Ice Cube going out sad, smh. Still thinks Trump would've helped black people.


May 20, 2012
So you saying bc people online didn't like the way he did it, its bushed now? He did this to himself. Nobody asked or made him do this. We didn't do interviews and look clueless. We didn't make him become a spokesman for Trump even tho he didn't mean to.

Actually yall did make him a trump spokesman by repeating and spreading false republican talking points about what cube did and saying cube made the platinum plan and that he was a trump supporter. Ice cube never disclosed he even showed his plan to trumps team until folks started coming at him. Nobody was even paying attention that random trump staffers tweet like that. Bluecheck and shea butter twitter made it go viral. It should have been ignored as trolling from the start. The platinum plan was out for a week before that tweet came out and most folks never heard of it until yall helped advertise it.

And yes it's all bushed now. Cube is rich so he will be fine. But yall successfully delegitimized the CWBA and cube in the eyes of the democratic leadership. Plus the time to negotiate is before elections not afterwards. They have no incentive to do anything now and having a black tangibles discussion will go against their strategy of courting more conservatives and racist latinos for the midterms especially if republicans retain the senate. Dems wont touch cube or the CWBA with a 10 foot pole. It's over.
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A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
Has anyone pointed out that (according to Cube) the democrats agreed to meet with him after the election? Surely, since it looks like they’re going to win, now would be the time for Cube to get loud and hold them to what they said instead of speaking like the opportunity has now gone?


May 21, 2012
biden called them the poor boys on tv :mjlol:

thas good enuff for me.

joe biden is apparently a kkk bigot but for some reason trumpers hate him

They don't hate him on the basis that he might not be racist (HE fukking is by the way).
They hate him on the basis of his politics which they don't agree with.

You have to understand that these are irrational authoritarians who hate that he
isn't a Nazi.

I dont think Trump would have followed through, but what has anybody black person got Biden to commit to?
The point is to take the focus off of the Democrats.

We aren't supposed to wonder why we give them overwhelming and faithful support
every time it counts but it doesn't result in specific legislature aimed directly
at African Americans.

No one makes any concessions for any other politically visible group like:
"Come on bro, he's not the LGBTQ+ President, he's AMERICA'S PRESIDENT"

"Come on bro, he's not the LATXN President, he's AMERICA'S PRESIDENT"

"Come on bro, he's not the WOMEN'S President, he's AMERICA'S PRESIDENT"

It's only once you get down the list to Black Americans that you get this stupid statement:
"Come on bro, he's not BLACK PEOPLE's President, he's AMERICA'S PRESIDENT"

nikka, you show up in every thread sucking Biden’s dikk.
I'm sayin ! Breh's in EVERY THREAD !

No smoke for the liberals whatsoever.

That's all I need to know.


Ice Cube...failed? Compared to who and what? He's a legend in music and Hollywood. I'll wait and see what he does moving forward with his Contract for Black America before saying he gave up. He probably said have a nice life because the lames online who haven't accomplished 1% of the shyt he's done are dragging him when his intentions and statements about this have been clear since day 1. He's continued to say he would meet with whoever was in power in order to get his plan on the table and discuss it.

I don't know why this is being ignored.
:salute: @GoldenGlove for pointing out that it wasn't some appeal to republicans, it was Cube
reaching out to whoever was willing to meet immediately and discuss something for Black People.

I wish I had the platform Cube has, we need someone to clarify these things because most everyone
else on Cube's level within politics or without IS generally NOT having this discussion.

That should piss people off more.

biden has a comprehensive plan for reinvestmenbt in communities and infrastructure projects based on the projected income from his tax plan...

Cubes plan is just a 2 page pdf saying what they will do...
but no specifics on how it will be accomplished and paid for

A Tale Of Two Tax Policies: Trump Rewards Wealth, Biden Rewards Work
here's a basic rundown of the benefits...
not just naming vague money like "500billion to the black communities"

A distinction needs to be.
That half a trillion dollars wasn't "Cubes idea", that's Trumps Platinum plan.
He reached out to both parties in an attempt to get a plan put together which would
help Black people in general.

People (low information people I might add) DID NOT bother to find out if he came up with the "Platinum Plan".
Instead it was a whiplash reaction to a BLACK man meeting with the Republicans.

That's ALL.
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Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
Actually yall did make him a trump spokesman by repeating and spreading false republican talking points about what cube did and saying cube made the platinum plan and that he was a trump supporter. Ice cube never disclosed he even showed his plan to trumps team until folks started coming at him. Nobody was even paying attention that random trump staffers tweet like that. Bluecheck and shea butter twitter made it go viral. It should have been ignored as trolling from the start. The platinum plan was out for a week before that tweet came out and most folks never heard of it until yall helped advertise it.

