If ur under 30...engaged or thinkin bout gettin married... DONT DO IT


Jun 23, 2013

Most women aren't staying faithful because women never have been faithful, the righteous faithful woman is as the bible puts it "more precious than a ruby"

even the good ol book the bible states "who can find a virtuous women, for she is more precious than rubies" Good faithful men are all over the place, its women especially nowadays who don't know how to be monagmous.

but yes i agree marriage is not worth it anymore for males,

I think it's the women most of u dudes are chasing most black dudes just want a girl with a nice body and nothing else matters. It isn't like yall are looking for class, just a cute face and fat ass. I've never cheated and I only know about 1O girls who have. Mostly all my homegirls have been faithful. We date and/or marry our equals. When was the last time u dated a female.with a college degree, own home, nice car, good job, pretty, nice body, in shape and from a good upbringing?
How does marriage benefit the woman? Most woman are making more then the husbands or supporting them. My mother divorced my father in March and she has to pay him 2,000 a month.
May 6, 2012
I just cant grasp being around the same person 24/7 the rest of your life how much sh!t can you possibly have to say to somebody? i get claustophbic and bored after a few days on vacation with my friends and they arent pain in the asses or anyhting we have a great time i just have to recharge my batteries

I could never be with someone all the time i need my space

Lord Vile

May 1, 2012
Womb to the Tomb
I just cant grasp being around the same person 24/7 the rest of your life how much sh!t can you possibly have to say to somebody? i get claustophbic and bored after a few days on vacation with my friends and they arent pain in the asses or anyhting we have a great time i just have to recharge my batteries

I could never be with someone all the time i need my space


Careful Man, that's that red pill talk... that's that dangerous talk
May 6, 2012
The happiest ive ever seen a man was at his "divorce party" wearing t shirts to celebrate the event..Ironically we were away for my boys bachelor party who a year later found his wife in his bed with another man :wow:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I think it's the women most of u dudes are chasing most black dudes just want a girl with a nice body and nothing else matters. It isn't like yall are looking for class, just a cute face and fat ass. I've never cheated and I only know about 1O girls who have. Mostly all my homegirls have been faithful. We date and/or marry our equals. When was the last time u dated a female.with a college degree, own home, nice car, good job, pretty, nice body, in shape and from a good upbringing?
How does marriage benefit the woman? Most woman are making more then the husbands or supporting them. My mother divorced my father in March and she has to pay him 2,000 a month.

oh really?
newsflash you can be the ugliest chick out there yet still have guys who just want to sleep with you. Dudes will chase girls with cate face and a fat ass but to smash but to commit? Most men are very wary of who they are calling their girlfriend, wifey etc., women will cheat on a faithful bf of 5 years because hes boring with the exciting nikka who gave her sparks she just met.

Finding a female with a college degree, own place, nice car, good job, pretty, nice body, in shape and SINGLE? The few quality good women are snatched up and off the market fast.

Most women are not making more than their husbands, hypergamy 101 ms hypergamy 101.

2,000 a month? :duck:\

Women are not capable of moral reasoning. The things that come naturally to sane men – fair
play, honor, teamwork, loyalty – are alien to the female mind.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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I just cant grasp being around the same person 24/7 the rest of your life how much sh!t can you possibly have to say to somebody? i get claustophbic and bored after a few days on vacation with my friends and they arent pain in the asses or anyhting we have a great time i just have to recharge my batteries

I could never be with someone all the time i need my space


Marriage is like a boring dinner that lasts your whole life and had dessert at the beginning.
May 6, 2012


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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trill sh!t..the few of my friends who arent msierable in marriage i wouldnt say are jumping for joy they just kind of surrendered on some ok you got me sh!t plus they submissive passive dudes anyway who dont mind they wife runnning the show and dont argue wit her

I have grown up always wanting to get married, but now 3 months in my wife has changed her opinions on partying and what time is bedtime. Every morning I wake fantasizing about being single again. I love my wife very much, but can't shake the idea of always having to answer to someone. There are great things about marriage, but when I was single I NEVER Thought about getting married as much as now (being married) wanting to be single. WHY IS IT SOO HARD? When ever I ask for freedom, time alone or with other friends, it comes off as a threat to our marriage. Not that I won't to gain control over my wife, but I guess I really do. Lord help me!

Yes, because you can't be yourself, you cant have time to yourself, you can't do anything. You have to sacrifice everything and live your life according to one person and your kids if you have any. And if you try to get out of line or do something for yourself, you are just labeled selfish and immature. fukk marriage.

hen I first got married it was wonderful. I had a wife and a child. I felt like I started my OWN family. I had issues with her mother from early on in the relationship. Her family seriously treats her like Cinderella making her wait on them hand and foot. It annoys me that she will not stand up for herself. It has been 5 years of marriage and if I take too long to get out of the bed in the morning it drives her crazy. On the other hand, her younger siblings boss her around and make her decisions for her and that is ok with her. Also, she is THE MOST BORING person on Earth. If its not on television or have anything to do with gossip she's clueless. We are both very young (she is 26) and I have been with her since she was 19. I would much rather her be happy if she is not happy with me than to drag me along. I feel like i'm only there to help raise the kids. She always says she does not want to be a single parent, but her actions are pushing me further and further away. We have had intimacy issues (I want and she doesnt) for 5 years now. Its like when I said "I Do" she said "Now I dont have to". I love my kids with everything in me and deep down I do love my wife, but her stubborness is driving me to not want to be married anymore. Compromise is not in her vocabulary. We compromise then its back to the old things all over again. I have NEVER cheated on my wife since we started dating out of respect for her and our relationship, but I am feeling that she won't let me leave or do the things that are exclusive in a marriage then why am I sticking around???

get marrie dbrehs


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
I think it's the women most of u dudes are chasing most black dudes just want a girl with a nice body and nothing else matters. It isn't like yall are looking for class, just a cute face and fat ass. I've never cheated and I only know about 1O girls who have. Mostly all my homegirls have been faithful. We date and/or marry our equals. When was the last time u dated a female.with a college degree, own home, nice car, good job, pretty, nice body, in shape and from a good upbringing?
How does marriage benefit the woman? Most woman are making more then the husbands or supporting them. My mother divorced my father in March and she has to pay him 2,000 a month.

