Read my first post, the RAF defeated the 1st wave of the German invasion, seriously hurting Germany's plans, after that Hitler dropped the plans for invasion, America had no impact whatsoever on the Battle of Britain, shyt, even Poland helped us more then you
and yes Germany, if invaded could and probably would have took Britain, but you can't take credit for Hitler's mistakes
you say supplying, others would say selling with interest added, hardly some kind of good will
The Supreme commander was General Eisenhower but he had had three deputy commanders: FM Montgomery-land forces; Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay-naval forces; Air Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory-air forces, All British.
The Marshall plans admitted primary function was to prevent the spread of Communism, Hardly the most altruistic deed
Germany called off the Invasion in Nov'40 after failing to win air superiority over Britian
I couldn't give a shiny shyte about Japan, how were they a threat to Britain? but yeah, if America hadn't embargoed Japan then that might have allowed Japan the freedom of taking more of China or even attacking USSR from the east.
The Embargo forced Japan south to take the oil fields of Dutch East Indies, saving Russia to fight on one front only.
This and selling Britain supplies are Americas biggest contributions to the Allied victory in Europe.
Plus Russia's role in Japan's surrender is notoriously understated–Japanese_War_(1945)
errm in 1939 we had 200,000 Indian forces, by 1945 it was up to 2.5m. But your right, the Indians were the most useless forces we had.
After all that, I'm not diminishing the role the US played in WW2 but the rah-rah superman saved the world bullshyt your forced-fed, especially in Europe and the UK in particular, just doesnt stand up to facts.
If any of you are interested in WW2 I suggest checking out 'the world at war' Documentary series, I dont know if its ever been shown in the US, but its pretty all encompassing and narrated by Lawrence Olivier
back to topic, Go SAA, smash the alNusra rats