I'm ex NOI & I've been peeping TLR & concluded that TLR deals with White Supremacy all wrong

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
TLR in this forum:

TLR In other forums:


Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Agree with intent of post, but Malcolm X left the NOI because leadership did not walk the talk, among other reasons. Those rules and principles existed on paper only.

Just a lot of young people here, social media generation, from the modern fractured Black family and community.
Our peer group growing up fukked up, and these youngsters are left to figure things out for themselves.

O yeah...I totally agree with this social media generation trying to figure things out. That's who I was aiming at....anyone who is caught up in TLRs misguided version of dealing with White Supremacy.

Now with that said.....which part that I mentioned did the NOI not walk the walk?

I mean sure every group has its backsliders who do they dirt behind closed doors(Like the NOI totally denouncing the Hanafi killings) but we not talking about that....we talking about what they did openly and everything I mentioned is what they did openly....and why did u leave out the part about Malcolm writting a letter to Elijah muhammad after all the drama apologizing for his actions?? There's speculation as to when he did this but he still did it nonetheless

Oct 26, 2014
U said all that yet while your avi reps The FOI :patrice:

answer this question.

Is putting weed smoke in your lungs healthy?


I’ve seen no scientific proof that weed in your lungs is harmful. You do know that there are other ways to use marijuana besides smoking it right?

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
O yeah...I totally agree with this social media generation trying to figure things out. That's who I was aiming at....anyone who is caught up in TLRs misguided version of dealing with White Supremacy.

Now with that said.....which part that I mentioned did the NOI not walk the walk?

I mean sure every group has its backsliders who do they dirt behind closed doors(Like the NOI totally denouncing the Hanafi killings) but we not talking about that....we talking about what they did openly and everything I mentioned is what they did openly....and why did u leave out the part about Malcolm writting a letter to Elijah muhammad after all the drama apologizing for his actions?? There's speculation as to when he did this but he still did it nonetheless

Will watch video and comment later,
O yeah...I totally agree with this social media generation trying to figure things out. That's who I was aiming at....anyone who is caught up in TLRs misguided version of dealing with White Supremacy.

Now with that said.....which part that I mentioned did the NOI not walk the walk?

I mean sure every group has its backsliders who do they dirt behind closed doors(Like the NOI totally denouncing the Hanafi killings) but we not talking about that....we talking about what they did openly and everything I mentioned is what they did openly....and why did u leave out the part about Malcolm writting a letter to Elijah muhammad after all the drama apologizing for his actions?? There's speculation as to when he did this but he still did it nonetheless

I respect the intent of the post and who it was intended to reach.

From the words spoken in the video clip, the apology seems to have been made while he was under the initial suspension/silencing from Elijah Muhammad..before he was effectively removed.And before his pilgrimage to Mecca.
Malcolm lived and walked talk what NOI taught, They rescued him from being a low life violent criminal. He followed every doctrine they had, including shunning members who were excommunicated. He turned his back on his OWN brother, Wilfred , I think. The one who helped introduce him to NOI when Wilfred was removed for adultery.

When he discovered the adultery of Elijah M., he , following the rules you mentioned above , did NOT gossip,etc....he went to Elijah M. and was going to help spin doctor it and do damage control.He discussed it with other minsiters only to try to do damage control.

When Elijah FLIPPED on him, first by silencing him...then by kicking him out...and when the other minsters LIED and said he was spreading gossip about Elijah....he couldn't believe that they were so PHONY. He lived the life and principles(even shunning his FLESH & BLOOD) and he thought that the leadership of NOI did too, wrong.
That's no disrespect for the work that the NOI did and does, but this is the story as detailed by Malcolm himself. This isn't a handful of people backsliding. It was example of the leadership of NOI talking one thing walking another.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
also to OP

You ever get around older relatives and get into conversations? Sooner or later one of them will say "Boy, you sound just like your dad"( or mom) . You will repeat something that your pop used to say.....often unintentionally.
You pattern yourself after the people who raised you

Same thing with these young guys repeating Tariq's words,slang, catch phrases unintentionally. I guess he's a father/authority figure to a lot of them. Perhaps the very first person that opened their eyes to a lot of things, so often they can't even put what he's saying in context. Just listen, believe and repeat.

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
I’ve seen no scientific proof that weed in your lungs is harmful. You do know that there are other ways to use marijuana besides smoking it right?


