I'm a 3x Felon w/ a GED & No Degree but I Make More Than My College Masters Educated Wife


Jan 18, 2017
and you can say paying back student debt isn't a big deal, but I sure do hear people all the time IRL and on the net bytching about their student debt :sas2:

Yup. Nikkas frontin for real. You know they cry when they see that huge balance capitalized daily paying interest on interest. It cannot be bankrupted and Will NEVER go away. Feel these hotrocks ol "im educated professional" ass nikkas

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
If you could actually explain your point in a logical manner instead relying on fallacy and emotionalism you might have made our discussion worthwhile.

the only thing you cats are doing are pointing out the plus's to not having a degree (working a lot), not telling the whole story, because if you did you wouldn't have a leg to stand on and you know it.

so you hide behind bullshyt like i'm making strawman's...where? copy and paste my strawman argument.

i have yet to see anybody in here say "if u don't have a degree you gonna die broke! give it up!"

not one person has said that - am I lying? :hubie:

but tell the truth: there's hardly anybody out here is making 90-100K a year WORKING for somebody else without a degree unless they're a singer, actor or is a pro athlete.

and even then they have to be top tier and that's less than 1% of the population.

even doing 80 hours a week for a year is not plausible - the body wouldn't even be able to handle it.

again, :duck: abound in here. you can't have a rational discussion if everything people are saying in here is a flat out lie :heh:


Dec 2, 2015
the only thing you cats are doing are pointing out the plus's to not having a degree (working a lot), not telling the whole story, because if you did you wouldn't have a leg to stand on and you know it.

so you hide behind bullshyt like i'm making strawman's...where? copy and paste my strawman argument.

i have yet to see anybody in here say "if u don't have a degree you gonna die broke! give it up!"

not one person has said that - am I lying? :hubie:

but tell the truth: there's hardly anybody out here is making 90-100K a year WORKING for somebody else without a degree unless they're a singer, actor or is a pro athlete.

and even then they have to be top tier and that's less than 1% of the population.

even doing 80 hours a week for a year is not plausible - the body wouldn't even be able to handle it.

again, :duck: abound in here. you can't have a rational discussion if everything people are saying in here is a flat out lie :heh:

Man again you present strawmen arguments and ignore what I and others have typed.
Try to take your time actually read what people have said, don't just skim the words and put your own ideas in, read what others have actually written.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Man again you present strawmen arguments and ignore what I and others have typed.
Try to take your time actually read what people have said, don't just skim the words and put your own ideas in, read what others have actually written.

i just asked you to copy and paste my strawman though :stopitslime:

and I have been reading, it's just a bunch of nikkas lying in here.


Dec 2, 2015
i just asked you to copy and paste my strawman though :stopitslime:

and I have been reading, it's just a bunch of nikkas lying in here.
Your whole post where you initially claimed people said you can drop out of school have a huge mansion and be a millionaire, no one argued that.
Then the last post were you claim people said you can just drop out of school and get 90k no one said that, we specifically said get a skilled trade


Dec 11, 2015
Why isn't it realistic, when it is entirely realistic? Trade schools offer less debt, quicker transition to the work force, and greater job security and placement than your average 4 year degree.
Stats are misleading as well, the truth is that 4 year degree earnings vary by major, and when you remove super earners from 4 year degree, the average income evens out.
The Great College Hoax

LIke I say in everyone of these threads, it is very important before you go to college that you see the job outlook of your degree and compare it to the cost of gaining the degree, the opportunity costs needs to be included as well, compared to learning a trade.

Too many people believe in bogus stats about college education, and like yourself seem to want to default into the position that its good, when it isn't in reality.
Find a marketable skill should be the only goal in looking at education, when you look at how much it costs.

Certainly the type of degree you get will impact your earnings potential. However, I think you are downplaying the risk of trading school. It comes off as if you are assuming folks who go through trade schools are automatically placed into jobs. I'm currently studying a jobs training program that is free and certifies people but has terrible job placement. Also, we can't disregard the fact that as our economy continues to evolve more and more jobs will require higher education and trade jobs will continue to shrink as capital will continue to move abroad for cheaper labor.

