Might actually create more friction
how can you create any more division than structuring your tribe and race to the point where it can include anyone? white men, white women, asians, mexicans, etc? i'm not talking about friction or bickering back forth, i'm talking about division. you are naturally DIVIDED when you allow others into your tribe.
Mixed men/women would not cease to exist nor would attraction to them
you're right, mixed people will not cease to exist. however, promoting biracials as the best blacks have to offer atheistically creates and fosters colorism in the black community. we have bad dark skinned sisters that almost go unnoticed because we've accepted the notion that light is better.
No such thing is "preserved genetics" every group of people on Earth in 2015 is a product of genetic flow and mixture and you are about 200 years late in preserving some kind of "pure African lineage"
i've said nothing about african purity and this is a strawman you nikkas use to justify uplifting other races on some "we all mixed anyways" shyt.
AA's have spent centuries through slavery and hardship, honing our own genetics. we aint the same as africans, or any other race for that matter. (try tagging broke wave again over this so he can cosign

) slavery forged damn near super human genetics out of black folks, so we SHOULD be preserving them over giving our genetic diversity to other races.
It would? What magazines, television shows, music labels are headed by Black people to push this?
it's just like you & reparations, it'll never get pushed when you actively fight against it. long as black people claim biracials as our own, cacs will have no problem using our logic against us. when blacks collectively stand up and reject being represented by half whites, then we'll discuss this.
but it aint white folks goal to promote the best out of our race. so instead of waiting on white folks to do right by us, its up to blacks to build our own media promotion.
They would still be competing with White women and mixed women regardless of how they are classified
once again, back to media promotion. long as you're telling black girls that the mixed breed with the light skin, european features, and curly hair is the best our race has to offer; you will continue to foster a system that leaves black girls self esteem in the dumpster. along with black males running towards whats promoted as the best.
Why would White people give more Black people opportunities simply because biracials would have their own group?
every time there's a "first black" something, it's always a biracial, and as a coli poster told me last week, "biracial is the new black." so long as blacks keep one drop ruling ourselves with pride, whites will continue to use it against us.
and these mixbreeds born into white communities will continue to usurp opportunity and ride the fence, when cacs need to fill a black position.
There is no "look like us."
poitier, i know you're apparently mixed to shyt with white grandparents or whatever, but don't be an idiot. most blacks in the US are not so washed down that we have nothing left to preserve. i know what black people look like. it may be confusing for you rachel dolezal accepting ass nikkas, but not me.
racial whitening begins the moment you believe you can create black people from white people. we have unlimited examples of the black man with the white wife, with the biracial kid, who goes on to procreate with another cac.
under a properly structured tribe, we will not accept those who date out, or their biracial half-lings. if they want to breed themselves out or create a biracial community, great; but not on our dime.
How does it disallow Whites from doing anything? If they want to classify biracials as Black they will and if they want to give biracials visibility over Blacks then they wil
contrary to popular belief, we have the power to shape our race and who is accepted into it. if they want to classify biracials as black, that's fine, we dont have to accept them on some plan. b shyt. we dont have to watch shows or movies that pick biracials over blacks. we don't have to cheer in support every time a biracial lands a prominent black position. hell, we dont have to fukk white people to create the biracials. these are all choices we make and can control without worrying about white classifications.