I'm 6 episodes into Hannibal, does it get better?

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
To be clear I only bring up metacritic because hannibal defenders keep repeatedly bringing up critics.

So a 69% first season which makes a 78% average between two seasons puts its well below a lot of shows by the critics hannibal fans keep bringing up.

But hey if you think hannibal is high art, then good luck in not drooling on yourself.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Lol such pitiful excuses for arguments being made here. Cut your losses and admit you're trolling. Only way to save some face here.
I already made a bunch of legit gripes and your only response is "neg rep youre dumb LOLZ"

Clearly you lack the intelligence to actually debate the show and would rather attack me.

Just admit you're either dumb as fukk, or trolling and leave my thread.

How would I need to cut my losses to save face when the thread is full of other posters admitting they stopped watching during season 1 due to its low quality.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
I already made a bunch of legit gripes and your only response is "neg rep youre dumb LOLZ"

Clearly you lack the intelligence to actually debate the show and would rather attack me.

Just admit you're either dumb as fukk, or trolling and leave my thread.

How would I need to cut my losses to save face when the thread is full of other posters admitting they stopped watching during season 1 due to its low quality.
Plenty of people on thecoli w shyt taste and short attention spans. Of all the critiques one might come up with, "low quality" is absolutely not a valid description of any aspect of Hannibal.

You have made zero legit gripes. This thread is identical to the one some other fukking idiot made the other day about Breaking Bad. Generic complaints that are not designed to be debated because you'll always retreat to a personal opinion defense, plus transparent "I'm well-versed in the lore so don't try to tell me Im missing something because Im not, you guys!" pre-rebuttals to the obvious fact that no, you clearly did not fully absorb or appreciate what the show has accomplished. When some examples of this are pointed out, your only response is "other shows have done similar things before" without expanding on that at all. Because you're just winging it. You've committed to this too strongly and now you're tied to these views and opinions that you can't possibly defend and maintain credibility. So you make things up and dismiss with broad strokes. Typical again.

You feel like you missed out on something and were a victim of hype that your own brain would never allow to be fulfilled. So you approached the show with prejudice and the same shytty little smarmy attitude you now bring to this thread and hey, what happened? Shocker. Its not that you dont get it, no...everyone else was wrong. Happens all the time with great pieces of work. There's thousands and thousands of people out there who have gone back and listened to the Beatles and just dont get what all the hoopla was about. Guess they were just a solid band, nothing more.


May 3, 2012
Plenty of people on thecoli w shyt taste and short attention spans. Of all the critiques one might come up with, "low quality" is absolutely not a valid description of any aspect of Hannibal.

You have made zero legit gripes. This thread is identical to the one some other fukking idiot made the other day about Breaking Bad. Generic complaints that are not designed to be debated because you'll always retreat to a personal opinion defense, plus transparent "I'm well-versed in the lore so don't try to tell me Im missing something because Im not, you guys!" pre-rebuttals to the obvious fact that no, you clearly did not fully absorb or appreciate what the show has accomplished. When some examples of this are pointed out, your only response is "other shows have done similar things before" without expanding on that at all. Because you're just winging it. You've committed to this too strongly and now you're tied to these views and opinions that you can't possibly defend and maintain credibility. So you make things up and dismiss with broad strokes. Typical again.

You feel like you missed out on something and were a victim of hype that your own brain would never allow to be fulfilled. So you approached the show with prejudice and the same shytty little smarmy attitude you now bring to this thread and hey, what happened? Shocker. Its not that you dont get it, no...everyone else was wrong. Happens all the time with great pieces of work. There's thousands and thousands of people out there who have gone back and listened to the Beatles and just dont get what all the hoopla was about. Guess they were just a solid band, nothing more.

Hannibal is that you? Either way..

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Plenty of people on thecoli w shyt taste and short attention spans. Of all the critiques one might come up with, "low quality" is absolutely not a valid description of any aspect of Hannibal.

You have made zero legit gripes. This thread is identical to the one some other fukking idiot made the other day about Breaking Bad. Generic complaints that are not designed to be debated because you'll always retreat to a personal opinion defense, plus transparent "I'm well-versed in the lore so don't try to tell me Im missing something because Im not, you guys!" pre-rebuttals to the obvious fact that no, you clearly did not fully absorb or appreciate what the show has accomplished. When some examples of this are pointed out, your only response is "other shows have done similar things before" without expanding on that at all. Because you're just winging it. You've committed to this too strongly and now you're tied to these views and opinions that you can't possibly defend and maintain credibility. So you make things up and dismiss with broad strokes. Typical again.

You feel like you missed out on something and were a victim of hype that your own brain would never allow to be fulfilled. So you approached the show with prejudice and the same shytty little smarmy attitude you now bring to this thread and hey, what happened? Shocker. Its not that you dont get it, no...everyone else was wrong. Happens all the time with great pieces of work. There's thousands and thousands of people out there who have gone back and listened to the Beatles and just dont get what all the hoopla was about. Guess they were just a solid band, nothing more.
Once again, all ad hominem, personal attacks without talking about the show so here let me make this simple for you son I'll bullet point some gripes, debate them without attacking me, if you're even capable of it in your thick skull.

*no suspense due to over familiarity with characters
*over reliance on shock value/violence
*formulaic killer of the weeks/filler
*slow paced plot
*no character develoment
*no depth to the show in writing
*show closely resembles millenium

And now hannibal based on one good season is the beatles of tv shows. You're embarassing yourself. Considering you've resorted to claiming anyone who doesn't have the same taste as you has a shyt opinion, I'm not surprised by that though.

I forgot this show is rated 100% on every metric available with nobody not liking it. I guess every single person that doesn't like it is wrong because YOU say so.

Compare hannibal to the beatles brehs.
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Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
It would truly be hilarious if season 3 was even worse than season one just to watch how dumb some of you look going saiyan over one season.

But I hope it improves on season two and gets better.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Whine about ad hominems and then call someone thick-skulled in the same breath. Irony lost on you, of course.

*no suspense due to over familiarity with characters

Facepalm. One, familiarity with characters has nothing to do with suspense of the story. Two, Ive never heard such queer logic attempted in a criticism. Im a big Batman fan, Ive seen every film and comic, so of course this means I will enjoy the new show LESS? :what: Moreover, the characters and the story are all quite different from any previous incarnations of the Hannibal universe. Every event and every character has been tweaked and remixed, or completely revamped or built from scratch, so to infer that this is some kind of retread that you can predict is absolute nonsense. If you were as familiar with the source material as you claim, you would already know this and would never write this dumb shyt to begin with. Pretty sure you're lying about that.

*over reliance on shock value/violence

Its a show about serial killers and it fully embraces that fact in the best and most artistic way possible. What did you expect though? Thats like criticizing Transformers for relying on robots and CGI. This is not valid criticism. In a sea of shows about serial killers, nothing else presents the gory details with such stylized and twisted beauty. On network TV, no less.

*formulaic killer of the weeks/filler

Every "killer of the week" is both integrally tied into the overarching story and saga of the main characters and used as a means to deal with the many subjects I pointed out earlier. Clearly one of the biggest aspects of the show that flew completely over your head.

*slow paced plot

Adderall works wonders. Let me guess, you were often checking your phone or completing other tasks during these "slow-paced" moments? No wonder you missed out.

*no character develoment

Not everything is Tolstoy. That said, this is patently false. Will has gone through more than one metamorphasis since Hannibal crawled into his brain. In very limited screentime, Margot is already better realized as a realistic person than the novel where she was almost a cartoonish stereotype of a lesbian. Chilton went from annoying and generic minor antagonist to a very funny and charismatic scene-stealer that is both conniving and sympathetic. All of this, keep in mind, taking place before we ever even meet any of these characters in the novel canon. So that's quite a starting point to continue on from.

*no depth to the show in writing

Again, this just tells me that you have no idea what you're talking about. Probably has something to do with the fact that you were tuned out during all those "slow-paced" dialogue scenes? The plot itself has many twists and swerves, again completely different from those of the source material while still masterfully weaving in countless callbacks and homages. And on top of that there are the many overarching themes that are explored in subtle and not so subtle ways.
As for the Beatles... Are you aware of the concept of a comparison? I deliberately used an extreme example to illustrate how the phenomenon you've experienced can occur with even that which is universally heralded, and thus does not speak to the quality of the product in question. Thought that was obvious, but I guess I'll have to keep reminding myself to keep it simple.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
It would truly be hilarious if season 3 was even worse than season one just to watch how dumb some of you look going saiyan over one season.

