That wasn't the case for Elijah Muhammad but behind the scenes that could have spun it that way, yes.

But lets you and I have a real conversation here......I wil always give Elijah Muhammad a pass..why? Because lets be real here..at some point Elijagh Muhammad looked at what he created...A movement all over America where Black men are militant and have pride and Black women are clothed and are all about performing their maternal duties. Elijah Muhammad started feeling himself. He felt like a God. So he's in his 50's and these young pretty followers are wosrhipping him like a god, he got gassed. Hey it happens. Lets put moral responsibility to the side because its easy to point fingers. The man got caught up in his power. Was it wrong? yes but he gets a pass for all the good he did. Malcolm saw this and that was his justification for trying to spin it(Me personally I think Malcolm knew more then he revealed about the situation) The other ministers flipped on Malcolm because he was seen as a traitor and u just said it yourself, when ex communicated the followers will listen....So that came with it but when Malcolm went on that same whitemans media to denounce the NOI, thats when he allowed the floodgates to open....U on the same whitemans platform that once hated u now denouncing the NOI. The whole situation was just a big mess...But dont forget, we cant look at the actions of a few and subject them to the whole, Malcolm said it himself he'd kill in an illegal manner for Elijah Muhammad and that was totally against their rules.
So its understandable how Malcolm could have members turn their backs on him and totally abandon the rules all for the sake of Elijah Muhammad.

There are Islamic and Old Testament verses an stories that he could have used to spin doctor it. In the auto bio, he mentioned David/ Bathsheba and the story of Lot. David slept with a widow after sending her husband to certain death. It doesn't get any more grimy than that. Yet, David gets a pass in the Bible, so it was a good example.

I can't argue against your take on Elijah. My take is that he took advantage of a series of young women who were his personal secretaries.Once is a mistake, after that it's a pattern. Impregnated all of them. then once they were pregnant, had them excommunicated from the NOI. When Malcolm discussed the truth with him and offered to help, Elijah turned around and betrayed him. Ministers with whom Malcolm had confided in, LIED about the conversations...which led to the decision to excommunicate him.
The betrayal at the hands of Elijah and the ministers runs contrary to what the NOI espouses...Morality aside, these are not the actions of decent people.
As far as Malcolm being willing to kill for Elijah...I'm certain that there exists Islamic text justifying killing..or protect the Imam.(old testament verses may justify killing enemies) Be hard pressed to find text justifying bearing false witness against a fellow Muslim.

Malcolm was the MAIN reason that the NOI made the rapid expansion when it did. He pushed for the aggressive recruitment of members, whereas before the NOI had an "Allah will send us members" approach. Malcolm was directly responsible for the amount of money that Elijah Muhammad was making, the lifestyle he lived and that the other ministers were living. Malcolm was himself poor and honest, never taking a thin dime that wasn't his. Being the public face of the NOI, to the mainstream media and destroying reporters and "foes" on tv helped recruit many to the NOI.
I do think that Malcolm was seduced by media attention, but the NOI benefited greatly by his expert use of the print and tv media.

As you showed with the audio, there existed a time after he was silenced when Malcolm was humble and asking for reinstatement. I believe that the threats against his life were BEFORE him discussing Elijah's business in mainstream media .In fact the death threats might have directly prompted him to air everything out. In the auto bio.....he mentions a close friend in NOI telling him that he'd been given the job and refused out of loyalty...not long after Malcolm was removed from NOI. Now he realized that not only were they LIARS but that they would drive followers to kill him based on those lies.

I can't argue against the positive that the NOI has done, and as far as I'm concerned...what happened with Malcolm X was an internal organization issue.
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Jun 26, 2015
Will watch video and comment later,

I respect the intent of the post and who it was intended to reach.

From the words spoken in the video clip, the apology seems to have been made while he was under the initial suspension/silencing from Elijah Muhammad..before he was effectively removed.And before his pilgrimage to Mecca.
Malcolm lived and walked talk what NOI taught, They rescued him from being a low life violent criminal. He followed every doctrine they had, including shunning members who were excommunicated. He turned his back on his OWN brother, Wilfred , I think. The one who helped introduce him to NOI when Wilfred was removed for adultery.

When he discovered the adultery of Elijah M., he , following the rules you mentioned above , did NOT gossip,etc....he went to Elijah M. and was going to help spin doctor it and do damage control.He discussed it with other minsiters only to try to do damage control.

When Elijah FLIPPED on him, first by silencing him...then by kicking him out...and when the other minsters LIED and said he was spreading gossip about Elijah....he couldn't believe that they were so PHONY. He lived the life and principles(even shunning his FLESH & BLOOD) and he thought that the leadership of NOI did too, wrong.
That's no disrespect for the work that the NOI did and does, but this is the story as detailed by Malcolm himself. This isn't a handful of people backsliding. It was example of the leadership of NOI talking one thing walking another.
malcolm dogging the messenger on white media is unacceptable.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information

You specified “smoking” in your previous post, but in the OP you just mention weed in general, so I’m not moving goal post

The disrespectful gesture of posting the Juelz gif and u pretending to not know that "smoking cigs/weed" means "smoking cigs, smoking weed" tells me that we have no more to talk about in this conversation.