Weed smoke contains different forms of carbon. I'll leave u alone tho cuz I can already see u will go in circles justifying putting weed smoke in ya lungs.

and LOL @ other ways of taking weed when I specifically said "smoking"....this is not a convo about marijuana uses. We talking recreation and if u wanna have a realistic conversation then u know damn well aint no one smoking weed except for recreation purposes and im using a foundation that speaks on the dulling of the senses. Weed being used as a crutch....weed being used to get away from reality.....weed being used to cope. These are the reasons most weed smokers smoke weed.


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
I agree with alot of what you said but...

The NOI helped kill Malcolm x and pimped Muhammad Ali.

NOI need to go to Chicago and stand in the streets and stop the drugs/violence.

Nah farakhan chilling in luxury with millions enjoying his Judas purse for being a double agent.

The NOI cointelpro involvement is why we are in the space we are in now. Y'all killed our greatest leader and destroyed progress for millions

Ron Fox

Jul 19, 2012
Thats top secret information
Will watch video and comment later,

I respect the intent of the post and who it was intended to reach.

From the words spoken in the video clip, the apology seems to have been made while he was under the initial suspension/silencing from Elijah Muhammad..before he was effectively removed.And before his pilgrimage to Mecca.
Malcolm lived and walked talk what NOI taught, They rescued him from being a low life violent criminal. He followed every doctrine they had, including shunning members who were excommunicated. He turned his back on his OWN brother, Wilfred , I think. The one who helped introduce him to NOI when Wilfred was removed for adultery.

When he discovered the adultery of Elijah M., he , following the rules you mentioned above , did NOT gossip,etc....he went to Elijah M. and was going to help spin doctor it and do damage control.He discussed it with other minsiters only to try to do damage control.

When Elijah FLIPPED on him, first by silencing him...then by kicking him out...and when the other minsters LIED and said he was spreading gossip about Elijah....he couldn't believe that they were so PHONY. He lived the life and principles(even shunning his FLESH & BLOOD) and he thought that the leadership of NOI did too, wrong.
That's no disrespect for the work that the NOI did and does, but this is the story as detailed by Malcolm himself. This isn't a handful of people backsliding. It was example of the leadership of NOI talking one thing walking another.

I spoke about this before....U see Malcolm could have used a "spin doctor" approach because in Islamic law a man is permitted to have a number of wives. That wasn't the case for Elijah Muhammad but behind the scenes that could have spun it that way, yes.

But lets you and I have a real conversation here......I wil always give Elijah Muhammad a pass..why? Because lets be real here..at some point Elijagh Muhammad looked at what he created...A movement all over America where Black men are militant and have pride and Black women are clothed and are all about performing their maternal duties. Elijah Muhammad started feeling himself. He felt like a God. So he's in his 50's and these young pretty followers are wosrhipping him like a god, he got gassed. Hey it happens. Lets put moral responsibility to the side because its easy to point fingers. The man got caught up in his power. Was it wrong? yes but he gets a pass for all the good he did. Malcolm saw this and that was his justification for trying to spin it(Me personally I think Malcolm knew more then he revealed about the situation) The other ministers flipped on Malcolm because he was seen as a traitor and u just said it yourself, when ex communicated the followers will listen....So that came with it but when Malcolm went on that same whitemans media to denounce the NOI, thats when he allowed the floodgates to open....U on the same whitemans platform that once hated u now denouncing the NOI. The whole situation was just a big mess...But dont forget, we cant look at the actions of a few and subject them to the whole, Malcolm said it himself he'd kill in an illegal manner for Elijah Muhammad and that was totally against their rules.
So its understandable how Malcolm could have members turn their backs on him and totally abandon the rules all for the sake of Elijah Muhammad.
Oct 26, 2014

Weed smoke contains different forms of carbon. I'll leave u alone tho cuz I can already see u will go in circles justifying putting weed smoke in ya lungs.

and LOL @ other ways of taking weed when I specifically said "smoking"....this is not a convo about marijuana uses. We talking recreation and if u wanna have a realistic conversation then u know damn well aint no one smoking weed except for recreation purposes and im using a foundation that speaks on the dulling of the senses. Weed being used as a crutch....weed being used to get away from reality.....weed being used to cope. These are the reasons most weed smokers smoke weed.


You specified “smoking” in your previous post, but in the OP you just mention weed in general, so I’m not moving goal posts by mentioning different methods of using weed:mjlol:, it’s relative to my point:mjlol:

You can extract the thc and partake with zero smoke involved:mjlol:

I’m not saying that people don’t abuse weed:mjlol:

I know people that abuse food, all types of food, that don’t mean all the food they abuse is “white mans poison”

WEED in general is not “white mans poison”


“u know damn well aint no one smoking weed except for recreation purposes”

Oh really?:mjpls:
