If a HUSBAND is not capable of having his WIFE quit her job or RETIRE ..he is an UNDERACHIVER to HER


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
You guys... Lol.

You don't want a woman to depend on you financially . You don't want a career driven woman, you'll be just as happy with that part -time waitress or a woman who works in retail because beauty and youth are all that matters. You want to be the leader of the home. You want to know what she brings to a table you want to have full and total control over. You want her to work, stay in the gym, cook clean, raise kids, and sex on demand. You want her to retain those feminine delicate qualities of a woman who is well kept and only has to worry about staying beautiful and docile to her man.

I'm going to bed.

Uh yes!!!

I plan on working (taking on the brute of the financial load), staying in the gym, cooking and clean, raising the kids and giving her sex, footrubs and massages on demand, maintaining our cars and our home(s), defending our family, putting my life on the line whenever there's a threat.

You don't think this is a fair exchange?

The problem nowadays women don't know the true worth of a good man, so they don't know what to look for.


Nov 13, 2013
I kind of agree as a man its your job to support your wife. Not saying your girl or anything but if you make her your wife...

Wife needs to stay home, handle the household and children.

Imean I don't get why people are so against men supporting their families? That's what they are supposed to do
I don't think people are against men supporting families. It worked when families were "making it and rich making 35k-45 a year. Nowadays that's barely enough to to support one person let alone a family. People don't want men knocking down women who work because reality says that women have to work, otherwise families won't make it .


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
I haven't read all 20 pages yet, but my moms stayed at home for me and my sister for a couple years while my dad went to work (Army)

Truth be told he makes about 60k (with 20+ years of experience and no college education) so you can imagine what he made from '94-'99.....i say that to say it's possible for a family for live off of 40k:yeshrug:

You dont have to be a dentist to sustain a family:ehh:


All Star
Jan 28, 2016
after an "intimate" conversation with somebody's Wife..I've come to the realization

if your unable to let them be a stay at home mom..or ETERNAL housewife who just shops and provides her husband company and "support" it's safe to say she see you as a FAILURE

And Mostly Explains why she is sooo MISERABLE in yall HAPPY MARRIAGE





Stop talking to lazy bytches.
Work/ business is my friend.:banderas:

I didn't get educated to sit at home and watch Jerry Springer.:birdman:

#GMB - Be with a lazy whale breh, get worked into the ground while she has intimate conversations with her side dikk... :camby:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
My mom was a house wife and my girl will be one assuming we get married. A man has always had two jobs when it comes to woman: provide and protect.

Sadly the same way you have women today who refuse to cook and clean, you get men who refuse to provide and protect and the end result is confusion.


All Star
Jan 17, 2016
Sounds sad to me. I'm not busting my ass at school so I can sit at home and be the eternal housewife. Absolutely not! Would I like to have children and stay at home with them until they go to kindergarten? Yes. But that's why I'm purposely taking the route I'm on right now. Thinking about my future husband and family (provided I'm blessed) right now. Making sure that I'm smart about my money, my time, where/in whom/how I dedicate my energy.

I want a man with whom I can build something great. Show our children (whether daughters or sons) how a partnership works. Balance is necessary and beneficial to the individual and to the unit. I learned this while growing up with a mom who stayed at home while my dad more than provided for us. It's nice, but it also caused a lot of tension and stress, and trust me, the children pick up on that. I'm 28, single, no children, and I learned enough from having been in that environment to know that's not what I want.

This isn't a case of GMB, but of choosing better and being honest enough with yourself about what you want out of life, what a successful relationship and marriage looks like to you, and not "settling" just because of where society says you "should be."

If that were the case, I'd be going on 6 years of marriage now and thoroughly unfulfilled as an individual. What kind of wife and mother would that make me? Miserable. I refuse to be that woman for my spouse or kids. Yeah it's annoying being told "you're marriage material!" "You're not getting any younger!" "When are you gonna settle down?!" But I know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I'm not out in the streets, not wasting my or his time, and I will make sure that I'm complete within myself so that when I am in a relationship, it's real but it's an enhancement to both of our lives. Better together, not codependent, and not based off of a "you complete me" fairytale. "You complement me" sounds so much better.

I understand that for some couples, this dynamic of him being the provider outside of the home, and she providing from inside the home is the best fit for them. That's great, but for me, I wouldn't feel fulfilled solely staying at home. I don't think that's my fullest potential and it has never been my heart's desire. Some women dream about that life from the time they're children. I'm very nurturing, and I know how to keep a home, but I also need to be able to use my intellect and be productive in a career. That's my best me, which allows me to give my husband and my children the best of me. I honestly would only want to stay home while the children are young. Once they can talk (and be able to tell me if something were wrong) and are in grade school, I see nothing wrong with contributing monetarily to my household. In fact, the career I'm working towards (front end web development) would allow me flexibility, and that wasn't an incidental decision. I'm always thinking ahead.

Temporary sacrifice, long term gains. Choose wisely.
Last edited:


LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls

Um lawd


Do you think she feels the same way?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Had a similar conversation with my girl a few weeks back. shyt is fukked up. :francis:

It baffles my mind that y'all dudes think its fukked up for a woman to want to be a stay at home wife. Men in 2015 thinking a WIFE being at home holding the house down is fukked up is the craziest shyt to me :mindblown:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
The only people still doing this stay at home wife thing in large numbers are foreigners who still see their wives as chattel property. there is a trade off and no eeducated woman wants to be a kept domestic slave. So please stop the ducktales.
I think most men in this thread would be fine with their wives staying home on maternity leave or for a short time afterwords with a new born. but if she dosnet want to work at all then ahe is dead weight. The hypothetical woman in the other thread atleast worked. you need to be in the top 1 % to have a stay a home wife and that means 99 % of us are not going to make it there. 70 k is certainly not going to cut it.

A woman staying at home holding HER family down is equivalent to a domestic slave :dahell:


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
Sounds sad to me. I'm not busting my ass at school so I can sit at home and be the eternal housewife. Absolutely not! Would I like to have children and stay at home with them until they go to kindergarten? Yes. But that's why I'm purposely taking the route I'm on right now. Thinking about my future husband and family (provided I'm blessed) right now. Making sure that I'm smart about my money, my time, where/in whom/how I dedicate my energy.

I want a man with whom I can build something great. Show our children (whether daughters or sons) how a partnership works. Balance is necessary and beneficial to the individual and to the unit. I learned this while growing up with a mom who stayed at home while my dad more than provided for us. It's nice, but it also caused a lot of tension and stress, and trust me, the children pick up on that. I'm 28, single, no children, and I learned enough from having been in that environment to know that's not what I want.

This isn't a case of GMB, but of choosing better and being honest enough with yourself about what you want out of life, what a successful relationship and marriage looks like to you, and not "settling" just because of where society says you "should be."

If that were the case, I'd be going on 6 years of marriage now and thoroughly unfulfilled as an individual. What kind of wife and mother would that make me? Miserable. I refuse to be that woman for my spouse or kids. Yeah it's annoying being told "you're marriage material!" "You're not getting any younger!" "When are you gonna settle down?!" But I know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I'm not out in the streets, not wasting my or his time, and I will make sure that I'm complete within myself so that when I am in a relationship, it's real but it's an enhancement to both of our lives. Better together, not codependent, and not based off of a "you complete me" fairytale. "You complement me" sounds so much better.

I understand that for some couples, this dynamic of him being the provider outside of the home, and she providing from inside the home is the best fit for them. That's great, but for me, I wouldn't feel fulfilled solely staying at home. I don't think that's my fullest potential and it has never been my heart's desire. Some women dream about that life from the time they're children. I'm very nurturing, but I also need to be able to use my intellect and be productive in a career. That's my best me, which allows me to give my husband and my children the best of me. I honestly would only want to stay home while the children are young. Once they can talk (and be able to tell me if something were wrong) and are in grade school, I see nothing wrong with contributing monetarily to my household. In fact, the career I'm looking towards (front end web development) would allow me flexibility, and that wasn't an incidental decision. I'm always thinking ahead.

Temporary sacrifice, long term gains. Choose wisely.
Beautifully written and well executed. You sound very smart and wise.


All Star
Jan 17, 2016
Beautifully written and well executed. You sound very smart and wise.

Thank you. I've always been told I'm an old soul, and I believe it. I'm just being real, tho. Having been the child in a situation where mom did stay home and dad did work, and having to hear the strife and feel the stress... It's not worth it to me/for me to have that life. More power to the people who have that life and it works well, but it's not for me. I know what I need to be my best self, and I honestly believe that's what everyone should examine before they get into relationships. Especially where marriage and children are involved. Thing is, it's not easy, or more people would be doing it. I've always been the introspective type who does what my soul needs to grow. fukk what "they" say. I can only be me.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
It's a reason why the more successful a woman becomes the less options she feels like she has.
Most women want to work but they still want that old school security of having a man to fall back on