Just read the responses in this thread.You stated yourself that you are well versed in the Hannibal universe, so knowing the showing was primarily based on that material, just what exactly was your expectations going in? And reading through the Hannibal thread I'm not quite sure where the show was misrepresented in any way or form. If you don't think this show is up there with Game of Thrones, Fargo, True Detective and the likes then its hard for me to take your opinions seriously. The only legit gripe I have even heard you state was the "killer of the week" shyt from season 1, in which most people agree with and most people would say Season 2 is a lot better than Season 1 because of that. But the killer of the week shyt was pretty much deaded in Season 1, and Season 2 is where the show really takes off and it ends with one hell of a finale so after finishing Season 2 just what are your gripes with the show going forward?
"Youre not paying attention to the details!!!"
"Youve never seen anything like this on tv!!!!!"
"Best show currently on!!!"
"Everything is connected!!!!"
Season 1 was weak and most people can agree to that. So how is it the best show on tv when only 1 out of 2 seasons is good. True detective, got etc those shows first seasons take a giant shyt on hannibals 1st season.
If someone reads through the responses to my original post then watches the show going in cold theyre going to be dissapointed just like I am.
People seem more gassed up off the season 2 finale and are glossing over how dull the show is at times. I've already stated more than the killer of the week gripe. The show lacks any suspense because these characters are over done at this point. Its got one main arcing plot that moves at a walking dead on the farm pace with random killers thrown in to fill in time. A slow paced plot can be forgiven for other shows but this show has almost non existant character development to fall back on. Wills literaly the only character on the show whos interesting. Jack crawford is just so thinly written he might as well be cardboard. Hannibal has been done to death at this point so hes not really that interesting anymore.
It's a solid show, a good B tier show. But it's not doing original or noteworthy. It's pretty fukkin formulaic. It's a show you watch and forget about it because theirs no depth ti the show.
But like i said if you read the responses to my OP youd think this show was some ultra fresh, original mind bending show with conplicated plots and intricate writing.
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