if you are a pro gun american...


All Star
May 22, 2012
exactly. the "black church" is BS imo....peaching Conservative views but not applying those views to daily life at all. look at people like Eddie Long...that's actually fairly normal to bishops to be either gay or womanizers...it's just that he got caught. real social conservatism is:

ostracizing unwed mothers...not throwing them baby showers

ostracizing men who go to prison... not throwing them release date parties

ostrasizing Baby Mamas and Baby daddies...not treating them like a regular part of the church\community.

mothers ostracizing drug dealing sons ...not turning a blind eye because he slides you money to pay the light bill etc.

the black church has zero credibility with me for the slackness the openly accept while calling down damnation of said things every sunday. :comeon:

Don't blame the church... blame the people :skip:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
The guy was wrong no doubt, but the lady did nothing to try to prevent the death. Like i said she could have warned him or let of a warning shot but she didn't. While talking to 911 all she kept saying was "can I shoot him" she was more concerned with "SHOOTING" him than protecting her baby.

And again this is just one instance of a rare circumstance thousands of people died that day at the hands of a gunman. One person saved themselves from a guy with a knife by shooting him. Less guns all around would mean less gun violence period. If you cant admit that then there is no point in debating the topic anymore.

Why should the lady go easy on an intruder that had bad intentions upon entering her home? Please answer that. Did the intruder warn her with a phonecall before he busted down her door. Did the intruder send a courtesy letter scheduling the date and time of the break in? The lady called 911 aking if she could shoot because she was scared and unsure if she could shoot the guy. Shooting this guy was in essence protecting herself and her baby. Why can't u understand that concept. Wy are u so sympathetic to criminals who kick down the doors of innocent people with babies inside? Let's say that the lady did not have a gun, and the intruder raped and killed the woman and killed the baby? What would be your response then?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I'm gonna just keep it all theway real. You seem to not live in the real world. You must live in Mayberry or Pleasantville USA. That bulshyt Louisville slugger won't do a Got damn thing to a fool kickin in your door with a pistol. U seem weak and u are willing to accept your fate. I'm going to let u in on a little secret-bringing a bat to a gunfight will result in the bat owner gettin bodied. So u keep that Louisville slugger handy when or if an intruder busts thru that door. I'm even willing to bet that I would take that bat away from u if u swung at me with it. Question: are u white?

Naw son. I am a black man from Cleveland, Ohio ive been around guns and violence my entire life and I have NEVER seen anyone protect themselves with a gun AFTER the other person has pulled out their gun. Sure if you pull your gun out first then yeah you would win. But if a guy approaches your car and puts his gun to your head, how would having a gun protect you?

I'm weak because I can protect myself and my family WITHOUT a gun, but your strong cause you can't wait to shoot a mufukka::mindblown: that shyt makes no sense to me.

If I'm standing behind my door waiting for you I don't care who you are or what you have you are going to loose. If you make it in to my home and you don't have a gun you will loose. If you make it in to my house with a gun there are very limited circumstances in which me having a gun would help. If I get the drop on you to shoot you before you shoot me then I can get the drop on you and knock you the fukk out before you shoot me as well.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Why should the lady go easy on an intruder that had bad intentions upon entering her home? Please answer that. Did the intruder warn her with a phonecall before he busted down her door. Did the intruder send a courtesy letter scheduling the date and time of the break in? The lady called 911 aking if she could shoot because she was scared and unsure if she could shoot the guy. Shooting this guy was in essence protecting herself and her baby. Why can't u understand that concept. Wy are u so sympathetic to criminals who kick down the doors of innocent people with babies inside? Let's say that the lady did not have a gun, and the intruder raped and killed the woman and killed the baby? What would be your response then?

You are correct he was wrong and he got what he deserved but your video was supposed to be evidence of guns PREVENTING violence when in fact it just showed guns PROMOTING violence. She did not HAVE to go easy on him but she did not HAVE to kill him either. She COULD have protected her baby plenty of other ways. This one instance does not justify the need for Americans to just be able to walk down to their local walmart to buy a gun.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation

Brokewave is a sharp brotha so it has me :mindblown: that he attempted to paint the black communities problems on being socially conservative. Outside of religion black communities are the posterchild for failed liberal policies.

What are black people socially liberal on besides drug use? What socially liberal policies do they support outside of legalization and decriminalization?

