I agree with you in that Canelo didn't seem as fast as I thought at the workout and GGG when showing off his speed looked pretty quick at the workout.
However, I look at that with major caution because there is the natural fight speed and I expect Canelo to operate faster than GGG. GGG is more methodical and doesn't use any speed in his fights.
The power difference was huge as you said. Canelo was definitely trying to push power onto his punches and they still didn't have near the power as GGG's did just flowing like water.
That said it comes down to the basic things to me: even though GGG hits harder, is Canelo's power enough to keep GGG honest and how big a factor will Canelo's functional speed advantage be - can he make it harder to time like Brook did?
this is one of the major delusions about this fight imo
Golovkin has huge power so people kinda look over the fact that Canelo is also a hard puncher, he has real power and proved it plenty of times. No way that anybody just walks though his punches in 160. Canelo either KTFO or hurt just about everybody he fought except Mayweather and that's because Canelo couldn't hit him clean not because Canelo's power is shyt.
Golovkin will be there to be hit
Canelo is faster
Canelo has better defense
Canelo is younger and in his physical prime
If Canelo could keep Chavez - who has a god chin and the only time he got stopped was against a natural lhw who's a good puncher in there - honest so much that he didn't even really dare to lead an offense then he has enough power to make Golovkin think twice
I never really understood how the idea that Golovkin just gonna walk through Canelo came up
If Golovkin tries to do the same shyt as against Brook, it's gonna be night-night for him