I can't tell. One minute you're on Putin's nuts and the next you're supporting anti-western propaganda. I know where you stand.
Don't hide like you aren't some anti-Israel agent on here.
I'm an atheist and not even a zionist but I do acknowledge the legitimacy of power. Proven power.
Meanwhile you're supporting Russian invasions of ex-soviet states and shytting on those "civilians" too
We see you fam.
I hope those RT labeled cheques show up soon.
1. Well I know what side you are on through this whole thread. Im on Putin's nuts? Bring evidence...you won't. I don't support propaganda period but you do.
2. Anti-Israel Agent...? What company is that from? Who is paying me? Anti-Colonialism yes.
3. Alot of you Atheist don't get it who do you think is the fore fathers of Israel? Atheist. Always were. They never saw Jewish people as religious people but a race and nationalistic sovereign entity.
4. Proven Power hmmm...you Mean White Supremacy( Zionism, Nazism, Colonialism, etc). Yes you already told me acknowledge and respect that.
5. Invasion.....lol. Is that what you call it? shytting on civilians? Your lack of history in the last decade proves you don't know shyt about the world and using straw-man arguments in separate subjects proves it.