I rank Family Matters above Martin and Living Single
Fight me

Fight me
Facts.Martin and living single have replay value in my adulthood. I wouldn't be able to sit through 1 episode of family matters at my age now.
to a degree yall proving his point but i agree with yall because he wrong about the function/timelinesExactly, we called it "Urkel" because the show was all about his fukkery with no classic moments to compete with Fresh Prince...shyt just the first season.
That's just the first 7 episodes.
- Will moving in.
- The end of the episode when he played the piano
- Jazz introduction
- When Will told the interview dude about how country Uncle Phil grew up
- Ice Tray
- The "Driving While Black" episode
- Timothy Dela Ghetto
Smart Guy was about a genius boy living in the suburbs and miles ahead of "Urkel."
to a degree yall proving his point but i agree with yall because he wrong about the function/timelines
yea i agreeThe show was bad and didn't age well.
He's upset that he isn't praised for being a nerd/black icon for a show that ultimately wasn't that good.
My point was to show it didn't have any legs.
It was damn near a black Quantam LeapThe show was bad and didn't age well.
He's upset that he isn't praised for being a nerd/black icon for a show that ultimately wasn't that good.
My point was to show it didn't have any legs.
Yeah, it used to come on NBC on Saturday mornings. I remember the two main characters, one breh and a white dude.Yall remember that show City Guys? Loved that shyt
-This is stupid. The word "hood" has been slang for street, gangsta, low income, rough neighborhood, etc. for 40+ years. We weren't saying that shyt as codeword for Black films or sitcoms unless they were street oriented. We for damn sure wasn't saying it as a general term for Black household.Sometimes, the phrase “hood stories” is just codeword for Black films and sitcoms, not necessarily the hood itself but rather just Black households and most Black people live in what would be considered as the “hood” for most people.......
The problem with some of you guys is that you think similarly to cacs in the sense that y'all associate the word and meaning of the “hood” with being bad, along with everything and everyone within as something negatively unimaginable.
Yall remember that show City Guys? Loved that shyt
I don't think it did not age well; it's just a show for kids when they made it about Urkel. But It was good show.It just didn’t age well. It was great for us when we were kids watching this show. But watching as an adult it looks hella corny. Has nothing to do with a “hood story.”
this. It was a good show, but the problem is at some point it became too much about Urkel.Another self hating ass, bash Black people mafukka.
Family Matters turned wack after the writer made the show 80% about him. The 1st 2 seasons were good. The absolute worst was when Steve got to high school.