They're back together?

Dude just made a post on his IG yesterday saying how he "misses her". I'm like....nikka.

That's one thing you DON'T fukking do. It's like man at least keep that shyt to yourself. You just give people ammunition. I hate when dudes don't learn.
I knew shyt was going to go awry when he posted her when they first got together on some Fisher Price: My First Girlfriend shyt looking all goofy. People was warning him the comment section THEN to tone it down and be careful.
I haven't watched his videos in a long time so I don't know what happened there, but it's not the first time he's been played by a chick. I'm sure some shyt happened in Colombia with a broad too.
He's got good qualities as a person and I wish him the best, but the simpness and naivety rolls of him like heatwaves and shyt like that will make you get ate up in this world. Being all lovey duvvy not even 5 minutes after you meet a broad is a disaster waiting to happen.
That's also a lesson that just because a chick isn't from the west that she's going to be some subservient woman who caters to all your needs. Some dudes (not sayign anyone on here) need to get off that because these foreign chicks aren't stupid and KNOW that's what western men think about them...that's part of these they have so much game. They can spot a trick/simp a mile away before he even opens his mouth.
@Hennessypapi said, just be HOH wherever you are.