if you are a pro gun american...

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
The guy didn't have a gun all she had to do was yell out "hey I got a gun" and he would have left her alone. She had enough time to plot with the opperator how she was going to shoot him. She could have let off a warning shot while he was trying to break in and the dude would have never made it in the house. If your argument is that guns are used to deter violence then show an example of that. This is not a good example

U want me to keep goin?
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
What do u mean, maybe maybe not? Cmon man, stop bein so naive. Them nyggaz that ran up on gucci did in fact have pistols. U think that they came to chat and have a beer? Open your eyes man, seriously.. now your moonwalkin and sayin that only murderous drug dealers are capable of using a gun to protect themselves. Was the lady in the youtube video I posted a murderous drug dealer. U are full of excuses. Next thing youl say is that someone is a trained navy seal:yeshrug:
I never said a murderous drug dealer was the only one capable to protect himself with a gun. I said there are limited circumstances in which a gun can effectively be used to as protection. Quoting a gang war shooting is not a good example that's all I said. I have been very open and reasonable in this conversation. I have aknowledged when you presented a good point. You have insulted me and made assumptions about me and my lifestyle. You refuse to admit some truths, and logical arguments because they don't fit with what you are saying.

My only point is guns are way to easy to get and there are very limited circumstances in which a gun would be your only form of protection. Therefore in my opinion you can't say guns shouldn't be regulated because people NEED them for protection. People don't NEED guns for protection and the few instances that people have used them for protection don't justify all the murders that are commited do to our lax gun laws.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land

I could link a bunch of videos about people being shot by mistake. Or kids taking guns to school. Or people shooting others and claiming self defense while the victim is unarmed.

Point is guns promote violence and kill people. Again there are very limited circumstances in which a gun would be your only source of protection. In my opinion the old dude and the kid did the right thing and they were lucky things didnt get worse than they did. One more time, I NEVER said guns should be banned just strictly regulated by the federal government and laws like "stand your ground" should be reevaluated because they promote violence and a shoot first attitude amongst gun owners.

If the culture about guns changed there would be a huge market for actual defensive weapons. Rubber bullets, tasers, sound wave machines etc. Offer just as much protection as a gun without all the added killing.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I never said a murderous drug dealer was the only one capable to protect himself with a gun. I said there are limited circumstances in which a gun can effectively be used to as protection. Quoting a gang war shooting is not a good example that's all I said. I have been very open and reasonable in this conversation. I have aknowledged when you presented a good point. You have insulted me and made assumptions about me and my lifestyle. You refuse to admit some truths, and logical arguments because they don't fit with what you are saying.

My only point is guns are way to easy to get and there are very limited circumstances in which a gun would be your only form of protection. Therefore in my opinion you can't say guns shouldn't be regulated because people NEED them for protection. People don't NEED guns for protection and the few instances that people have used them for protection don't justify all the murders that are commited do to our lax gun laws.

U did in fact elude to thatmurderous drug dealers were the only ones to use guns to protext yourself. Go back and read what u wrote


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
U did in fact elude to thatmurderous drug dealers were the only ones to use guns to protext yourself. Go back and read what u wrote
This is what I said

Maybe, maybe not :manny:

Like I said there are limited instances in which a gun would be your only effective source of protection. Most of us arent murderous drug dealers turned rappers with a price on our head so this is not a very good example.

:wtf:Where in there did I say murderous drug dealers are the only ones to use guns for protection. I simply said the fact that he is a murderous drug dealer turned rapper with a price on his head makes his situation not a good comparison for the average American

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
This is what I said

:wtf:Where in there did I say murderous drug dealers are the only ones to use guns for protection. I simply said the fact that he is a murderous drug dealer turned rapper with a price on his head makes his situation not a good comparison for the average American

You are playing semantics now. U did in fact imply and insinuate that since people aren't murderous drug dealers, then they are incapable of using a gun to protext themselves. You have been moonwalking in the thread ever since I staryed heavily discounting your weak "position". 1st u said that there are "limited" instances where ppl use guns to protect themselves. Then I post 7 exaples. Then u start moonwalkin again


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You are playing semantics now. U did in fact imply and insinuate that since people aren't murderous drug dealers, then they are incapable of using a gun to protext themselves. You have been moonwalking in the thread ever since I staryed heavily discounting your weak "position". 1st u said that there are "limited" instances where ppl use guns to protect themselves. Then I post 7 exaples. Then u start moonwalkin again

If you got the bolded from this

Maybe, maybe not :manny:

Like I said there are limited instances in which a gun would be your only effective source of protection. Most of us arent murderous drug dealers turned rappers with a price on our head so this is not a very good example.

then i dont know what to tell you. I never said or implied what you keep saying I did. Read my post again where does it say that.

Your seven examples prove my point. Those are all limited circumstances and in some of them a gun wasn't needed. You are the one "moonwalking" around facts so here's another on for you:

America has one of the highest ratios of guns to citizens in the world. America also has one of the highest murder rates in the world. If guns protect people then shouldn't we have one of the lowest murder rates? There are millions of legal guns in America, why aren't these guns being used to protect our people?