U can have the last word.
Oct 26, 2014
The disrespectful gesture of posting the Juelz gif and u pretending to not know that "smoking cigs/weed" means "smoking cigs, smoking weed" tells me that we have no more to talk about in this conversation.

U can have the last word.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
Exactly...The NOI deals with White Supremecy more realistically. Like you wont even see a whiteman be able to enter without special invitation from the tippy top. So basically u dont see white people in the mosque at all. Aint no troll disquises......unless they are real agents not that fake agent shyt dudes scream on this site.


Exactly, if you white and getting next to farrakhan you about that shyt. And everyone in the community know Pfleger as real as a white person can get on this earth.


Jun 26, 2015
NOI trying to get Malcolm's close friend to bomb the bottom of his car was unacceptable, and probably occurred before he went to the mainstream media and aired Elijah M. out.
what's your point? malcolm taught the fruit of islam and the rest of the noi that anyone who choose to dogg or disrespect elijah m is worthy of death. that includes himself

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
There are Islamic and Old Testament verses an stories that he could have used to spin doctor it. In the auto bio, he mentioned David/ Bathsheba and the story of Lot. David slept with a widow after sending her husband to certain death. It doesn't get any more grimy than that. Yet, David gets a pass in the Bible, so it was a good example.

I can't argue against your take on Elijah. My take is that he took advantage of a series of young women who were his personal secretaries.Once is a mistake, after that it's a pattern. Impregnated all of them. then once they were pregnant, had them excommunicated from the NOI. When Malcolm discussed the truth with him and offered to help, Elijah turned around and betrayed him. Ministers with whom Malcolm had confided in, LIED about the conversations...which led to the decision to excommunicate him.
The betrayal at the hands of Elijah and the ministers runs contrary to what the NOI espouses...Morality aside, these are not the actions of decent people.
As far as Malcolm being willing to kill for Elijah...I'm certain that there exists Islamic text justifying killing..or protect the Imam.(old testament verses may justify killing enemies) Be hard pressed to find text justifying bearing false witness against a fellow Muslim.

Malcolm was the MAIN reason that the NOI made the rapid expansion when it did. He pushed for the aggressive recruitment of members, whereas before the NOI had an "Allah will send us members" approach. Malcolm was directly responsible for the amount of money that Elijah Muhammad was making, the lifestyle he lived and that the other ministers were living. Malcolm was himself poor and honest, never taking a thin dime that wasn't his. Being the public face of the NOI, to the mainstream media and destroying reporters and "foes" on tv helped recruit many to the NOI.
I do think that Malcolm was seduced by media attention, but the NOI benefited greatly by his expert use of the print and tv media.

As you showed with the audio, there existed a time after he was silenced when Malcolm was humble and asking for reinstatement. I believe that the threats against his life were BEFORE him discussing Elijah's business in mainstream media .In fact the death threats might have directly prompted him to air everything out. In the auto bio.....he mentions a close friend in NOI telling him that he'd been given the job and refused out of loyalty...not long after Malcolm was removed from NOI. Now he realized that not only were they LIARS but that they would drive followers to kill him based on those lies.

I can't argue against the positive that the NOI has done, and as far as I'm concerned...what happened with Malcolm X was an internal organization issue.

I hear you...But those threats against his life was after discussing Elijahs business remember he blamed The NOI for his house being bombed.....then he retracted that.

And yes...I agree what happened with Malcolm X was an internal organization issue.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Interesting post OP. I try to subscribe to everything you said OP. I'm no Muslim, I'm a Christian though.

My thing is this....If the whiteman is so bad then you have to denounce his influence on you, otherwise u look like a hypocrite in the big picture.

Cant point fingers at the whiteman while engaging in his influence. One example I can use is..... the whiteman profitng from those cigs that give people cancer. A woke person would denounce and fight the whiteman profiting from slow death. Now there is a flip side to it.....If u like cigs then dont talk about White Supremacy just bow down to it like u are bowing down to addiction. If u have an addiction to nicotine then that should be ur fight against White Supremacy. Nicotine is big business......Big whitman business....Nicotine addiction is also chemical warfare. So thats how u fight White Supremacy by removing and avoiding the chemicals he set up to trap your body with addiction and slow death.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
My thing is this....If the whiteman is so bad then you have to denounce his influence on you, otherwise u look like a hypocrite in the big picture.

Cant point fingers at the whiteman while engaging in his influence. One example I can use is..... the whiteman profitng from those cigs that give people cancer. A woke person would denounce and fight the whiteman profiting from slow death. Now there is a flip side to it.....If u like cigs then dont talk about White Supremacy just bow down to it like u are bowing down to addiction. If u have an addiction to nicotine then that should be ur fight against White Supremacy. Nicotine is big business......Big whitman business....Nicotine addiction is also chemical warfare. So thats how u fight White Supremacy by removing and avoiding the chemicals he set up to trap your body with addiction and slow death.
Agreed 100%

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
what's your point? malcolm taught the fruit of islam and the rest of the noi that anyone who choose to dogg or disrespect elijah m is worthy of death. that includes himself

His close friend who IGNORED the death order knew that what was being said about him were lies. That's why he didn't carry out the order.

If you can show example of Malcolm directly ordering the death of a person who disrespected Elijah Muhammad, it will be my first time hearing it.