If Obama topples Bashar Al Assad...

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation

Basically its a discussion about evidences and narratives... if you're not willing to accept what has happened, present an alternative explanation of the events.

In 03, Bush and Co said there was WMD in Iraq. There was obvious skepticism, so we waited for evidence. Iraq let the weapons inspectors in, they found nothing, therefore the CONCLUSION is that there were no WMD, the Bush admin said they had secret knowledge of where the sites may be, which sets off the bullshyt alarm.

In Syria, Bashar says that the slaughter of civilians is a lie, chemical attack was the rebels, the rebels are terrorists, but provides 0 proof of any of these claims, we just have to trust him.

Therefore if anyone makes a baseless accusation like so and so is a false flag, I'm just going to respond with 9/11 was an inside job, and they faked the moon landing.

What I meant was Im not confident in my knowedge of the history and as an outsider there could be things I've overlooked or misunderstood, "takfiri" is a commonly used phrase in current affairs

How is it a different god if they use the Koran?
Very long and complicated issue, but to put it in simple terms, they distort the meaning of the Quran and do not believe in the Hadiths. They insult the wives and companions of the prophets, worship at graves, ask for blessings from dead people, believe in the infallibility of Imams, and a whole host of other things that take them completely out of the fold of Islam.

I'm not saying their doing anything good or bad or right or wrong, I'm just making an objective observation. I don't hate Shia's at all or any group of people, just the way it is with regards to what they believe.


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
So it's Assad's Family fault for Muslim Brotherhood takeover in Syria? You might want to read alittle bit more than excerpts from wikipedia.
Prolific posting.

You're way too predictable. Stay :cape: for the Gaddafis and Assads of the world.

Jun 24, 2012
Ben Swann:

What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Syrian Chemical Attack :

Al Nusra Front Also Has Sarin Gas

A senior Obama administration official has told the Associated Press that there is “very little doubt” that chemical weapons were used in Syria late last week. That senior administration official went on to claim that there is very little doubt about who used them.

Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are insisting that President Obama act now against the Syrian government. In a joint statement they say:

“Using stand-off weapons, without boots on the ground, and at minimal risk to our men and women in uniform, we can significantly degrade Assad’s air power and ballistic missile capabilities and help to establish and defend safe areas on the ground”

As we reported over the weekend, the U.S. Navy has now moved warships into the Mediterranean and has readied Cruise Missiles for a possible strike against government forces.

Across the internet are dozens of videos showing civilians including men, women and children lying on floors gasping for breath, medics are struggling to save infants and across the internet pictures of rows of bodies of those who reportedly died in the attacks. According to a report from the Local Coordination Committee, an Syrian opposition group, at least 755 people died in the attack. Other reports are claiming much lower numbers citing “dozens” dead. According to the Washington Post, ( http://www.washingtonpost.com/world...a074c8-0e3f-11e3-8cdd-bcdc09410972_story.html )

The nonprofit Doctors Without Borders estimates that 355 people were killed and more than 3,600 were injured. If confirmed, it would be the worst chemical weapons attack since Saddam Hussein gassed more than 3,000 people in an Iraqi Kurdish village 25 years ago.

Syrian state television claims the attack came at the hand of al Qaeda backed “rebel” forces. As we reported on Friday, the U.S., Israel and Jordan have been training rebel guerrilla fighters for months just across the border from Syria in Jordan. According to several reports, a wave of 300 or so fighters were sent across the Syrian border on August 17th, and a second wave on August 19th.

Since the reported chemical attack last Wednesday, the Obama administration and members of Congress have been pushing the line that Syria’s President Bashar al Assad ordered the use of a chemical weapon on the outskits of Damascus.

According to CNN, one U.S. officials claims “There is nothing credible to indicate that the rebels, either the Syrian National Council or even al-Nusra Front, have used chemical weapons,” the official said. “Only the Assad regime is responsible for chemical weapons use.”

But that statement is false. When it comes to this latest incident, at this point we don’t know what kind of chemical might have been used. Nor do we know who used it. Some of the claims early on from “unnamed government sources” were that sarin gas was used in that Damascus suburb. The use of sarin gas would point toward the Assad regime, would it not?

Not necessarily. What our national media isn’t telling you is that in May Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front. Where did the sarin gas come from? We don’t know. But clearly, Al Nusra Front has access to sarin gas and was planning a use for it.

President Obama and his administration keep talking about “the red line” that would have to be crossed in order to bring the United States into this conflict. That “red line” is consistently touted as responding to chemical weapons.

As we’ve reported, the U.S. is already involved:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Basically its a discussion about evidences and narratives... if you're not willing to accept what has happened, present an alternative explanation of the events.

In 03, Bush and Co said there was WMD in Iraq. There was obvious skepticism, so we waited for evidence. Iraq let the weapons inspectors in, they found nothing, therefore the CONCLUSION is that there were no WMD, the Bush admin said they had secret knowledge of where the sites may be, which sets off the bullshyt alarm.

In Syria, Bashar says that the slaughter of civilians is a lie, chemical attack was the rebels, the rebels are terrorists, but provides 0 proof of any of these claims, we just have to trust him.

Therefore if anyone makes a baseless accusation like so and so is a false flag, I'm just going to respond with 9/11 was an inside job, and they faked the moon landing..
I was mostly referencing the article's bit about snipers taking shots at un inspectors going to the sites :dead:

Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
You know these hezbollah scumbags are ethnically cleansing Syrians aka Sunni majority along with Bashars army right?

The b*stards are screaming "Wa Hussein!" and hanging black flags atop mosques.

That's the appealing alternative? Say that to the 10s of thousands murked by Bashar and his father Hafez.
but you don't have an issue with the blag flag of Al Queda hanging atop mosques in Syria?

do you have any evidence Hezbollah is engaged in ethnic cleansing?

brother, it says Lebanon on my passport but I have never and will never recognize the legitimacy of that French colonial outpost so historically, I belong to that Sunni majority. I'm not going to sit here and whitewash their death and suffering, but if those Takfiri maniacs and Gulf bought mercenaries had the the support of just the Sunni population (forget Christians/Shia/Alwaite/Kurds) they claim to be fighting for, this war would have been over by now. but they don't and increasingly have to resort to coercion and terror to pacify the population in the territory they do control. the Syrian people for the most part, are terrified of the Ba'ath but are even more terrified of the prospect of a Rebel victory.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
إثر المجزرة البشعة التي ارتكبها نظام بشار الأسد عبر الأسلحة الكيماوية في منطقة الغوطة الشرقية في ريف دمشق، بحسب ما كشف ناشطو المعارضة السورية، أوضح النقيب علاء الباشا، مدير مكتب توثيق ملف الكيماوي في سوريا، لموقع "NOW" أنّ "المجزرة حصلت الساعة الثانية وخمساً وعشرين دقيقة فجر الأربعاء في الغوطة الشرقية، وراح ضحيتها عدد كبير تعدّى المئات، تم توثيق أسماء أربعمئة وسبعين شخصاً تقريباً، والباقي يتم التدقيق بأسمائهم".

وأضاف الباشا: "التقرير الطبي الذي خرجنا به من النقاط الطبّية جميعها، حسب الأعراض والمعطيات، أكد أن سبب وفاة الضحايا هو استنشاق غاز السارين وانتشاره، ولم نتأكد بعد من سبب انتشار الغاز إذا كان حصل من صواريخ أو عبوات تحمل صمّامات مخصصة للغازات، لأن المنطقة بالكامل شهدت قصفاً بشتى أنواع القذائف، كالقصف بالهاون من نقطة "البانوراما" أو صواريخ "غراد" من راجمات الفرقة الرابعة".

وأكد الباشا أن "العدد الكبير من الضحايا في المجزرة سبّبه انتشار الغازات في الأماكن السكانية بكثافة، وثانياً عشوائية الإسعاف كون المسعفين ليس لديهم بزات واقية، وثالثاً النقص الكبير في المواد المضادة الإسعافية مثل الايتروبين والسيرومات الملحية والايدرو كورتيزون".

وقال الباشا: "نظام الأسد سيدّعي أن ما حصل هو مجازر ارتكبتها "العصابات الإرهابية"، فإذا كان "الجيش الحر" هو من قام بذلك، فهل هو "الجيش الحر" من تم تهريب مواد كيماوية له من العراق عبر نظام المالكي وخُبِّئت في سراديب مطار المزة؟ هل الإرهابيون - كما يقول النظام - يملكون ورش صناعة الكيماوي من السيانيد وامتزاج الفوسفور الابيض في القلمون؟ هل من المعقول ان يكون اللواء 107 في جبلة هو مستودع نخبّئ فيه هذا السلاح؟ فلننتهِ من هذه المهزلة والأحجية التي يتشاطر النظام بها، ولنتكلم على الملأ بأن ليس هناك اي إرادة دولية، أوروبية كانت أو عربية، لإسقاط نظام بشار الأسد. كل المعطيات لدينا، وأصبح الجميع يعلم بها، لا توجد لا خطوط حمراء ولا ألوان قوس قزح حتى".

وحول دور لجنة المحققين الدوليين، قال الباشا: "في ساعات الصباح الأولى تواصلتُ مع احد الاشخاص العاملين مع اللجنة الاممية وشرحتُ له الوضع بالكامل في الغوطة الشرقية، فطلب تقريراً رسمياً وصوراً للمجزرة، فزوّدناه بالفيديوهات والتقرير الكامل، وقلت له نحن ننتظركم في اي نقطة تريدونها ومستعدون لتأمينكم وإعادتكم سالمين، لكنه قال لي إن النظام السوري لم يعطهم تصريحاً بالمغادرة إنما سنجتمع وندرس التقارير لنضغط على النظام ليوقف القصف ويفك الحصار عن المنطقة المنكوبة. إذاً اللجنة اعترفت ان في العاصمة دمشق منطقة منكوبة، وهنا نسأل أنفسنا: بعثة أممية مدعومة من الدول التي تسمّي نفسها عظمى، لا تستطيع الخروج من الفندق، فكيف للنظام الوحشي المراوغ ان يعطي اي دليل على جرائمه؟!!".

وتابع الباشا: "عندما كانوا (محققو الأمم المتحدة) خارج البلاد، طلبوا عيّنات وتقارير وتمّ تزويدهم بكل ما يريدونه، الآن هم على بعد امتار من مكان المجزرة ويتحدثون بأنهم ينتظرون تصاريح الخروج. إذا كانوا لا يريدون الذهاب فليطلّوا فقط من نوافذ غرفهم ليروا الدخان ورائحة الموت التي تملأ سوريا بكاملها وليس دمشق فقط. لقد تعرّضنا من قِبل النظام لعمليات اغتيال وملاحقة أمنية شديدة لأننا نعمل على توثيق ملف الكيماوي، وكل هذا لنقدّم للأمم المتحدة ما يشاؤون من معلومات لإدانة النظام، وعندما حانت الفرصة تبرّأوا وباتوا يتحججون بأنهم ينتظرون إذن القائد المجرم ملك ملوك اسرائيل".

من جهته، الناشط الإعلامي في ريف دمشق محمد صلاح الدين قال لـ"NOW" إن "السلاح المستخدم هو غاز السارين، وذلك كون حالات الضحايا كانت اختناقاً وضيقاً بحدقة العين، وغثياناً وسيلان أنف"، موضحاً أن هناك "6500 اصابة، منها 1500 شهداء".

وذكر صلاح الدين أن "الغاز المستعمل ينتشر على علو متوسط لمدة نصف ساعة"، واصفاً الوضع بـ"الكارثي"، فـ"الجثث مكدّسة بالمشافي الميدانية، ولا يمكن دفنها بسبب القصف، وهناك نقص كبير في الأدوية والاطباء، والنقاط الطبية استنفدت كل طاقاتها، وهناك كوادر طبية استشهدت اثناء الاسعاف".


Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
I agree with this. Removing Assad is not a magic pill. But alternatively standing by and watching him do what his dad did for 40 years is not the right approach either.

Any Akhs in this thread defending the Assad regime are out of their mind tho.

@Ritzy Sharon :mjpls: here are your safe alternative to the Israeli/Saudi/US axis of evil

The Hama massacre (Arabic: مجزرة حماة‎) occurred in February 1982, when the Syrian Arab Army and the Defense Companies, under the orders of the country's then-president, Hafez al-Assad, besieged the town of Hama for 27 days in order to quell an uprising by the Muslim Brotherhood against al-Assad's government.[1][2] The massacre, carried out by the Syrian Army supposedly under commanding General Rifaat al-Assad, President Assad's younger brother, effectively ended the campaign begun in 1976 by Sunni Islamic groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, against the government.
Initial diplomatic reports from Western countries stated that 1,000 were killed.[3][4] Subsequent estimates vary, with the lower estimates claiming that at least 10,000 Syrian citizens were killed,[5] while others put the number at 20,000 (Robert Fisk),[1] or 40,000 (Syrian Human Rights Committee).[6][2] About 1,000 Syrian soldiers were killed during the operation and large parts of the old city were destroyed. Alongside such events as Black September in Jordan,[7] the attack has been described as one of "the single deadliest acts by any Arab government against its own people in the modern Middle East".[8] The vast majority of the victims were civilians.[9]
According to Syrian media, anti-government rebels initiated the fighting, who "pounced on our comrades while sleeping in their homes and killed whomever they could kill of women and children, mutilating the bodies of the martyrs in the streets, driven, like mad dogs, by their black hatred." Security forces then "rose to confront these crimes" and "taught the murderers a lesson that has snuffed out their breath".[10]

so a sectarian based insurgency didn't end well in Syria, huh?

"history repeats itself, first as tragedy second as farce" - Marx.

Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
Well, Bashar and his father welcomed thousands of Somali refugees into Syria without any papers (due to Somalia being the Arab league) after the outbreak of civil war. The gulf countries deported Somalis.

That counts, right?
Syria has always opened its doors to refugees and done their best to accommodate them. particularly from Iraq and the land of endless strife, Lebanon. and when it's time to return the favour, the Lebanese in typical gutless, bytchmade fashion refuse entry for many Syrian/Palestinian refugees and neglect/ostracize the ones that managed to get in.

the only type of "Sunni solidarity" Lebanese are interested in involves car bombs and civilians in Shia areas. :beli:
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