Additionally, if you are going to breakdown college graduates earnings by degree type you also have to do something similar to only HS grads (i.e. HS Degree holders earnings by industry). If we compared how much a high school diploma holder earns vs how much a 4 year degree holder makes in each industry which educational level do think would earn more consistently? Which would educational category would consistently be in managerial positions?

In no way am I trying to dismiss folks who take a alternative route. I'm all for a different path, college isn't for everyone. However, I think it's important to speak to the reality of the economy we face. A lot of kids going to college are getting crushed with student loan debt, but a lot of folks who are not going to college are finding it increasingly difficult to get stable employment that will result in middle class incomes

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Yup. Nikkas frontin for real. You know they cry when they see that huge balance capitalized daily paying interest on interest. It cannot be bankrupted and Will NEVER go away. Feel these hotrocks ol "im educated professional" ass nikkas

:mjlol: you sell weed don't you. tell the truth.

i swear dudes get on these forums to run from their real lives...

i'll ask this question again FOR ANYBODY TO ANSWER because it was totally ignored a few pages back:

like i said - lawyers have student loans, doctors, scientists, software developers etc etc... <<<they're all dumb?!?! wasted their time!?!

Your whole post where you initially claimed people said you can drop out of school have a huge mansion and be a millionaire, no one argued that.
Then the last post were you claim people said you can just drop out of school and get 90k no one said that, we specifically said get a skilled trade

first of all that Mansion comment was the last sentence of a whole argument I made, and it was me talking shyt about all the lying going on in here, it wasn't a straw man

that's like saying everybody who's posted this: :duck: is making a strawman argument.

you purposely ignored my other points before that though because you know they're true - I don't need google I actually know A LOT of people who don't have college educations or a skill and how they have to live

a lot of them also wind up going back to school or running into walls in their field because they don't have a degree

and somebody in here DID say they make 90k before taxes and they were a felon...go back and read it.
I also never said anything about anybody dropping out of school.


Dec 2, 2015
first of all that Mansion comment was the last sentence of a whole argument I made, and it was me talking shyt about all the lying going on in here, it wasn't a straw man

that's like saying everybody who's posted this: :duck: is making a strawman argument.

you purposely ignored my other points before that though because you know they're true - I don't need google I actually know A LOT of people who don't have college educations or a skill and how they have to live

a lot of them also wind up going back to school or running into walls in their field because they don't have a degree

and somebody in here DID say they make 90k before taxes and they were a felon...go back and read it.
I also never said anything about anybody dropping out of school.

So you can't even admit you are engaging in hyperbole and presenting strawmen arguments. SMH
I didn't purposely ignore anything, also you personal experience doesn't trump data that looks at national trends.
If they go back to school more power to them, they still are in a position where they are getting income and experience where as the 4 year grad doesn't have that luxury.

The person did say they made 90k and that is that person, so what, he didn't say everyone would do this.

Certainly the type of degree you get will impact your earnings potential. However, I think you are downplaying the risk of trading school. It comes off as if you are assuming folks who go through trade schools are automatically placed into jobs. I'm currently studying a jobs training program that is free and certifies people but has terrible job placement. Also, we can't disregard the fact that as our economy continues to evolve more and more jobs will require higher education and trade jobs will continue to shrink as capital will continue to move abroad for cheaper labor.

Additionally, if you are going to breakdown college graduates earnings by degree type you also have to do something similar to only HS grads (i.e. HS Degree holders earnings by industry). If we compared how much a high school diploma holder earns vs how much a 4 year degree holder makes in each industry which educational level do think would earn more consistently? Which would educational category would consistently be in managerial positions?
Not downplaying anything, there is less risk in learning a trade than going to a 4 year university. The percentage of getting a job in your field from a trade is greater than getting one in your field in general from all 4 year degree holders. The cost is less in a trade than a 4 year degree. This is reality.

A jobs training program isn't the same as learning a trade or getting an apprenticeship is it?
More jobs require skill, not a higher and higher education, and the specific jobs that require credentials are specific positions, not what most of us are talking about.

