I'm challenging xCivicx to A Debate About Flat Earth


Dec 29, 2016
Again, YOU ARE LYING and juelzing

Months ago, you posted images of Crescent Moons towards me when I said that New Moons don't occur at night. Here are the quotes in order:

You then DOUBLE DOWN on posting a crescent moon because, once again, you thought this is what a new moon looked like:

After I explained for the umpteenth time that this is a crescent moon, you then tried to post the "definition" of new moon, but the problem is that the description you posted betrayed you. It literally said crescent moons are the closest you'll be able to see a new moon at night.

This is your own provided definition debunking you, by telling you that you cannot see New Moons at night, and that those are images of crescents. You are literally too stupid to realize that you posted evidence debunking your own claim :russ:

THEN you tried to juelz out of it because you realized you were wrong about this, by saying I was "talking around your main point":


You posted those images because you thought they proved you correct about "New Moons" happening AT NIGHT.

This is why you've been caught juelzing-- new moons and solar eclipses are NOT opposite things. Your own posted definition states that New Moons rise and set with the Sun, meaning they literally do not happen at night.

As the moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical path that isn't perfectly circular, we don't get solar eclipses every month. When the path gets in the way of the sun, that's when a Solar eclipse happens-- literally at the beginning of the Lunar phase, during a NEW MOON.

This is why the opposite happens at the end of the month, with a Lunar Eclipse during a FULL MOON.

Lol enormous L.
OPPOSITE THINGS don't mean that they are happening at OPPOSITE TIMES OF DAY


ONCE AGAIN, my POINT is that according to the HELIOCENTRIC MODEL, the moon crossing in front of the sun SHOULD be a SOLAR ECLIPSE whenever it happens, yet the moon crosses in front of the sun during a new moon and...? It doesn't disrupt the sun's light in ANY WAY AT ALL? It just goes invisible?? That makes sense to you? That throws the whole concept of solar eclipses off, with respect to the heliocentric model

Because it makes more sense to me that the moons phases are an internal function of the moon itself. I bet you didn't even know that at night moonlight is actually cooler in temperature than the shade is

You probably don't even know what lunar waves are smfh. But you keep coming in here doing your best "I'm smart I promise" impression while posting yourself into corner after corner

And make no mistake, I don't spend all day on here like you. When I stop responding at points, it's because I'm actually out living life in the real world. I don't sit and hit refresh waiting for you to post like you obviously do for me


Dec 29, 2016
I'm certified. I am quite literally famous for my ability to break down one's arguments and demolish them. I do this for a living.

You got the right one this time, which is why you are on your heels. :sas1:

You still haven't shown me a single model that demonstrates the bullshyt you're peddling. We are both asking for impossible things :myman:

Lmao, you know, just saying words don't make them true.

Every image I've posted have been factual evidence. You literally still cannot produce a single image of your flat earth. Which is crazy because if you're claiming we have CGI for images of a spherical earth, why aren't there CGI images of the flat earth?

Dumbass :martin:

Lol, hey man, I'm in my 30s. Reverse psychology only works on children. The second you provide for me a model that accounts for the things you've been claiming, I will thoroughly debunk that video.

(Just in case you were wondering, I'm literally sitting on another video takedown of your vid so whenever you're ready :unimpressed:)

Lol, if your arguments cannot stand up to nitpicks, they are not factual. You cannot nitpick the heliocentric model, because it is reality. Reality cannot be nitpicked.

The only reason you think I'm talking in circles is because you lack intelligence. I'm making sense to nikkas that can understand basic concepts. I haven't even gotten deep into the science-- I'm killing you with logic, and you admit you can't keep up:sas2:

This bears repeating I guess: I am not letting you pull the stunt you've tried to pull with other Coli nikkas and move to different topics so that you don't have to answer the basic questions you should be able to answer:


I will accept drawings from you.
You might be famous for a lot of things, but a knowledge of astrophysics most definitely is not one of them. Neither is a knowledge of centripetal motion

I don't mind the nitpicking, after I respond and you nitpick the exact same thing after my response, that's when I stop responding

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post your video "taking down" that video. I don't even know what that means LMAOOOO. You're really going all in on your bluff

And once again, I'm not one of your little fanboys. I don't give af what you think you will or will not "accept" from me. I've been pretty cordial in here. A hell of a lot more cordial than you or anyone else has been to me.

