If you had to pick a World Title Run for anyone (Any Generation) who would it be?


Feb 3, 2016
Rick Rude in the Dangerous Alliance
I love that Stable and damn that's a good pick.

But, I can't stress it enough cause Mr. Perfect was my guy as a kid. So anytime between '88-'92 I think he should have been the top heel champ in WWF. I also wouldn't have loved it. But, he could have also been the transition champ instead of Backlund. I mean I know I made Perfect WCW champ on WCW/NWO Revenge all the time. But, I'm not as convinced he should have been the champ there in that period.

This is going to be crazy but the year Dean Malenko was PWI's #1 guy. The dude was putting in that work in the ring. He didn't have the personality to be the WCW champion. But, I don't know enough about Japan, but I have to think he could have rocked as All Japan or IWGP champ as a loan from WCW.

Samoa Joe not beating Brock for at least a hot shot run during that Great Balls of Fire push is criminal. Joe leaving WWE as only a multiple time NXT champion is just a waste of a moment. Every time they let Joe cook, my man was feedin the masses. And then he did the JOB when the belt was on the line.

ROH was the thing that really started to pull me back to paying attention to wrestling after I had checked out post WWE/WCW Invasion. Granted I still would pop in and watch the occasional big WWE show or catch the forum talk on a must watch guy. But ROH was the fed that really made me scan the file sharing sites for matches. So Nigel was one of my guys that I took a liking too. When he went to TNA, I was all for seeing some Desmond Wolfe as TNA champ.


Jun 13, 2019
Rick Rude should have gotten a run there in the early 90s, but WWF didn’t put the belt on heels much then. Rude did later jump ship to WCW and got a run. He had some nice feuds with Sting and Ricky Steamboat as well.

Lex Luger should have went over and beat Yokozuna for the belt at Summerslam ‘93. He could have dropped the belt a few months later at the Survivor's Series or Royal Rumble to Bret if that was the direction Coke boy wanted to go.

Vader should have gotten a transitional type run in ‘96, but instead they had him jobbing to Shawn Michaels. That destroyed his credibility as monster heel. People shyt on the WCW for questionable booking, but Vader was booked terribly during his entire WWF/E run.

Shelton Benjamin should have gotten a run there around 04-05 era. He put on great matches and was booked strong but they never pulled the trigger on it. People can talk about his mic skills and charisma all day, but they could have repackaged him and got him a manager and made it work.

I see a lot people saying Scott Hall and Hall did have the look, charisma, and ring work to be the top guy in WWF/E and WCW as well but I believe he went on record saying a few times that he didn’t want to be that guy. Some guys are fine being upper mid card and occasionally main event and he was one of those guys.

I think the WWF/E had big plans for Mr. Perfect as well but he hurt his back and was never the same after that and Cokeboy pivoted to other guys like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

Ricky Steamboat was another guy that WWF/E really didn’t know how to book and they didn’t do much with him after his feud with Savage in ‘88. He was booked much better in WCW.

Leonard Washington

May 2, 2012
A little town called none ya got damn bidness
That time Owen pinned Bret for the WWF world title should’ve been an official title change

If anything Bret coulda got it back at the next ppv.

Reversing an official referee decision due to “interference” in a lumberjack match is one of the dumbest things I ever seen in wrestling :gucci:

If Andre The Giant is recognized as a former WWF world champ for pinning a world champ who kicked out at one then having the decision immediately reversed, Owen should be too for pinning a world champ who didn’t kick out at all :ufdup:

They definitely shouldve let Owen cook as WWF champion :pachaha:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Instead of Backlund winning at Survivor Series, I would’ve had Owen win it in a rubber match 2/3 falls match. I would have him hold it until the Rumble where Diesel beats him. As a former world champion, that might changed Owen’s career and life to the point where he would never had been the Blue Blazer again.


If Owen lost to diesel.

Owen would have gotten immediately buried like iron sheik did against hogun.
Plus like how Backlund was done verse diesel. To never return.
Plus similar to hogun was dead verse Goldberg.
shyt even hbk verse scsa.
shyt people were sick of hogun. That he politically was only able to comeback after losing to warrior.
Even then his run after that was trash. Plus why he had to bury the warrior in wcw purposefully with a trash program and no quality control on warrior's side. Whereas hogun ignorantly thinks he can have any level of quality and still be a draw and it is a lie.
Even Andre after losing to hogun was done.

Hbk only got to comeback because the injury healed and the son in law was there. To keep up this rehab project. Yet if hbk would have appeared after scsa saying anything. He was done done too.
If Owen would have dropped to diesel.
His only outlet would have still been at best.
the horrific gimmick which saw his demise.

Art Barr
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May 1, 2012
Brick City/Happy Valley
Rick Rude should have gotten a run there in the early 90s, but WWF didn’t put the belt on heels much then. Rude did later jump ship to WCW and got a run. He had some nice feuds with Sting and Ricky Steamboat as well.

Lex Luger should have went over and beat Yokozuna for the belt at Summerslam ‘93. He could have dropped the belt a few months later at the Survivor's Series or Royal Rumble to Bret if that was the direction Coke boy wanted to go.

Vader should have gotten a transitional type run in ‘96, but instead they had him jobbing to Shawn Michaels. That destroyed his credibility as monster heel. People shyt on the WCW for questionable booking, but Vader was booked terribly during his entire WWF/E run.

Shelton Benjamin should have gotten a run there around 04-05 era. He put on great matches and was booked strong but they never pulled the trigger on it. People can talk about his mic skills and charisma all day, but they could have repackaged him and got him a manager and made it work.

I see a lot people saying Scott Hall and Hall did have the look, charisma, and ring work to be the top guy in WWF/E and WCW as well but I believe he went on record saying a few times that he didn’t want to be that guy. Some guys are fine being upper mid card and occasionally main event and he was one of those guys.

I think the WWF/E had big plans for Mr. Perfect as well but he hurt his back and was never the same after that and Cokeboy pivoted to other guys like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

Ricky Steamboat was another guy that WWF/E really didn’t know how to book and they didn’t do much with him after his feud with Savage in ‘88. He was booked much better in WCW.

In Steamboat’s case, he was buried because he wanted to have time off to see his son being born. That’s why Honky Tonk Man got the run with the IC belt. Steamboat never recovered from that unfortunately. Definitely believe he would at least been top upper card face had it had the IC run he originally would’ve gotten.