No one in this thread said just going to HS is ideal, we've literally been arguing for people who have trades. So again try to read what people are arguing.


Dec 11, 2015
So you can't even admit you are engaging in hyperbole and presenting strawmen arguments. SMH
I didn't purposely ignore anything, also you personal experience doesn't trump data that looks at national trends.
If they go back to school more power to them, they still are in a position where they are getting income and experience where as the 4 year grad doesn't have that luxury.

The person did say they made 90k and that is that person, so what, he didn't say everyone would do this.

Not downplaying anything, there is less risk in learning a trade than going to a 4 year university. The percentage of getting a job in your field from a trade is greater than getting one in your field in general from all 4 year degree holders. The cost is less in a trade than a 4 year degree. This is reality.

A jobs training program isn't the same as learning a trade or getting an apprenticeship is it?
More jobs require skill, not a higher and higher education, and the specific jobs that require credentials are specific positions, not what most of us are talking about.

No one in this thread said just going to HS is ideal, we've literally been arguing for people who have trades. So again try to read what people are arguing.
The program I was speaking about is actually a apprenticeship program. Also, do you have any evidence or stats that suggest, "there is less risk in learning a trade than going to a 4 year university"? Also, i agree more education is always better

"By 2025, two thirds of all jobs in the US will require education beyond high school, he says, including jobs that require 2-year degrees and certificates or trade-school training."


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I've already conceded this point...nobody in here has said that dudes who don't have formal educations ain't out here making bread, in fact people are saying the opposite

but working a demeaning and labor intensive job for 55-60 hours a week isn't exactly what i'd call winning :manny:

and even though these types of dudes make great money, none of them are pulling in close to 100K a year by themselves - these are flat out lies.
I just you don't want to think you're years of education are getting shytted on imo. It's cats making that much and more but I can't cosign anyone on here though but irl I can. It's not the norm but it's cats making millions with no formal education and working less time than you posted. They didn't start out that way of course but now they like that. Again I see what you're saying and I guess without proof it's hard to believe it online but my only thing is when cats act like it can't happen. I also don't get why folks on both sides really get into it because even if someone is making more/less then what? I try to stay away from that stuff for that reason right there


Dec 2, 2015
The program I was speaking about is actually a apprenticeship program. Also, do you have any evidence or stats that suggest, "there is less risk in learning a trade than going to a 4 year university"? Also, i agree more education is always better

"By 2025, two thirds of all jobs in the US will require education beyond high school, he says, including jobs that require 2-year degrees and certificates or trade-school training."


Bill Gates writing doesn't mean anything, US has a glut of STEM and college grads and the tech sector is raping US citizens and foreign workers with the H1 process.
That said there is a shortage in the US for workers in trades.

Nine months in trade school. Job guaranteed.
Manufacturers in the Chicago area are busier than ever lately, and they're "begging" for more workers trained in advanced manufacturing skills like CNC machining, said Redd.

It's not just in Chicago. Factory work has picked up considerably nationwide, making skilled workers a valuable commodity, said Marc Smierciak, associate dean of instruction at the vocational college.

$100K manufacturing jobs
"Employers right now need workers with these high-precision skills. But the mismatch is that most of America's unemployed workforce doesn't possess these skills," Smierciak said.

So manufacturers are racing to trade schools like Wilbur Wright, one of only seven schools in Illinois that offer an accredited CNC course, and snapping up newly-minted factory workers as quickly as they can.

The demand for his graduates is so intense that last year's CNC graduating class scored a 100% job placement.

In the past, high school graduates went to college to get jobs that required a postgraduate degree, with the assumption that these jobs would bring bigger paychecks. But college graduates have earned an average starting salary of $27,000 since 2009, versus $42,000 for trade school graduates.

Ilana Garon, a teacher at a public high school in the Bronx, is no longer surprised when students tell her they have no plans to go to college.

“The current 'college for all' trend in education is neither economically viable nor beneficial to all students,” she writes in a Huffington Post editorial. “There isn't enough demand in the market for every bachelor's degree produced at a four-year college.”