Keep it cute. I mean it

I answered everything asked. Either say your ready to move on or let someone else come in here and try their hand because you seem to be stuck in a feedback loop


Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
I NEVER said that we base our day on the sidereal day. YOU MADE THAT UP. I ask y'all again to STOP. IMAGINING ME. READ WHAT I'M ACTUALLY POSTING

LMAO! :ufdup:


This you?

Ok so according to heliocentric theory, even though our clocks operate on a full 24 hour time scale, the earth supposedly makes 1 full rotation every 23 hours and 56 minutes, not every 24 hours

Thats what a sidereal day is, a 23:56 hour full rotation instead of a 24:00 hour full rotation

So using some simple math, we can map out the sun's position in the sky at any given point in time

Example: you walk outside on december 1 to watch the sun set at 7:00 oclock on the dot.

According to the idea of a "sidereal day", the earth will make another full rotation in 23:56, not 24:00, which is what our clocks go to

So you go outside on december 2 at 7pm to see the sun set, but it should have set 4 minutes before that, at 6:56 since the earth supposedly makes 1 full rotation every 23:56

Then on december 3, the sun should be setting 4 minutes before that, at 6:52

Each day after that, the sun SHOULD be setting 4 minutes earlier than the previous day, according to heliocentric theory

Mathing that out over the course of 1 month, 30 days multiplied by 4 minutes a day is 120

There should be a 120 minute difference between the time that the sun sets on December 1 and the time that the sun sets on december 30, meaning a 7pm sunset on the 1st SHOULD become a 5pm sunset at the end of that month, then a 3pm sunset at the end of january, then a 1 pm sunset at the end of feburary, then an 11am sunset at the end of february and so on

Literally NONE OF US observe this and no human ever has. The sun sets with regularity all year, at around the same time(give or take daylight savings time)

The logical conclusion drawn from this, is that the earth is stationary and the sun circles above us in the sky with extremely accurate regularity, which completely disproves heliocentric theory



Mar 11, 2022
I also asked you to show me an example of water sticking to a ball, 360 degrees all the way around said ball. You have not produced this so far
I'm still reading through the thread and got a long way to go to catch up, so forgive me if I'm late, but was this ever produced?

I would love to see this myself.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks


Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
You started this thread to debate the validity of the flat earth model vs the heliocentric model

The heliocentric model includes all of the visible universe

You are incredibly delusional.

You are literally saying THE MODEL FOR THE SOLAR SYSTEM "includes all of the visible universe".

This is why you are a flat earther: not only are you incredibly ignorant of math and scientific principles, you also don't understand what WORDS mean.


Helio= of or dealing with the Sun.

Centric= revolving or centered around (a particular subject)

Heliocentric= revolving around the Sun

Nothing in that definition says anything about the visible universe my dude. Heliocentrism is a part of the LARGER umbrella, Cosmology.

You just said the study of bricks includes the study of houses. No, a study of houses may include the study of bricks.

There's a difference there, and it's an important one, and it's one you flerfs cannot seem to grasp. This is precisely why you love skirting topics to discuss other ones (other than the fact that you cannot actually answer anything and you NEED to run away from it, lest everyone finds out you don't know what the fukk you're talking about) .

You people conflate irrelevant things all the time, like how in a conversation about evolution, you'd run to trying to talk about the Big Bang, which is an entirely different concept and subject.

We are talking about the shape of the Earth. Let's stick to that, and branch out only after we come to a resolution on the SHAPE first.