Equality :banderas:


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
But wh

But your parents did not grow up in teh facebook generation, they did not grow up in this now generation, they did not grow up with ashley madison, with escorts, pornography readily available, staying in touch with exes, divorce was looked at and shunned 20-30 years ago. You're social circle was much smaller than it is now, right now a married man or woman who is bored etc. can just throw a picture on a dating site take off their ring meet up withs omeone after work etc., back in the day it was not so accessible.

Stats matter, why don't you eat unhealthy? why don't you just eat junk food all day, sugary substances, why do you eat veggies etc? because stats show you will live a longer healthy life, people look at stats for one thing and then shun it for the next.

If the police release stats that show a certain area is high for sexual assaults, are you going to be walking down that street at night by yourself?

everyone who marries etc. settles its why its called "settling down".

Prostitution is the oldest "career" in the world. Cheating isn't a new concept and people don't cheat because Facebook, escorts and pornography exist. People cheat because they're selfish.

If you look at some outside cultures, a marriage between one man and multiple wives is/was at one point acceptable. How is being married to multiple wives/sleeping with different people (whether you call them your wives or not) not a form of cheating? Marriage is an exclusive union between two people.

If you consider that ages ago, it was acceptable for a Greek male to be married to a woman, but have a male lover...stepping outside of your marriage isn't a new concept and it doesn't exist because of social networks. It exists because some people aren't meant to be with just one person and they want to lie to themselves and make others believe they are only because currently, that's what is accepted. Cheating is still looked down upon - I don't think it's something that is accepted in our society at all...yet, people still do it. Why? Because they're selfish. They're living for themselves.

Eating healthy affects different people in different ways...some people that have a high metabolism can eat without gaining anything. Other people have to consider that they gain weight more easily and should avoid certain foods. Every person has to consider how something affects them...statistics or not...it's not a for sure fact that you're going to fall into that category. Statistics tell us that driving a car is the most dangerous mode of transportation. Yet, most people aren't going to stop driving and some will never have a car accident in their lives. Also, smoking is considered unhealthy and causes lung cancer. Some people smoke their entire life and live to be 80, 90 years old - no cancer, no health problems. Others may be exposed to minimal smoke from cigarettes and get lung cancer.

I respect your opinion, but I just live my life differently and I don't let statistics act as a scare tactic and won't let them deter me from going after something I really want and believe in.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Prostitution is the oldest "career" in the world. Cheating isn't a new concept and people don't cheat because Facebook, escorts and pornography exist. People cheat because they're selfish.

of course infidelity has always been around but not monogamy. And its easier to cheat than it ever is.

If you look at some outside cultures, a marriage between one man and multiple wives is/was at one point acceptable. How is being married to multiple wives/sleeping with different people (whether you call them your wives or not) not a form of cheating? Marriage is an exclusive union between two people.

polygamy is still acceptable in certain cultures, or accepting your husband having a mistress or a concubine.

in the bible Solomon, king david, jacob had two to even hundreds and thousands of wives. Monogamy only became the norm in about the 9th century due to the catholic church.

If you consider that ages ago, it was acceptable for a Greek male to be married to a woman, but have a male lover...stepping outside of your marriage isn't a new concept and it doesn't exist because of social networks. It exists because some people aren't meant to be with just one person and they want to lie to themselves and make others believe they are only because currently, that's what is accepted. Cheating is still looked down upon - I don't think it's something that is accepted in our society at all...yet, people still do it. Why? Because they're selfish. They're living for themselves.

again stepping outside of marriage was the norm, fidelity was never the norm until the catholic church stuck its nose in. It's just like how a white wedding dress was for virgins and purity, and engaement rings a marketing by de boers.

Eating healthy affects different people in different ways...some people that have a high metabolism can eat without gaining anything. Other people have to consider that they gain weight more easily and should avoid certain foods. Every person has to consider how something affects them...statistics or not...it's not a for sure fact that you're going to fall into that category. Statistics tell us that driving a car is the most dangerous mode of transportation. Yet, most people aren't going to stop driving and some will never have a car accident in their lives. Also, smoking is considered unhealthy and causes lung cancer. Some people smoke their entire life and live to be 80, 90 years old - no cancer, no health problems. Others may be exposed to minimal smoke from cigarettes and get lung cancer.

I respect your opinion, but I just live my life differently and I don't let statistics act as a scare tactic and won't let them deter me from going after something I really want and believe in.

i've had 2 car accidents in 3 years, second hand smoke is more deadly than first hand smoke.

The majority of people view and hold stats to high regard, its only marriage that seem to reject. You can be a loving faithful wife, who loves and cares for her husband with all of your heart, doesnt mean your marriage will last, putting all your faith in someone who is not your mom or dad, more times than not will lead to disaster