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Acts of mass violence were around before the gun. A person can still put up numbers with a car, a sword or even a bat. Re-building a moral foundation is the key.

And how do you suppose we do that? You sound like them pie-in-the-sky types who says something but have no tangible plan to implement it.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
And how do you suppose we do that? You sound like them pie-in-the-sky types who says something but have no tangible plan to implement it.

No, i'm one of those people who recognizes that many people claim to want to fix things but they really don't want to. They want it but at the same time they don't, they only sort of want. Putting aside our selfish vices in favor of accountability really isn't that hard to do, its a matter of wanting to or not. It starts with the people and it finishes with the people.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
If you got the bolded from this

then i dont know what to tell you. I never said or implied what you keep saying I did. Read my post again where does it say that.

Your seven examples prove my point. Those are all limited circumstances and in some of them a gun wasn't needed. You are the one "moonwalking" around facts so here's another on for you:

America has one of the highest ratios of guns to citizens in the world. America also has one of the highest murder rates in the world. If guns protect people then shouldn't we have one of the lowest murder rates? There are millions of legal guns in America, why aren't these guns being used to protect our people?

How do my 7 examples HELP your point? That makes no sense.. I could post literraly hundreds of video and news clipse of people using guns to protect themselves.. u keep saying limited circumstances and I keep giving u more & more cold hard examples. You expect/want people to be on some jackie chan shhyt and physically disarm an intruder. You are too sympathetic to criminals who intrude peoples homes and make excuses for criminals and essentially feel sorry for intruders. For the people who have had their door kicked in and have been robbed,raped, assaulted, victimized,burglarized and they didn't have a gun to protect themselves, do u think that they wished that they had a gun? Yes or no?

:ufdup:Do u live in the us? Are u aware of the culturall dynamics and makeup of the country in terms of guns. America was founded on gun usage. Guns are as americn as apple pie and there is nothing that me, you or even the US govt can do that can prevent people from getting guns or preventing people from shooting and killing eachother. Why do people kill eachother when the consequence is life in prison or the death penalty? Do people give a shhyt? No. Peple are aware of the harsh prison sentences for traffiking drugs but for every Alpo, Fatcat,Frank Lucas, Nicki Barnes, there will be a big meech. People will still sell,use, distribute drugs even if it means they face death,incarceration for 40 plus yrs. Stronger gun regulation wiont do shhyt. U know it and I know it. People will get their hands on guns, especially criminals

A criminals job is to break the law. And by any means criminals will find a way to get guns. U seem to live in this fantasy world and not in reality.


May 1, 2012
Sad you cats wanting the government to protect you. Man the fukk up and protect yourself.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
How do my 7 examples HELP your point? That makes no sense.. I could post literraly hundreds of video and news clipse of people using guns to protect themselves.. u keep saying limited circumstances and I keep giving u more & more cold hard examples. You expect/want people to be on some jackie chan shhyt and physically disarm an intruder. You are too sympathetic to criminals who intrude peoples homes and make excuses for criminals and essentially feel sorry for intruders. For the people who have had their door kicked in and have been robbed,raped, assaulted, victimized,burglarized and they didn't have a gun to protect themselves, do u think that they wished that they had a gun? Yes or no?

:ufdup:Do u live in the us? Are u aware of the culturall dynamics and makeup of the country in terms of guns. America was founded on gun usage. Guns are as americn as apple pie and there is nothing that me, you or even the US govt can do that can prevent people from getting guns or preventing people from shooting and killing eachother. Why do people kill eachother when the consequence is life in prison or the death penalty? Do people give a shhyt? No. Peple are aware of the harsh prison sentences for traffiking drugs but for every Alpo, Fatcat,Frank Lucas, Nicki Barnes, there will be a big meech. People will still sell,use, distribute drugs even if it means they face death,incarceration for 40 plus yrs. Stronger gun regulation wiont do shhyt. U know it and I know it. People will get their hands on guns, especially criminals

A criminals job is to break the law. And by any means criminals will find a way to get guns. U seem to live in this fantasy world and not in reality.

You are the one living in a fantasy world. You seem to think everybody can be Clint Eastwood and beat the criminals at their own game. If you get a gun pulled on you there is no way you are going to be able to get to your gun before they shoot you. That is why I say there are limited circumstances, if you have time to get to and load a gun then you had time to use other means to protect yourself. But beyond that my point is guns take away more lives than they save. If you dont think this country has a problem with gun violence then there is nothing I can tell you.

If you feel you have the right to own a gun and you know it's a great responsibility, why wouldn't you want them to be regulated and as safe as possible. You say that criminals are gonna keep getting guns, well the number one way they get guns now is by fraud. They aquire the guns legally then sell them on the black market. Don't you think we should at least try to stop this from happening? Currently there are no laws to prevent mentally disabled people from purchasing guns, don't you think we should fix that? Do you think there is any reason a person would need to buy thousands of bullets? Shouldn't we be able to at least track who buys what guns and when? Again I never called for a gun ban. The fact is America has a problem with gun violence and more guns is not the answer