You seem to have a serious comprehension problem, and your circular logic is really starting to bore me here
You seem to be unable to mentally comprehend that I have already explained in detail everything that you asked for. I don't need to produce a unified flat earth model in order to explain how the seasons work. I already explained it to you in detail. This is the last time that I repeat myself. Stop asking. If you're not satisfied with my answer then that's on you
No, YOU seem to have the comprehension issue.
First of all, stop with all the getting buck shyt. You ain't threating at all, and when you choose to stop engaging is the moment you admit defeat, cause I'm gonna keep popping my shyt, and you gonna keep getting bodied, and every time you bring up Flat Earth in the future, people will reference this thread and show that you were already debunked. I have quite literally already made Luken a laughing stock on this board-- you are lining yourself up to be next with this rhetoric.
I have painstakingly debunked your talking points already. Acknowledge my answers nikka. Every time I answer something or provide a piece of evidence, YOU RUN FROM IT and try to bring up another flerf talking point.
Second, and more importantly, YOU don't seem to understand that in order to validate a claim,
you must provide EVIDENCE for that claim, in order for that claim to be taken seriously. For the flat earth argument you are making, you must consolidate those ideas into ONE model, because that is the only way reality works.
You want to have multiple explanations for the phenomena we all witness, but the problem is that the multiple explanations you have given CONTRADICT THE OTHERS. This means one or more of your explanations are incorrect.
This is why we consistently ask you for ONE model; the heliocentric model accounts for everything we see, neatly. The questions you raise against it are because you simply do not understand the heliocentric model. If you understood it,
you would naturally come to the conclusion that the flat earth hypothesis is impossible. That you still question it at this point tells me that you legitimately do not understand it.
Nikka, how are you this dense? The Heliocentric model is part of the larger Physical Cosmology model, which includes universe expansion.
But two things:
1. You are trying to change the subject--
focus on the shape of the Earth. This thread is called "
I'm challenging xCivicx to a debate about Flat Earth". You always try to deflect with a different topic so that you don't have to answer the topic that is under discussion. I'm more than happy to talk about universe expansion, but that is not the topic and it's clear that you are trying to run.
2. As I've already told you, stop asking for shyt that you're going to outright dismiss. You have asked me for evidence of certain things, and the second I provide it, you dismiss it. I gave you a real image of the Earth from the ISS, and your goofy ass said it looked like a painting.
NOW WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. I can explain what I believe causes said motion. This requires some knowledge in electromagnetism

Boy, you setting yourself up for failure. It's mad funny that you don't even realize this.
You shouldn't have done this, but hey, I'm a lion and lions don't turn down easy kills.
It's common knowledge that the compass always points due north, to the north pole. On the flat earth model, the north pole is the dead center of the plane, so the compass is always pointing INWARD, which is what allows the circumnavigation of the plane just a easy(EVEN EASIER, IN FACT) when compared to circumnavigating a ball
The compass consistently points to the north pole because there is a source of IMMENSE MAGNETISM at the north pole. This is another irrefutable fact. Any object of IMMENSE MAGNETISM, generates an INTENSE MAGNETIC FIELD. This MAGNETIC FIELD(which you can see parts of by way of the northern lights) is what is responsible for the motion of the sun and moon, as they are considered to be moving along magnetic field lines generated by the intensely magnetized object at the north pole. This is LITERALLY THE BASIS FOR ELECTRICITY AND "CURRENT" AT ALL SCALES. If you had any background at all in the hard sciences then these concepts wouldn't seem to foreign to you. Magnetic field aimed 1 way, charged particles move around said magnetic field

This is one of the most embarrassing and juvenile attempts at explaining magnetism (or literally anything) I have ever seen.
You type like a kid that just got caught lying and has to explain why they stuck their hand in the cookie jar
Fam-- NO: the Earth produces a magnetic field through
convection currents of the outer core and rotation. The core of the SPHERICAL Earth is why we have a magnetic field.
We can measure this with seismographs. When there is an earthquake, that quake produces what are known as P-waves and S-waves. P-waves are the most important to this discussion. P-waves, or pressure waves, are body waves that reveal information about the interior of the Earth. P-waves go through the Earth's interior and because of the makeup of the interior of the Earth (i.e., layers like the crust, mantle, inner core, etc..) cause what is known as the P-Wave Shadow Zone.
This Shadow Zone reveals that the Earth has a spherical outer core and solid inner core.
This is an objective measurement that is captured on a seismograph, meaning there is no room for NASA (or Neil deGrasse Tyson or whoever you like to make believe is in on the conspiracy) to fabricate. It is also how the early earthquake detection system works, literally by measuring P-waves that pass through the Earth's interior. This gives us up to 90 seconds warning before major earthquakes happen.
So we know why the magnetic field is generated, and that it's quite literally due to the core of the Earth not only rotating, but because it's shape is spherical.
Further, compasses do not work properly in Antarctica at the South Pole:
Hold this L, flerf
Now YOU have to explain why P-Wave Shadow Zones exist and are captured by seismographs if the Earth is flat and doesn't contain a spherical core that is responsible for the magnetic field.
YOU also have to explain why compasses don't work properly in Antarctica, if Antarctica is a ring that surrounds the flat earth.
YOU are also tasked with explaining why the Moon (which you claim is a projection) is rotating above the Earth "due to magnetic fields". How is this accomplished? Why is a projection being manipulated by a magnetic field? You just SAY this is happening, but you have no proof of this happening nor can you explain it, especially because you believe the Moon is a projection.
YOU are also burdened with explaining why these magnetic field causes the Sun and Moon to move in rings of wider and shallower circumference. Magnets cause attraction, so if the magnetic field is causing them to be pulled towards the center of the flat plane, why does it all of a sudden cause them to rotate AWAY from the center.
And here's where you fukked up-- since you have admitted there IS a center of the flat plane, you must now show me what that looks like (i.e., a model of this flat plane). By there being a center, this means you have a shape in mind, because you've said the Sun and Moon rotate above that center/shape. What is that shape? Show me what that shape looks like. There has to exist a description of what you are claiming. I will accept a drawing if you cannot provide an image from the internet.
I'll wait.