But I hope it improves on season two and gets better.
Clearly you don't. You've made up your mind, probably before you ever watched a minute of it, and now you're actively rooting for the show to suddenly become as bad as you claim it to be. Again to save face and because it would just be so hilarious to rub in the face of all those fans. How dare they enjoy something you missed out on.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Clearly you don't. You've made up your mind, probably before you ever watched a minute of it, and now you're actively rooting for the show to suddenly become as bad as you claim it to be. Again to save face and because it would just be so hilarious to rub in the face of all those fans. How dare they enjoy something you missed out on.
Let me sum up everything.

I bring up the poor ratings. "Oh that doesnt matter"

I bring up no emmys. "Oh emmys are meaningless theyre wrong all the time."

I bring up the metacritic scores. "Oh nobody cares and see season two had a good one *while ignoring season one)

I bring up that quite a few posters have agreed with me. "Oh they have shytty opinions."

So basically, everybody else is wrong and the only people that can believed are the handful of hannibal stans on the coli.

Got it.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Whine about ad hominems and then call someone thick-skulled in the same breath. Irony lost on you, of course.

As for the Beatles... Are you aware of the concept of a comparison? I deliberately used an extreme example to illustrate how the phenomenon you've experienced can occur with even that which is universally heralded, and thus does not speak to the quality of the product in question. Thought that was obvious, but I guess I'll have to keep reminding myself to keep it simple.
You want this show to be something its not so goddamn bad don't you? I'm not going to bother debating because its just a pissing contest with you trying to dismiss any complaint. Can't forget this show has perfect scores across the board.

You can't even debate gripes without personal attacks which I asked you to do. You're fukking pathetic.

A comparison only works if you're making a comparison to something you know, actually comparable?

The beatles are one of the most influential, highest selling bands of all time. They affected the culture of the world.

Hannibal has low ratings, decent praise and doesn't register on culture. It's also not original or influential in any metric.

Your comparison is embarassing.

And last I checked it's not universally heralded. If it was it would be popular and not sitting at a 78% average metacritic.

Who could have guessed a metric to measure intelligence is wether you think Hannibal is one of the best shows on television. :russ:
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Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Let me sum up everything.

I bring up the poor ratings. "Oh that doesnt matter"

I bring up no emmys. "Oh emmys are meaningless theyre wrong all the time."

I bring up the metacritic scores. "Oh nobody cares and see season two had a good one *while ignoring season one)

I bring up that quite a few posters have agreed with me. "Oh they have shytty opinions."

So basically, everybody else is wrong and the only people that can believed are the handful of hannibal stans on the coli.

Got it.

"A handful of Hannibal stans on the coli" =

Generally favorable critical reviews for season 1 (which you're now claiming is basically trash) and overwhelmingly positive critical acclaim for season 2, higher score than cultural darling True Detective. Extremely high metacritic user reviews for BOTH seasons based on hundreds of members. 8.6 on IMDB based on 85,000 user votes.

"Everybody else is wrong"? So you think your opinion is actually the majority then? Look up, stupid.

You just went from ignorant to outright delusional.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
"A handful of Hannibal stans on the coli" =

Generally favorable critical reviews for season 1 (which you're now claiming is basically trash) and overwhelmingly positive critical acclaim for season 2, higher score than cultural darling True Detective. Extremely high metacritic user reviews for BOTH seasons based on hundreds of members. 8.6 on IMDB based on 85,000 user votes.

"Everybody else is wrong"? So you think your opinion is actually the majority then? Look up, stupid.

You just went from ignorant to outright delusional.
The majority of people have decided hannibal isnt worth watching, hence the low ratings.

Yeah, look up the trusted hannibal stans on the coli.

Only those with IQ's above 200 can possiblly understand the greatness of the hannibal tv show!!! :russ:
