If ur under 30...engaged or thinkin bout gettin married... DONT DO IT


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
There was no Facebook, no cell phones, NP dating sites when parents and grandparents were married. Divorce was looked down upon, men were the sole breadwinner. When you were bored you couldn't seek out your ex on Facebook you had to work through your problems as a couple .

Read about grey divorces its actually the highest rate of divorces now

And that's great so what if you never find that will you bee content being single forever?

Or will you settle :Lupe:

My parents have facebook and are on it every day. They still talk out their problems and don't vent online. They've always kept their relationships private. When I date someone and it doesn't work out, I don't post my business online...it's between me and that individual.

Again, I refuse to compare myself to statistics, so divorce rates are irrelevant to me. That's like saying "Average death rate for a white female is XX so I'm not going to plan my life past this age because I most likely won't be alive" - your life is your life and other people's decisions and experiences don't have to affect you in any way.
If you go into anything with a negative mindset then you're just setting yourself up for failure.

As long as I have my health, I'm happy. That's more than a lot of people in this world have. I'm not unhappy being alone and I certainly don't plan on settling - never have and don't plan on starting now.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
Get married outside of Western Europe; North America, and Australia. Much less risk of getting ran through by a divorce. :obama:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
But wh
My parents have facebook and are on it every day. They still talk out their problems and don't vent online. They've always kept their relationships private. When I date someone and it doesn't work out, I don't post my business online...it's between me and that individual.

Again, I refuse to compare myself to statistics, so divorce rates are irrelevant to me. That's like saying "Average death rate for a white female is XX so I'm not going to plan my life past this age because I most likely won't be alive" - your life is your life and other people's decisions and experiences don't have to affect you in any way.
If you go into anything with a negative mindset then you're just setting yourself up for failure.

As long as I have my health, I'm happy. That's more than a lot of people in this world have. I'm not unhappy being alone and I certainly don't plan on settling - never have and don't plan on starting now.

But your parents did not grow up in teh facebook generation, they did not grow up in this now generation, they did not grow up with ashley madison, with escorts, pornography readily available, staying in touch with exes, divorce was looked at and shunned 20-30 years ago. You're social circle was much smaller than it is now, right now a married man or woman who is bored etc. can just throw a picture on a dating site take off their ring meet up withs omeone after work etc., back in the day it was not so accessible.

Stats matter, why don't you eat unhealthy? why don't you just eat junk food all day, sugary substances, why do you eat veggies etc? because stats show you will live a longer healthy life, people look at stats for one thing and then shun it for the next.

If the police release stats that show a certain area is high for sexual assaults, are you going to be walking down that street at night by yourself?

everyone who marries etc. settles its why its called "settling down".


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

women file for divorce 70% of the time, 3/4 marriages are ENDED by women.

you are basically flippin ga coin when you get married, but again you are a woman, woman rarely have anything to lose in a marriage.

Women enter the fog of affairs more than men do, emotional affairs nearly are always women, workplace affairs mainly women as well.

Grey divorces initiated by women as well at such a high rate.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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Most women aren't staying faithful because their dudes aren't staying faithful. We know when a dude is cheating...nowadays she'll just cheat back without confronting him about his cheating. Even if the female isn't revenge cheating and her guy is cheating or has cheated in the past...emotionally and mentally she will no longer be in that relationship. The relationship is pretty much over from then when someone is no longer emotionally attached. That's when she becomes bitter, complaining, angry, hurt, and nagging about everything. I've seen this numerous. of times. I do agree marriage isn't worth is anymore.


Most women aren't staying faithful because women never have been faithful, the righteous faithful woman is as the bible puts it "more precious than a ruby"

even the good ol book the bible states "who can find a virtuous women, for she is more precious than rubies" Good faithful men are all over the place, its women especially nowadays who don't know how to be monagmous.

but yes i agree marriage is not worth it anymore for males,


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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As long as you wife up someone out of the anglosphere your chances of getting a divorce lessens.

Don't Marry American/Americanized women brehs.

once they come to the western world and get indoctrinated you are screwed just as well, unless you live over there.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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True but wifing a woman from a family friendly society probably lowers the chances.

ten other things you should look for from the mind of reincar

1. Is she Healthy, and if she can have children.

a) This is very important to me, you can get tests nowadays that can look at your genes and tell if you are at a high risk to develop certain type of cancers, dementia, alzheimer etc.
But but i love her, yeah but let's say she has a strain that leads to ALS or early symptoms, do you love her enough to be there when she is stricken in a wheelchair, can't communicate and needs you to wait on her hand and foot for the rest of her life?

b) Can she have children......you see it couples married for year and years, trying to have a child but the results are not happening, it's important to make sure that if you want children that your wife doesn't have a scarred womb etc., because one of the major reasons men get married is to have children of their own.

2. Is she from a strong loving family.

A woman from a strong loving family knows what makes a family, knows the sacrifices her dad and mom made. The fights how they stayed together, how important communication is, the ups and downs of marriages and not to bail when in a rut. As well they were brought up in a loving environment and actually know the meaning of love.

Compared to a woman from a broken family, or raised by a single mom. Hasn't seen what makes a family, hasn't seen the strong bond and love between a dad and a mom, how to keep a healthy relationships etc. Marrying a broad from a broken family you are headed for disaster.

3. Dig into her past.

Yes dig into her past, find out everything. If you were to buy a car, a house you would want to know the history of it. If the car has been in a accident, if the house was a grow up. So why would you not dig extremely deep and find out everything whether it hurts you or not about the women you want to spend your life with.
I would go as far as to hire a private investigator let him tail her for a few weeks or a month, let him dig into her history, find out her credit rating, find out if she has a criminal record, find out about her exes, her old places of employment EVERYTHING.
Nothing can be worse than marrying a women then finding out she owes 100,000, has trouble keeping a job, or gasp is cheating on you, I would take these steps and more.

4. No prior kids

There are many reasons for this and I will try to go through all of them

a) A woman with a child who is not married to me shows carelessness. I do not care that the rates are so high with children born out of wedlock, as a man would this be the type of women you want to marry? A women who had a child out of wedlock who made a horrible choice, is that what you want to wake up every day for the rest of your life to?
Is that who you would trust your finances with? your home with? be careful brehs

b) Instead of just being you and her growing in love together, travelling together, enjoying life together. It becomes you, her, baby daddy, and her child. Great you already have a 4 person family and drama every day till you croak.

c) Why save her? There are millions and millions of single childless women out there, don't give up your happiness for baggage.

5. Don't concentrate on looks, concentrate on what she offers.

This is very important, ever seen a chick's mom and your like eek how did she ever produce a daughter that looks so beautiful, then you look around their house and you see a wedding picture, and your like wow that looks exactly like my girlfriend. Because that's how it goes, women depreciate in looks very fast, just because everything is great now doesn't mean in 5-10-15 years or after kids she will look just as dashing.
So ask yourself this, if your only wifing, ringing, marrying this girl because shes a 10/10 what if she falls off, what if she can't lose the baby weight, what if she chops off her hair and everything starts to sag will you still be around? That's why you have to concentrate on more than looks, how is her personality, how does she treat others, does she nag a lot. Remember you will be stuck with her for the rest of your life, choose wisely.

6. Does she submit to you in your relationship

You are the man and the head of the household, a woman who will not realize this and try to test you and think she is in charge will make a horrible horrible wife.

7. Make sure she is 24-28

24-28 is the age range your wife should be around, not to young and not to old. Marry to young and get hit with the "im sorry but i was so young, i did not get to do everything I wanted", to old like 30, 31, 32 you are just the 2 bdrm bungalow for 110k on the outskirts of the city, aka the starter husband. 24-28 you get a women in her prime, whose graduated and has previous experience in relationships.

8. Make sure your family approves of her as a person.

Sometimes you get so caught up in love etc. that you don't see all the red flags and flaws those who really care about (your family) see. From my own observations, many times when the family doesn't approve not including race or religion the marriage will end in divorce.

9. Don't be unequally yoked.

What I mean if she is Jewish and you are christian your ideologies will clash. If she is a atheist and you are a christian, if she is even semi religious and you are hardcore again the clashes will destroy your marriage.

10. Willing to sign a pre-nup

but I'm broke with only a minimum wage job, so are you telling me your going to broke and working a minimum wage job 5, 10, 15 years down the line? You have car insurance on your car but don't expect to be in a accident right?
Protect everything you have..

But yeah if I were to ever get married and wanted children these 10 things I listed are what I base my initial search on.[/quoute]