Oh, so everything is gravy now that the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.

Oh, so everything is gravy now that the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.
Oh, so everything is gravy now that the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.
Oh, so everything is gravy because the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.
Oh, so everything is gravy because the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.
Oh, so everything is gravy because the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.
Arab writer destroys debate with J.J. Goldberg
Oh, so everything is gravy because the Germans showed that anti-semitism can get out of hand?Too bad that is false.
Decent point but Hamas has no real enemies outside of Israel. Israel has war torn Syria in the north, Hezbollah in Lebanon, ISIS in Iran/Iraq. Disarmament for Israel is much more costly than for Hamas.
trust the media brehs
Bruh.. Dont trick yourself into thinking that an organization committed to mutual destruction, is reasonable.I was listening right before I left the house he put conditions on that ceasefire. Funny enough he brought up a great point, he'd accept disarmament if it means Israel is disarmed as well. I'm sayin, for terrorists these are some pretty reasonable people.![]()
That's why I believe one neutral state is a better option. It wouldn't compromise military capability. It'd just be a matter of who controls the institutions. I can't say whether a neutral state would effectively get rid of those enemies but it'd be a huge start.
Bruh.. Dont trick yourself into thinking that an organization committed to mutual destruction, is reasonable.
If there was true solidarity in the Arab world then I could see that being ok but I just don't see it. At the end of the day, everybody is out for themselves. Israel could have been destroyed in the first war if Jordan wasn't playing both sides so that they could grab the West Bank. Same with Egypt and Syria at different times. Thats the history of it and the present is pretty ugly too. Civil wars and and growing extremism in the Arab world doesn't really give me hope that they would be peaceful to a disarmed Israeli/Palestinian state.
Like dude said.. Israel would have much more to lose by disarming. That proposal is a joke. Hamas is a desperate ass organization and their every move is calculated and aimed towards Israel's destruction.Explain how their demands aren't reasonable.
That's what started this whole mess in the first place. I totally understand what you're suggesting and what I'm proposing is albeit a great idea imo is also next to impossible right at this moment. That should be the goal at some point, let the Jews live there and in exchange for peace drop Israel as a name, flag, and aspiration and same for the Palestinians. Cuz honestly I'm sick of this conflict at this point, it's extremely fukked up to see people gettin killed like this as well as awkward to see our politicians and much of the media behave this way.