And yes it's all bushed now. Cube is rich so he will be fine. But yall successfully delegitimized the CWBA and cube in the eyes of the democratic leadership. Plus the time to negotiate is before elections not afterwards. They have no incentive to do anything now and having a black tangibles discussion will go against their strategy of courting more conservatives and racist latinos for the midterms especially if republicans retain the senate. Dems wont touch cube or the CWBA with a 10 foot pole. It's over.
See none of this makes sense to me bc I wasn't the one saying this. Check my post breh. I always said I'm gonna wait to see what happens bc im a cube fan and I hate to see it. Im judging by what I see and it dont look good.

Him and Trump made him the spokesman. He was the one explaining and doing interviews. He's speaking for a group (black people). By definition he's the spokesperson. You just said nobody was paying attention until cube disclosed the info. I dont know about you but if someone is drawing up a plan that involves me (a black american), I want to know about it. Especially if Trump supports it.

As far as us delegitimizing it to democrats, we don't know any of that yet. You said people going around spreading false info but you're doing the same thing. You have no idea how democrats or cube feels or will react.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
His best bet is to move. I won’t share my true feelings why but I’d be booking it out of here to somewhere on the African continent like Jackie Robinson’s son

He just needs to hold the L and stop responding. Most folks know how heart was in the right place he just got played.

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
Just to be clear and clarify... No one is calling ice cube a c00n. All we saying is that he got played and he played himself :yeshrug:
I think he's far from one. He's trying to help black people (hopefully). Im sure its impossible to be a c00n while trying to help black people but this is the coli so who knows?

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
Has anyone pointed out that (according to Cube) the democrats agreed to meet with him after the election? Surely, since it looks like they’re going to win, now would be the time for Cube to get loud and hold them to what they said instead of speaking like the opportunity has now gone?
Nah he chose up already...ain't no doubling back. They talking to Killer Mike instead.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
Trump has built a career off exploiting useful idiots for press. Most notably he did it on MSNBC in 2016, using the Morning Joe show to constantly speak directly to moderate voters and charm them while convincing them he wasn't...well, what we know him to be. As president he's done it as well. Taking pictures at facilities or sights where a "big new deal" has been signed. Only for nothing to materialize. He probably lost Wisconsin yesterday in part because of the huge deal he made about the Foxcom plant coming to Wisconsin thanks to him...only for it never to work out.

He does this all the time. Ice Cube is merely the latest sucker. Trump literally just got off television 15 minutes ago, where he accused black voters+officials in black cities of being corrupt and rigging the election. And yet we've got suckers on this forum who believe a guy who talks about black people like that planned on doling out 500b. Get out of here. We already know who you voted for btw. Ya lost. fukkouttahere


May 20, 2012
Him and Trump made him the spokesman. He was the one explaining and doing interviews. He's speaking for a group (black people). By definition he's the spokesperson. You just said nobody was paying attention until cube disclosed the info. I dont know about you but if someone is drawing up a plan that involves me (a black american), I want to know about it. Especially if Trump supports it.

No. Cube never disclosed he talked to the trump administration or bidens. I said nobody was paying attention to the trump staffers tweet until yall and bluecheck twitter started running with the false info saying cube worked with trump and made the platinum plan. Cube only came out afterwards to defend himself and say he presented HIS CWBA plan to both parties and that was it. But that wasnt good enough for yall.

As far as us delegitimizing it to democrats, we don't know any of that yet. You said people going around spreading false info but you're doing the same thing. You have no idea how democrats or cube feels or will react.

Connect the dots. We do know how the dems will react. Check out articles like this:
'It was a failure': Furious House Democrats unload as leadership promises answers after election losses

Dems will be pivoting hard right. They are already blaming being attached to "defund the police", socialism, BLM, etc as the reason they lost a lot house races. And blue check twitter who are paid black democrat shills have already dismissed the CWBA as not being inclusive of black women and LGBT. And those are the black people who the dems go to for the "pulse" of black america.


Sep 11, 2015
Nah he chose up already...ain't no doubling back. They talking to Killer Mike instead.

When did he chose not to meet with them after the election??

Can you post something that made you make this post of him saying he doesn't want to meet with Biden or Kamala and their team AFTER the election?

Biden won Breh, just like I told the other breh, stop with the lies

If your pistpost isn't lying, post the link of Cube saying he didn't want to meet up with them After the election

In fact Cube said that they, the dems wanted a one on one after

Are you lying, or not?


Sep 11, 2015
Biden and Kamala on the clock, we pass that on what Cube situation is

These folks on the clock, let's take notes on how good Black folks will be during this administration

Let's see what all they will do to specifically help blacks, Let's see if black folks condition improves or gets worse or stay the same

Someone start a thread from the day they take office and keep track of all what they done specifically to help blacks

Keep a list of that during their team and a list of what they will do for other groups specifically

Let's keep a record so we all can be on code that these ppl are just as bad as the Trumps, Bushes, and everyone else