Are they for gay marriage? No

Support the death penalty? Yes

Guns? Yes

Religion in schools? Yes

Black communities are the poster child for whatever the eye of the beholder seeks. A liberal sees A, a conservative sees B. There's only one set of facts though so maybe through dialogue we can come to a reasonable conclusion of what the problem is.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Naw son. I am a black man from Cleveland, Ohio ive been around guns and violence my entire life and I have NEVER seen anyone protect themselves with a gun AFTER the other person has pulled out their gun. Sure if you pull your gun out first then yeah you would win. But if a guy approaches your car and puts his gun to your head, how would having a gun protect you?

I'm weak because I can protect myself and my family WITHOUT a gun, but your strong cause you can't wait to shoot a mufukka::mindblown: that shyt makes no sense to me.

If I'm standing behind my door waiting for you I don't care who you are or what you have you are going to loose. If you make it in to my home and you don't have a gun you will loose. If you make it in to my house with a gun there are very limited circumstances in which me having a gun would help. If I get the drop on you to shoot you before you shoot me then I can get the drop on you and knock you the fukk out before you shoot me as well.

You should be able to protect your family by any means. If an intruder comes in my house when me & my fam are there. I'm sorry, but that nygga is gettin blasted. Maybe if criminals/burglars knew that they may possibly be killed. They wouldn't break into peoples homes. U seem to have a bit of sympathy for criminals
. I have never shot anybidy and I hope I never have to. I don't have the mentality of a trigger happy individual. But if my home is intruded or the safety of me and my fam is in danger, then I'm shooting. WHY? Becausee I only can assume that the person enetring my home is intending to harm me and take valuables. Maybe that's how u think or your experiences, but in my expereinces guns have been helpful in protecting people I know

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You are correct he was wrong and he got what he deserved but your video was supposed to be evidence of guns PREVENTING violence when in fact it just showed guns PROMOTING violence. She did not HAVE to go easy on him but she did not HAVE to kill him either. She COULD have protected her baby plenty of other ways. This one instance does not justify the need for Americans to just be able to walk down to their local walmart to buy a gun.

Please explain. What else the lady could have done to protect her and her kid? Use a bat right? The video was to prove that there is a positive purpose to gun ownership in the US:ufdup:

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
So you think adding more laws to take away guns will stop massive shootings from happening?


All that does is make it harder for law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. Crack is illegal but crackheads never seem to have a shortage of crack.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
If you were standing at your door with a gun and someone was trying to break in. Would you not yell out to them "hey get away I got a gun" and/or let out a warning shot. Or would you wait in the darkness until they make it in your house then shoot them? I have a family too and and Im fully confident in my ability to protect them with my louisville slugger. If a guy already has a gun pointed at me I'm a goner anyway, but if I get the drop on you like this lady did it doesn't matter what kind of gun you got, your going down.

Man my Easton aluminum don't even fit behind my bed like my glock. Plus with a bat u gotta actually wait for someone to get at arms distance. That gun is gonna keep them away from u or make them think twice about continuing to approach u.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You should be able to protect your family by any means. If an intruder comes in my house when me & my fam are there. I'm sorry, but that nygga is gettin blasted. Maybe if criminals/burglars knew that they may possibly be killed. They wouldn't break into peoples homes. U seem to have a bit of sympathy for criminals
. I have never shot anybidy and I hope I never have to. I don't have the mentality of a trigger happy individual. But if my home is intruded or the safety of me and my fam is in danger, then I'm shooting. WHY? Becausee I only can assume that the person enetring my home is intending to harm me and take valuables. Maybe that's how u think or your experiences, but in my expereinces guns have been helpful in protecting people I know

Yes you should. I never said guns should be banned just better regulated. As evident by stories like the one you posted allot of gunowners are just looking for a reason to shoot a mufukka. Americans criminal or not have been conditioned into this shoot first attitude and the way the laws are written reinforces this mentality. For every story like the one you posted there are 10 trevon martins. Something needs to be done with gun control in this country obviously we have a problem.

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
Yes you should. I never said guns should be banned just better regulated. As evident by stories like the one you posted allot of gunowners are just looking for a reason to shoot a mufukka. Americans criminal or not have been conditioned into this shoot first attitude and the way the laws are written reinforces this mentality. For every story like the one you posted there are 10 trevon martins. Something needs to be done with gun control in this country obviously we have a problem.

Yeah I'm sure criminals will obey the laws, rules and regulations. :heh:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Btw, why would I wanna come to a potential gunfight with a bat :what:????

I'd rather have a gun and take my chance of comin to their knifefight with a gun.