I literally majored in electrical engineering at GT. You googled a bunch of garbage that had absolutely nothing to do with what I said. You have no idea how magnetic fields are generated. This is clear because you seem to think that there's only one way for magnetic fields to be produced, which is completely incorrect

Again, if you're going to try to flex your credentials, you have to provide evidence for them. I can say I'm an astronaut, but until I provide evidence of that, it's just empty words. Don't waste our time with this bullshyt-- nobody believes you. You are a music producer, and not a very successful one at that-- that's the only thing we have evidence for

Further, I didn't have to google this stuff-- I've been debunking Flat Earthers for years at this point. I have all my evidence at the ready.

And lastly, please provide testable evidence for how a magnetic field the size of this planet can be produced in another way. I'm clearly open to your evidence, but you have failed to provide any. You just say words. Get to proving, my nikka.

You asked me to explain the movements of the sun and moon on a flat earth model and I explained it. Your response is to post how magnetic field's work within the heliocentric mode?? What does that have to do with my explanation of how the sun and moon's motions work on a flat earth model?? Are you ever gonna stop posting strawmen??

I know you're having a difficult time keeping up, but I have been rebutting your claims. This is evidence that you aren't realizing that I have been doing that the past three months.

I explained how the magnetosphere is formed AND gave you a way of proving it to yourself-- using a seismograph. Seismographs are empirical data, meaning it can't be tampered with by NASA. Seismographs irrefutably prove there is a spherical object deep in the Earth's interior, and we know what it's made of. This material and its convection causes the magnetosphere.

You see, it's not a strawman-- it's a debunk, you goofy dude. You made a claim, I am giving you evidence that your claim is FALSE, along with giving you my reasoning and the method for finding this information out yourself.

THIS is how you debate, and this is why you have been losing this debate.

I don't know that the compass doesn't work in antarctica because I've never been there. Neither have you so I'm not sure what you're talking about

But you don't have to be in Antarctica to know this information. I provided a video of a woman in Antarctica using her compass, proving that it does not work in the South Pole. Here it is again:

Have another:

Now, if you're going to question the validity of those videos because "you weren't there", you also have to question the multiple videos YOU have posted because you also weren't there in those. That includes that infrared video you keep posting.

See how this dishonest game you like to play bites you on your own ass? :sas1:

Now you don't know how projections work huh. Whatever light source is projecting the sun/moon, are ALSO MOVING ALONG THE PLANE'S MAGNETIC FIELD LINES. Not a hard concept to understand

And you ALSO don't even know how MAGNETS work EITHER?? Wow. Magnets cause attraction AND REPULSION, depending on how they are CHARGED

It's not a hard concept to understand, but it's apparently a hard one to explain, because you can't and you haven't lol

And the only one that doesn't understand magnets here is you-- magnets can attract and repel, but it's based on its polarity. So, your position is that the magnetosphere is changing polarity, causing an inward and outward revolution of the Sun and Moon.


It's clear that you're too dumb to see the problems with this idea, so let me help you out: if the Earth's magnetosphere changed polarity causing the Sun and Moon to rotate outward from the center in North Hemisphere Winter, for example, this would mean the North Pole has changed its polarity (this is what "Pole" means in North and South Pole). If the North Pole has changed its polarity, compasses around the world would go ape shyt and become useless for half the year.

Another self induced L.

And WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I've ALWAYS said there was a center to the flat earth plane. What would the sun and moon be rotating around if there was no center?? Again, you're showing that not only are you not even reading what I'm posting, you literally don't know how circular motion OR electromagnetism works

This is getting pitiful

Lol calm your sped ass down and understand what is being said to you.

You keep claiming there is no model. But you're also claiming there is a shape, and that above that shape, a sun and a moon rotate above it . This means you should be able to produce a model.

