Think Coli Agents will admit to this brehs.Why are you voting for Trump?
Think Coli Agents will admit to this brehs.Why are you voting for Trump?
This is it they're voting to spite women for the most part.
Rac00n are cuteMassa’s favorite Lost Nikkas about to swarm in here talkin bout:
“It’s BothSides you guys” -
You make black people look bad.
Not voting, fulfilling stereotypes with terrible typing and bad grammar. Can't be reasoned with. Brash. Incoherent arguments.
A walking archetype you are. You make us look terrible.
It's one question, what didn't you read?Didn't read
You'd have to be insane. The white supremacists are making their run to inshrine their ideology into law, but treacherous c00ns support them.
ThisThey'll never admit it OP. Just like Cacs don't. They usually speak in code and play the "bothsides" role. Trump supporters are usually bothsiders.
You'll probably get a dude that admits it , and plays stonewall or disappears. Or someone that will come in and do the "I'm just asking questions"
But on this site? It's the bothsiders. And coli member Trump supporter knows he'll rocked in a "cordial conversation"
At the end of the day, stupidity doesn't know political affiliation. If you honestly believe this topic applies to maybe more than 2 regularly engaging posters on this entire sub forum you might just be a legit stupid, so no real trump voters so far
just a few homotional n!ggas b!tchin about a nonexistent entity
OP you're one of the loudest members of that blacks 4 Trump right wing astroturf called ADOS and FBA. Your lil fake ass hate movement has become the main farm of black c00nservative talking points. So I don't understand why you asking these questions.
It's because Caribbean immigrants and latinos are a greater threat to black people than Trump and white supremacist. It's because if I vote Trump and help advance white supremacists in our government Democrats will respond to their election losses by ignoring middleground voters and being even more extreme. It's cus Joe Biden said you ain't black if you vote for Trump and that hurt my feelings. Its because if I keep voting for a liberal government and don't let white supremacists win once in a while, I'm being weak and not giving the White supremacists a chance to win me over. But what is Kamala Harris gonna do "sPecIfIcALlY" for black people!!!?
You've heard each and every weak ass excuse from these psuedo intellectual Uncle Toms you consider to be your brothers and sisters in "lineage" and you talk the same nonsense yourself. Blah blah immigrants. Blah blah racist Democrats! Blah blah laws specifically for black Americans.
You already know the answer you gonna get because it's all being farmed amongst your little clique. It's like OP is some type of weirdo who cannot think for himself, and needs a "movement" to latch onto even when it conflicts with his own true beliefs. Sad.