Even college professors agree.

“All too often, college graduates incur crippling debt and don't improve their job prospects,” Richard Vedder, a professor of economics at Ohio University, tells Richard Vedder at Forbes. “It is still gospel among politicians that college education makes people better off...the job market, though, is telling us that this is wasted effort.”

The bottom line is, choosing to go to college is an investment and everyone should decide for themselves whether they want to take that investment depending on their own financial situation and career goals.

Going to Trade School: Should You Do It?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that middle-skill jobs (jobs that generally require some significant education and training beyond high school but less than a bachelor’s degree) will make up approximately 45% of all job openings projected through 2014. Of the occupations requiring postsecondary education, those requiring an associate degree are projected to grow the fastest, at about 19%.

“We are actually seeing a better connection between the education system and the needs of the local community, and that’s resulting in very high rates of employment, both while students are going through post-secondary education as well as completing the program and getting a job,” says Kimberly Green, executive director of The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium.

Like I said earlier though, I'm not anti college, but we need to abandon the faulty mindset that everyone should go to college or college equal financial success, it doesn't in the slightest. A lot is dependant on your major, location, and market at that time of graduation and pool of workers. Aim for marketable skills that are in demand, that should be the goal.

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
you know what...why speculate? let's just look at the shyt (i JUST googled this knew nothing of these careers 5 minutes ago):

the 30 highest paying jobs that don't require a bachelors degree let's just look at the top THREE that require 0 degree:


1) Nuclear-power-reactor operators (somebody already mentioned this type of job earlier)
They operate or control nuclear reactors, move control rods, start and stop equipment, monitor and adjust controls, record data in logs, and implement emergency procedures when needed.
Median annual wage (2015): $88,560
Education required:
High-school diploma or equivalent

2) Transportation, storage, and distribution managers

They coordinate transportation, storage, or distribution activities in accordance with organizational policies and applicable government laws or regulations.
Median annual wage (2015): $86,630
Education required:
High-school diploma or equivalent

3) First-line supervisors of police and detectives

They directly supervise and coordinate activities of members of a police force.
Median annual wage (2015): $82,090
Education required:
High-school diploma or equivalent

^^^^^ wow. look at this. according to business insider, there are NO jobs that even exist that pay 90K that don't require a degree

let me guess...they're lying or don't know wtf they're talking about because this is a "CAC" publication :mjlol:

like i said before...:duck: all up and down this thread. carry on gentlemen


Sep 28, 2012
Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur.
Some people want to be doctors, lawyers, investment bankers, hedge fund managers, software developers, researchers, physicists, mathematicians, nurses, etc.
Plenty of people are satisfied with their careers after attending college.
I know far more people struggling and unhappy because education was always out-of-reach, than people with strong educations struggling and unhappy.

What are you? How much you make, how much was your school loan?


Sep 28, 2012
you know what...why speculate? let's just look at the shyt (i JUST googled this knew nothing of these careers 5 minutes ago):

the 30 highest paying jobs that don't require a bachelors degree let's just look at the top THREE that require 0 degree:


1) Nuclear-power-reactor operators (somebody already mentioned this type of job earlier)
They operate or control nuclear reactors, move control rods, start and stop equipment, monitor and adjust controls, record data in logs, and implement emergency procedures when needed.
Median annual wage (2015): $88,560
Education required:
High-school diploma or equivalent

2) Transportation, storage, and distribution managers

They coordinate transportation, storage, or distribution activities in accordance with organizational policies and applicable government laws or regulations.
Median annual wage (2015): $86,630
Education required:
High-school diploma or equivalent

3) First-line supervisors of police and detectives

They directly supervise and coordinate activities of members of a police force.
Median annual wage (2015): $82,090
Education required:
High-school diploma or equivalent

^^^^^ wow. look at this. according to business insider, there are NO jobs that even exist that pay 90K that don't require a degree

let me guess...they're lying or don't know wtf they're talking about because this is a "CAC" publication :mjlol:

like i said before...:duck: all up and down this thread. carry on gentlemen
Lol you gotta be the dumbest nikka on earth