Based on the time it takes the Sun to move in the sky that we can all objectively measure, and the fact that you believe the Sun rotates above a flat plane that has a center, THIS IS WHAT YOU BELIEVE:


It is the only model that fits YOUR description of the Earth.

- Flat
- Has a Center
- Day/Night Cycle
- Sun and Moon Rotate above the flat plane
- Antarctica surrounds the planet, like a giant wall

The only reason you run from this model is because it has been proven wrong. You stubbornly insist on the concepts from this model, but at the same time, you try to distance yourself from it because it has been debunked thoroughly and you cannot refute those debunks.

You are a liar. You know flat earth is bullshyt, but you have to constantly stand on this nonsense because apparently you like the attention. From what I can see, you are a conspiracy theorist, so you have to subscribe to this childish notion of the Earth just out of principle. But at this point, I think you have been convinced and are just saying otherwise out of spite.

You probably truly believe the other conspiracy theories though. There really is no other explanation.
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Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
You see how you're going out of your way to argue a strawman?

It's because you can't answer my question

You can't show me a body of water sticking to and curving around a ball

Again, failure. You can stop bringing it up now

It's not a strawman numbnuts-- you don't understand the stupidity of your question.

The Earth is an example of water sticking to a ball. But for some reason you won't accept that, and continue asking for examples of water curving.

So, I explained that an ocean curves: at any given time on this planet, there is a place experiencing high tide and simultaneously another place experiencing low tide. This means that in the middle of those two extremes, water is curving. That's literally what that means.

You can't dispute this, so you say it's a "strawman". Lol that's not what that word means. I am not arguing against a position you don't hold.

I am giving you an example of a large body of water curving, which is precisely what you asked for.

As for water sticking to something like a tennis ball, you are asking the impossible-- the Earth's gravity is affecting the ball and the water on that ball. You would have to do this experiment in space.

So, I gave you videos of water forming a sphere in space. You can see water's behavior on M&Ms in space, and it forms a sphere around the candy. Here's a screenshot and a link to that video:



Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
Nope, stay on topic

I asked you how anyone is able to actually calculate and measure the the multiple different directions that the solar system is seemingly moving at the same time, in space

Your DIRECT ANSWER was "trigonometry"

Trigonometry doesn't measure movement. That was a stupid response and you were completely incorrect because you're trying to hard to APPEAR smart in here that you're throwing things at the wall and hoping your fanboy nuthuggers give you a pass


Breh, as I said-- I am not answering as a catch-all to the stupid shyt you're asking me.

Trigonometry literally CAN measure movement that has happened. That's what it's used for in astronomy- to measure distance of celestial bodies.

If something moved, we can use trig to measure how much, and where it is now.

My point is that the constellations SHOULD NOT BE REMAINING CONSTANT, unless they are moving in all of the exact same directions, at all of the exact same speeds, as the earth, which is impossible

Your point is dumb because expansion of the universe

A) has nothing to do with the shape of Earth
B) is happening and
C) is happening very slowly from our perspective.

Why are you expecting to see movement? That's like pulling a chair up to see when a glacier moves. You will not see it, but it's still happening.

And I literally have nothing to prove to you. You're own blind arrogance got you here. You've literally been stalking me on here for years. I've been very open about that for years, yet you missed that huh


What a hilarious assortment of words. The Coli was closed, moron. I literally couldn't respond to the stupid shyt you said. That analogy would only work if I had the capability to engage with you in the first place.

Now that I'm here, I got you looking bad. Too bad for you that they opened registration :blessed:
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Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles

The bartlett pear is the most popular pear in the US. Literally anyone can google "most common pear in the US"

Again, failure after failure after failure. You're falling apart

This is a neg-worthy post.

First of all, this video is literally taken out of context:

Secondly, it doesn't matter what pear is most popular in the U.S.-- Neil is not a guy that speaks to and for the United States.

I have literally provided a pear that is nearly spherical, wider at the equator and flat at the top.

The pear that I showed you also is slightly wider on either side of the equator.

You have nothing.